This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 284 Zhou Li and Eluma

Chapter 284 Zhou Li and Eluma
What would Zhou Li do if he knew that Torreya was in a state of confusion because of him?

Answer: Laugh, crazily.

Lonely?Lonely hook eight!

The reason why Zhou Li's expression was sad that rainy night was purely because Elma cooked too much rice and he ate it, which had something to do with loneliness.

If Zhou Li is the only thing that can be related to loneliness, it is that many times when he plays some bad memes that are only on the earth, no one picks up, just like Guo Degang without Yu Qian.

But the problem is, if Guo Degang has no one to support him, he may be lonely.If Zhou Li has no one to support him, he will be impatient, and then start using his extremely aggressive words to irritate the other party, so as to make himself happy.

Come on, happiness based on other people's pain is cool.

I don't know that Zhou Li is not as sentimental as imagined at all. Toreya just looks at the bright moon in the sky so engrossed, but Zhou Li and her hometown are constantly alternating in her mind.


This is the name of Torea's hometown.

It was a fantasy world. In Noah, magic is the existence that rules all things, and it is also the element that flows in the blood of every Noah.

In Torea's hometown, almost everyone can use magic.Elements, space, the sky, the earth, the Noahs use magic to control almost everything they can control.But they did not use these to conquer the world. On the contrary, the Noahs communicated with the will of the world and signed a treaty of coexistence.That is to say, Noah's consciousness will not attack human beings, and Noah's people will not destroy the world environment unscrupulously.

After signing this treaty, the Noah people developed rapidly.Because of the existence of magic, although the Noahs are very powerful individually, their political system is very backward.When Torreia was recommended by many tribes and became the chosen one of the "Gods Beyond Heaven" and came to this land, she deeply realized how backward the tribe's system in her hometown was.

In Noah, people are simply manipulating magic, at most they can only increase the range or precision of magic.However, the Noahs have never studied magic.They don't know what magic is or why it exists.Just use it because it is available.

In the entire unknown world, Torea, who traveled across the world, was soon endowed by the gods with a power unique to this world—professional.And Torea also quickly realized that the so-called professional is more like a magician who manipulates different attributes.But people in this world have significantly weaker magical talents than Noah. At first, Toreya thought that professionals in this world were so fragile.

When Torreya came into contact with Magnum and began to learn the history of this world, she was surprised to find that even if the professionals in this world do not have extremely high magical talents, if Noah really starts a war with this world, The loser will definitely be Noah.

A highly developed political system, highly exploratory professionals, and professional trade unions performing their duties.In this world, people are constantly searching for the root of professional power, trying to find a way to conquer the power of professionals.Under the research of countless scientists, a system called "Magic Technology" has spread in this world.

After coming into contact with Magic Technology, Torea was surprised to find that a weak silver-level professional could manipulate Magic Technology to destroy rocks and mine minerals.In her world, those who can work on obtaining minerals are generally bright-level magicians, because only they can destroy hard rocks and accurately obtain the ores in them.

Only magic that can be manipulated by ordinary people is good magic.

Torreya still remembered what Zhou Li said, and she understood that her world might really have gone into a misunderstanding.When she was pulled into the starry sky by the gods, Toreya realized how ignorant her people were.They imprisoned themselves in a small planet, but they dare not look up to see how vast the universe outside is.

If I really saved Noah this time, I must let them look up at the starry sky.

There are many thoughts, but in the end they are reduced to a short one.But it was this jade belt-like thought that gradually dissipated Toreya's original confusion.She stretched out her hand and rubbed her cheek like Elma did to her, and Toreya stood up, no longer hesitating as before.

Turn over and land on the ground lightly like a feather.Toreya took the broom beside her, and she pulled the corners of her mouth, trying to make a smile, but failed.

Forget it, no one wants to see it.

Zhou Li's mansion has returned to its former...noisy state.

Lin Zi and the others are back.

The days when I was alone with Elma were the same as usual except that Elma prefers to cook with black mist.But after a while, Elma and Zhou Li felt a little bored.Without the noisy Lin Zi, without the voice of Ai Yin's tongue-in-cheek Ai Wei, Zhou Li is still a little lonely.

