This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 283 Confused ... girl?

Chapter 283 A Confused Girl? (two in one)

Pushing open the door, Erma ran over, almost bumping into Zhou Li.After a sudden brake, Elma leaned in front of Zhou Li and excitedly said to him: "Zhou Li, Zhou Li, Ah Zi and the others are coming back."


Zhou Li handed the clothes to Elma, and asked curiously, "Did they hand over the clothes so quickly?"

"Well, I heard from Ah Zi and the others that a missionary from the Church of Literature came back from other places. With the help of that missionary, the transfer of finances was completed within one day."

Zhou Li was taken aback for a moment. He put his hat on the hanger and continued to ask, "A missionary from the Church of Literature? Who is it?"

"It seems... um... It seems to be a man named Adam. I heard that he used to teach at Magnum [-] University, and he rushed back to Jordan overnight after hearing the drastic changes in Jordan."

No wonder.

After hearing this name, Zhou Li suddenly realized.The name Adam may not be well-known now, but he knows that in 12 years, the man with this name will write a masterpiece that can change most countries-"The Wealth of Nations".

If Zhou Li hadn't met Adam before, and secretly tried it a few times, he would even think that this genius came from the same earth as himself, but the timing might be a little strange.

"Good thing, it's better to come back soon."

Walking into the living room, Zhou Li slumped on the sofa without any image, looked at Elma beside him, and lazily said: "Queen Xiaoai, your subjects are hungry, do you think about rewarding me with a bite? "

"Hey hey hey~~"

Hearing Zhou Li's flattery without any real feelings, Elma smiled foolishly. She stretched out her hand and wiped her small nose, then pinched her waist with one hand, and looked at Zhou Li with cute little pride. Li said: "Come here, my empress invites you to have a meal together, you are not allowed to refuse!"

"Good good."

With a slight smile on his face, Zhou Li stood up and followed Alma to the restaurant unsteadily.

"Newly learned, barbecued pork rice!"

From the incubator on the side, I took two plates of ruddy char siu rice bowls. Elma put one of them in front of Zhou Li, then sat next to Zhou Li, and said with a smile: "I saw the oriental cookbook I bought yesterday. I’ve been wanting to cook this meal for you since I saw the picture of it, so hurry up and taste it.”

"Thank you for the Queen's reward."

Zhou Li pretended to pray at first, then picked up the fork under the urging of the red-eared Elma, and stuffed the char siu pork with the soup into his mouth.After chewing for a while, he slowly stretched out his hand under the watchful eye of Erma, who was holding her chin and smiling innocently.

Showed a thumbs up.

"Hey, I just said I'm a genius!"

This time, the black queen Elma raised her little head proudly, her graceful jawline is as beautiful as a work of art, "I've only watched a few demos, and I have read the book twice, three, six times at most! I will reproduce it With such delicious char siew, I... your queen, am I amazing?"

"Yes, yes, the queen is the most powerful."

Zhou Li smiled and continued to eat the food in front of him, a look of relief flashed across his lowered face.After losing the power of the Black Emperor, he realized how much the Black Emperor had subtly affected his mood.

After Roja's death, Zhou Li's anger had been polluted by the power of the Black Emperor to an extreme point. If he hadn't suppressed his anger and made the move of handing over the Black Emperor to Elma, Zhou Li Can't imagine what will happen to me afterwards.

At least, I will never let Magnum III's high blood pressure be relieved.

After Zhou Li handed over the authority to Elma, Zhou Li began to accompany Elma day and night.He kept observing whether Elma was influenced by the Dark Emperor, and whether her personality changed.However, after so many days of observation, Zhou Li came to an astonishing conclusion.

The Dark Emperor seems to like Elma very much.

Just like a strict father got a well-behaved and lovely daughter, the more harsh and violent he is to outsiders, the more he will love his daughter.So far, not to mention affecting Elma's emotions, the power of the Black Emperor even took the initiative to strip away the negative power absorbed from Zhou Li's body before, deliberately making himself more pure, as if he was afraid of accidentally hurting Elma.