However, when they really came back, Zhou Li changed his name to Ye Gong from then on.

"Zhou Li Zhou Li Zhou Li Zhou Li Zhou Li Zhou Li Zhou Li!!!"

It seems that it was the trend brought about by Elma, Lin Zi and Kaya began to like the activity of repeating Zhou Li's name many times so that he could quickly reply.Zhou Li pushed open the door with a numb face, lowered his head, looked at the two girls who were about the same height and said calmly: "Your sister Elma went to buy food for you, I know you are very excited to come back, but at three o'clock in the morning This time is still a bit dark, I don't recommend you to disturb your neighbors."

"It's okay, my sister bought the house next door, and she's here too, planning to live here forever."

The heroic girl passed by and waved her hand, signaling that she also came to Silver City.


Zhou Li was stunned for a moment, then asked curiously: "Miss Lin Ling, are you not going to continue investigating Yingnan?"

"Yingnan's clues have been interrupted, and there is no point in continuing the investigation. Moreover, my current identity has been exposed, and staying in Yingnan will only leave a hole."

Lin Ling and Lin Zi are not like sisters. Lin Zi has long purple hair like a waterfall, and red-gold eyes with a faint blush. They are extraordinarily luxurious, and they are as lovable as a perfect porcelain doll in front of outsiders.Lin Ling was the complete opposite. Her purple hair was just a shawl, and her eyes were pure gold.She is more restrained than Lin Zi. Although her appearance is equally outstanding, if Lin Ling does not speak, few people will notice her.

"Well, yes, the political turmoil in southern England is now, and it is easy to go wrong if you stay there."

Zhou Li nodded in agreement. Zhou Li still admired Lin Ling, a rich woman who was so rich that the United Chamber of Commerce would tremble.After all, Lin Ling is really paid and able to deal with him.

"Kaya, where are your sister and brother?"

At this time, Zhou Li thought of the Al brothers and sisters.Kaya's personality is relatively quiet, very similar to Ain who Zhou Li called "Standard Blonde Tsundere".After hearing Zhou Li's inquiry, Kaya raised her head and said softly to Zhou Li:
"My brother wanted to drive by himself because he was bored, but he almost threw sister Ain out of the magic car. Brother Aiwei should be shopping with his sister now."


At this time, it was Lin Zi and Lin Ling's turn to be stunned. They both looked at Kaya and asked in unison, "Why did you go shopping?"

"Sister Ain said that the durians at home have run out, and she wants to buy some."

Lin Zi wanted to continue asking, but Lin Ling couldn't hold back and almost laughed out loud. She quickly covered Lin Zi's mouth and whispered something in her ear.After a while, Lin Zi was also happy.

"These two enemies."

Zhou Li shook his head angrily and amusedly. He also understands Ivy, just like Roja, who is also addicted to technology.

"By the way, where is Linghai?"

"Oh, Xiao Hai."

In the living room, Ah Zi, who was dumping the luggage with Kaya, patted the dust on her hands, and after thinking for a while, she said to Zhou Li: "She said she was going to find Elder Sister Eluma, because she might not be able to get the things she bought too much. .”


Speaking of this, Zhou Li sat on the sofa and complained to everyone: "Let me tell you, you don't need Xiaohai at all. Now, the Black Emperor is like your sister Elma's own father. Help her with everything, big or small. Now Elma is obsessed, and she started to study how to use black mist to heat the bread dough evenly."

Every time he mentioned this, Zhou Li would always thump the armrest of the sofa, and said heartbroken: "Do you think this is a double standard? Is this a double standard! I don't have any restraint of a black emperor, and I'm still an emperor. I'm not as good as a horse." Glam III!"

"Uh uh."

After Lin Zi took out a portable storage box, she looked at Zhou Li speechlessly, and then said angrily and amusedly, "Let me ask you, what would happen to you if Sister Eluma threw herself into your arms now?"

"Hold her, what else can you do?"

Zhou Li said it as a matter of course, and then Lin Zi put the box on the ground, and continued to ask Zhou Li: "Then what if it is Magnum III?"


"Chop it finely into simmered meat, not half lean nor half fat."

Zhou Li's answer was completely within Lin Zi's expectation, she bounced up to Zhou Li, put a handful of toffee in Zhou Li's hand with a smile, "Look, aren't you similar to the Black Emperor? "

Faced with Lin Zi's sophistry, Zhou Li stuffed two toffees into his mouth expressionlessly.After tasting the familiar smell of honey and milk, Zhou Li chose to let Lin Zi live.

"Oh, by the way, since you are back, go out with me tomorrow."

Zhou Li was eating melon seeds, suddenly remembered something, and said to Lin Zi and the others: "Don Quixote is going to send the body of his comrade-in-arms back to his hometown. I want to accompany her on the last part of the journey. Are you going?"

"Of course I'm going."

Throwing her quilt on the bed, Lin Zi said to Zhou Li after leaving the room: "Guardian Shield is a hero worthy of respect, I must go."

"me too."

At this time, Lin Ling, who had cleaned up the empty room, came over and said with respect: "Miss Tang is almost the most perfect knight I have ever seen, and her legion is all heroes who abide by the code of knights. I have to go."

"Don Quixote told me not to bring any gifts or sacrifices. Their legion's funeral is very simple, just bring a white flower."

Just then, the door was pushed open.

"Oh, are you back?"

Elma pushed open the door with a smile on her face, and Hei Wu at the side was carrying big and small bags, faithfully following behind Erma.Ling Hai on the side was obviously at a loss, after all, she had never seen the black mist that she paid for.

Yes, Black Mist can also be used as a wallet.

"Sister Elma!!"

Obviously, Lin Zi likes the gentle and beautiful Elma from the bottom of her heart.She threw herself directly on Elma, and smiled happily: "Did you miss me? Did you miss me? It's been more than a month!"

"Think about it."

Elma pampered Lin Zi's head, she manipulated the black mist to put down the big and small bags, and then said to Lin Ling with a smile: "Miss Lin Ling, last time I wanted you to try my handicraft but didn't Opportunity. Now it seems that the opportunity has come."

"Nice to meet you, of course, I am also looking forward to your craft."

For Elma, whom Lin Zi loves very much, Lin Ling has no jealousy.On the contrary, she also likes this lovable girl.


Zhou Li on the side raised his hand unsteadily, and said weakly, "I got up too early, I'm hungry."

"So many excuses~"

Elma stretched out her hand and pinched Zhou Li's nose, with a warm smile on her face, "But that's all I have to do."

After entering the kitchen, Elma began to skillfully handle the ingredients.Not to be outdone, Hei Wu began to process the meat.

"You and Ms. Elma have a very good relationship."

Lin Ling sat in front of Zhou Li. As a newcomer to the brave team, she didn't feel too restrained. Maybe it was because she was born to observe other people's expressions as a businessman, or maybe it was because she simply liked her sister here.


Zhou Li nodded and admitted, "That's right."

"When are you two going to get married?"

Zhou Li was stunned by a question.At the same time, Erma in the kitchen was also stunned.


After a long time, Zhou Li spat out a single syllable.

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?"

Obviously, the surprise on Lin Ling's face was not a disguise, she really thought that Zhou Li and Alma had been dating for a long time.In other words, this is the common cognition of most people.

From the perspective of others, Zhou Li and Elma are a perfect couple.They would tease each other and be noisy.Their days together may be dull, but with a smooth beauty.

Every evening like in the past, Zhou Li pushed open the door, and Eluma took his clothes and hung them on the hanger, and then asked some questions with a smile, or made some jokes with Zhou Li.Then they would come to the dining room, eat the meals prepared by Elma, and then have an unresolvable dispute about washing the dishes, which would end with Zhou Li losing after 1 minute.

The most important thing is that no one can forget that when the terrifying figure like a hill roared and prepared to kill Zhou Li, it was the girl who looked like a vase in people's eyes, who stood behind Zhou Li with firm courage. before.

Elma has never been Zhou Li's vassal, not in the past, not in the future, never will be.

Zhou Li owns Elma, and Elma also owns Zhou Li.

 Thank you for the 10000 point coins from Xiwei
(End of this chapter)

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