Moreover, Elma's control over the power of the Black Emperor has reached the point where Zhou Li is even angry. The reason for his anger is that he has found a power with double standards than himself.My previous manipulation of the black mist was nothing more than to irritate others and make them lose their minds.

As for Elma, she was able to let the black mist help her precisely control the seasoning, making it accurate to the gram!
It’s even purposefully accurate to the microgram!
Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the double-standard behavior of the Black Emperor, Zhou Li let go of the huge rock in his heart because of this.

Of course, there is another problem that bothers Zhou Li.

After flattering Queen Elma and letting her wash the dishes with the people, Zhou Li returned to his room.He spread out the Brave Exclusive, and soon, a line of ink words appeared on it.

(Oh, you still remember me, because you and your new sister got on good terms, I forgot about our yellow flower yesterday)
Looking at the words full of resentment with black lines all over his face, Zhou Li twitched the corners of his mouth, with a look of disgust on his face, "Can you not disgust me? Why don't you play Dream of the Red Chamber here? Do you want me to give you a shovel to bury it?" Hua, do you want to mention another poem?"

(Forget it, dude can't write poetry)

"Then turn the page quickly, I can't wait."

Zhou Li rubbed his hands together and turned the book to a new page.This brand new page is incompatible with the other pages exclusive to the brave. Whether it is texture or text, there is an incomprehensible sense of treachery.However, in Zhou Li's eyes, these weird characters are as easy to recognize as Chinese.

(The biggest gains from your trip to Yingnan are here, go see for yourself)

Nodding his head, Zhou Li put his hand on this unique page of paper, closed his eyes, and felt the gift they left him.

(Twelve Twelve Cards - Six Fantasy Killers)
A card engraved with a strange pattern slowly fell into Zhou Li's hand. It was a silver card with only a pen piercing the paper.That pen doesn't have any engravings, it's just an extremely ordinary pen that almost everyone uses.

Caressing the lines on the silver card, Zhou Li gently turned it over, and on the back of the card, a book covered in magnificent colors appeared in front of his eyes.

(Twelve Twelve Cards - Rhapsody of Disordered Souls)

He put the card in his hand, and then looked at the content on the brave man's exclusive.

(Fantasy Killer: God's Weapon)
(Ability: You can kill all illusions)
"What do you mean?"

Zhou Li was taken aback looking at the cloudy description above, then he looked at the vase beside him and activated the power to pierce reality.

Nothing happened.

"Forget it, let's see the next one."

After making some guesses, Zhou Li knew that he couldn't measure this ability now, so he directly looked at the power introduction on the other side of the card, which was also the most important purpose of his trip.

(Rhapsody of the Soul: Out of Order)
(Ability: Control it, control the soul like a madman)

The introduction of the power of Soul Rhapsody is more like what the god of literature left for himself, Zhou Li chuckled.He knew that this ability was the God of Literature's reward for him, and it was also his expectation for himself.

Now, he knows Elma's life experience, and also knows that her missing half soul is the memory of previous lives.Because of Elma's special physique, she obviously lost half of her soul, but she became more pure and perfect.Therefore, the power of this soul rhapsody seemed to be a useless ability for Zhou Li.

But, don't forget, Kaya still has a twelve quarter card on her body.

With Rhapsody, Zhou Li has the confidence to find the card that plays a vital role in his future plans without hurting Kaya.Now, he just needs to wait quietly.

(I didn't expect you to actually hand over the Black Emperor to her)

"If you drag it on, I'm afraid I will become a monster."

Between the flips, the cards returned to be exclusive to the brave.Looking at the exclusive words of the brave, Zhou Li sighed helplessly, "At that time, I only had a real chance of winning if I let Elma control the Book of Gaia. I have the confidence to defeat the fake, but I can't Evil confrontation like locusts."

(You lost the Black Emperor, aren't you going to see the strength left by the other brave men?)
"of course."

Zhou Li nodded, but then shook his head again, "Wait for now."

"Chonghuang's power is enough to deal with the current situation. I will go to the Twilight Forest in a few days. I will feel more at ease there."

Moon stars are rare.

It was night, and Torreia was standing on the top floor of the bell tower of the palace.She looked at the full moon like a jade plate with fascination, her expression was a little dazed.

Lately, Torea hasn't been feeling well.

It wasn't because she cleaned the palace for more than a week, it was not difficult for her, even she didn't use the power brought by her profession to punish herself, and cleaned every inch of the palace extremely meticulously, which was better than spending money to hire Everyone must be careful.But to her, it was just a trivial matter.

Her real trouble is Zhou Li.

Of course, Toreya was not bored or disliked Zhou Li.Even if Zhou Li told her some things that were not suitable for children to the extreme, targeted her when he had nothing to do, and disgusted her tirelessly every day, she still didn't feel disgusted towards Zhou Li.

Even if there is, it's just a little bit, a little bit, a little bit.

The main reason why Toreya indulged Zhou Li so much was that she saw herself in Zhou Li.

Yes, if Zhou Li knew what Torreya was thinking, he would definitely laugh three times, and then set up a banquet to celebrate that Torreia became the first person in history to become an imbecile after time travel from today.Whether it is from appearance to personality, or even the way they walk, these two people are diametrically opposed to each other.

Zhou Li has a standard oriental appearance, with black hair and black pupils, his face is like a crown of jade but not at all feminine.His smile is always a bit reserved, but everyone can see the surging power from this reserved smile.On weekdays, he never skimped on his expression and voice, spoke loudly, and expressed his emotions with expressions without any scruples. He was like a sun emitting nuclear pollution, which made people love and hate.

Torreya is completely different from him, her facial features are very three-dimensional, but she doesn't have any sharp feeling.She has silver hair like a bright galaxy, but also has breathtaking red eyes.Torreiya hardly showed any expression on weekdays, and she rarely spoke. Except for necessity, she always stood in a corner like a transparent person, which also caused Magnum III a headache.

Just like this, from head to nails, they couldn't find the slightest similarity between the two people, but Toreya felt a familiar aura from Zhou Li.For Torea, she felt that Zhou Li was really similar to herself.

The same loneliness, the same persistence.

Toreya has never been able to see through Zhou Li. She doesn't know how this outrageously young boy has the temperament that can only be possessed after surviving the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.She didn't understand why Zhou Li's thoughts and abilities were incompatible with this world, but he played with the world with applause.She didn't know whether Zhou Li was good or evil, and she didn't know what he was doing.

But Toreya will never forget that on a rainy night in Jordan, she saw Zhou Li's profile by candlelight.It was a kind of isolation from the world, and that kind of loneliness made people feel hopeless in their hearts.At that moment, Toreya seemed to see herself in Zhou Li, the same lonely self.

Of course, if Zhou Li hadn't put a bucket on the door for Christine, Torreya would have been emotional for a long time.

In the previous days, Toreya seldom felt emotionally fluctuated by Zhou Li's words or actions.She has been thinking calmly, listening to every word Zhou Li said to her.Because even if she feels that she is as lonely as Zhou Li, she is still a stranger after all.

However, in the war in Jordan, when Zhou Li and Elma fought against False side by side, Torreia was shocked by Zhou Li.

What is he obsessed with?
People who obviously like to have everything in their hands, but give the power they rely on to others.The brave man who is always lonely, but without any scruples, he handed over his back to the messenger of the gods.It should be the story of a brave man defeating a demon king, but with the will and pride of mankind, he defeated the ancient gods and the frightening evil spirit with the expectations of countless people.

But what is he for?What is it that makes him so persistent?Why was Zhou Li able to get out of that eternal loneliness, dare to accept the expectations and hopes of others and fight a monster that seemed impossible to defeat?

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

Torreia knew that she was the "Son of God" conceived from the best seeds on Noah's planet, and her talent was beyond the reach of 90.00% of Noah's people.But after she came to this world, she could never learn to get rid of this eternal loneliness, even if she was surrounded by thousands of people, even if she was admired by thousands of people, she would still be like this.

How can I get rid of this loneliness?

 Thank you for the 3000 coins
(End of this chapter)

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