This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 292 Equivalent is justice!

Chapter 292 Equivalent is justice!

After Zhou Li told the knights about Gerost's legendary and tragic life, the audience fell into a long silence.

These warriors who joined the Guardian Shield with enthusiasm understood Zhou Li's meaning. A hero who can be called a savior like Gerost will be betrayed by people with bad intentions. The world is never fair. The goodwill of others can only be exchanged for the malice of others.

"I'm not here this time to make you give up the virtue of chivalry, it's unrealistic."

Zhou Li looked at these soldiers with a little confusion on their faces. He knew that these people had long admired a hero like Gerald, but the darkness behind Gerald made these people who were always bright fear.

"After you become guardian knights, you are destined to maintain a righteous heart. This is not a bad thing. However, if you do not know how to adapt and keep pace with the times because of justice, then this is a bad thing."

Zhou Li stood up, walked to a huge box, opened the lid, took out a 60cm caliber heavy impact gun, pointed at this weapon full of killing aesthetics, and said with compassion: "Think about it, if you Gerost has this thing, can those nobles harm him? Dare to harm him?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and then they felt a little reasonable.

"Think about it again, if Gerost has [-] magic-guided micro-enrichment and forbidden collapse devices hidden in his home, can those grotesques break through his defense? Can they enter his body?"

Seeing the bomb device that could destroy a three-story building being thrown up and down in front of them, these knights felt some indescribable emotions boiling up in their hearts.

"Of course, I'm not denying Gerald, because he didn't have these things but he still repelled the grotesque. Sufficient supplies, he will solve the eerie disaster faster and earlier."

Putting the collapse device aside, Zhou Li pulled out a standard standard burst burst rifle, loaded it, raised the gun, aimed at a target not far away and pulled the trigger.In an instant, the flames splashed everywhere, and the muffled sound compressed by the sound circle continued to sound. In the blink of an eye, the human-shaped target used for sword practice was torn into pieces and fell on the ground.

"In the previous training, I understand how you felt sorry for the gold coins and chose to fight with swords. After all, you think you can do this with sword energy. There is no need to spend money on bullets that cost one silver coin and one magazine, right? "

Putting away the Explosive Rifle, Zhou Li blew the white smoke from the muzzle of the gun, then looked at the crowd, and said in a loud voice, "That shit doesn't make sense."

"Life is more important than money?"

"Can't tell which is more important?"

Zhou Li threw the explosive rifle in front of everyone. The friction sound when this expensive magic gun touched the ground made everyone's teeth ache. They looked at the ten gold coin-worth weapon on the ground with distress, but they didn't know What to say.

"Sword qi is easy to use, but sword qi will consume your physical strength. The gravity circle on this gun can even fit a three-year-old child, and you can use it as light as nothing. On the battlefield, you collectively use a round The suppressing force caused by the sword energy may exceed the suppressing force of the gun, but the gun can fire ten rounds of salvo, can you shoot ten rounds of sword energy in a short time?"

Faced with Zhou Li's questioning, everyone lowered their heads in shame, while Don Quixote's eyes showed a pensive look.They understand that sword energy may have more lethality and suppression than these firearms.But as long as the firearm has bullets, it can shoot continuously, but I can't use the extremely energy-consuming sword energy continuously.

"What I want is never a knight who shouts for justice, mounts his horse and raises his sword to charge. That's treating you as consumables, and my conscience feels bad."

Patting himself on the chest, Zhou Liyi said sternly: "What I need is an elite magic army. You need to learn how to use firearms, learn to use the collapse device to blast the enemy's dense points, and learn to use various magic forces. Weapons. Coupled with your strong physique and righteous heart, I believe you will become the strongest legion in this era."

In fact, the world has always had a strange attitude towards magical weapons.In other words, God's attitude towards magic technology is strange enough.

In this world, magic technology is a technology developed by human beings independently of the gods, and the church's attitude towards this technology is also very ambiguous.They will not explicitly prohibit the use of magic technology, but they do not encourage anyone to use magic technology.As a result, even if the research and development of mobile weapons has never stopped, most countries only deploy such weapons on a small scale, and they don't even dare to let their elite legions use these weapons.

In the previous life, Zhou Li had little contact with these matters, so he didn't know that the magical weapons in this world had reached such a point.If Zhou Li hadn't come into contact with the arsenal during the trip to Yingnan, he would not have realized how great the potential of magic weapons in this world is.

Therefore, after returning to Magnum, Zhou Li, who had nothing to do, began to focus on building an army that combines technology and fantasy, and his favorite is the Guardian Shield.This legion has extraordinary willpower, extraordinary physique and strong talent.Most importantly, this team does not believe in gods and will not be hindered by unspoken rules.

"From now on, everyone, one hundred magazines are empty, and no bullets are allowed."

Patting the box next to him, Zhou Li looked around at these fighters who seemed to have changed, and ordered loudly: "As of nine o'clock tonight, whoever has bullets in their guns, I will collectively buy one for everyone in the same team." A big meal worth fifteen gold coins. Others follow suit, of course..."

"The money will be deducted from the account of your chief Don Quixote!"

With these words, Don Quixote's healthy wheat-colored face instantly turned pale.Originally listening with relish, she looked at Zhou Li, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something.But when she saw Zhou Li's "believe me" eyes, Don Quixote swallowed reluctantly, and became silent.

Of course, this sentence also brought shock to the other soldiers of Guardian Shield.As Don Quixote's comrades-in-arms, they certainly knew that Don Quixote was poor enough.She didn't have much economic acumen, after getting a lot of wealth, she put it all into the Guardian Shield. Everyone's military salary, treatment and gifts from relatives have been raised several times, but Don Quixote himself didn't keep money. The next gold coin, or give yourself a raise.

This is an invisible war.

Thinking of the wallet of Don Quixote's army commander who lived and lived pennilessly at Zhou Li's house, everyone's expressions suddenly became solemn.They saluted Zhou Li uniformly and shouted impassionedly:

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"That's good."

Zhou Li nodded in satisfaction. He knew that these people would not accept softness or toughness, so this moral kidnapping was enough.He stretched, then looked around, and dropped a sentence in every possible way,

"Just aim at places where no one is around. It doesn't matter if you hit empty shots. What you need is that you get used to the sound of gold coins falling on the ground."

Then, with his arms folded, Zhou Li staggered away from the shooting range he had transformed, and returned to his home.Don Quixote stayed behind, monitoring the guardian shields with a heart full of sorrow, silently praying in his heart that he could save his life with only fifteen gold coins left in his wallet.

"Hello, old man."

Crouching in front of the house, Zhou Li turned on the communicator that Yingnan bought. When Magnum III's face full of old folds and wrinkles appeared on the screen, Zhou Li burst into a smile.

"Why did you send me a message at this time?"

The reason why Magnum III asked this was because the time when Zhou Li sent him a message was so normal that it frightened him.After all, Zhou Li's favorite thing to do before was to send him text messages in the middle of the night.

"Look at you, why are you so scared?"

At this time, Magnum III's face was full of vigilance, and he almost wrote the words "fuck after farting" on his face.Zhou Li exchanged a few pleasantries first, then smiled and said to him:

"My buddy did an experiment for you, do you want to listen to it?"

"Do not want to."

Without even thinking about it, Magnum III directly rejected Zhou Li.Although a good day was over from the moment he met Zhou Li, he didn't want his day to turn into a bad day.

Who knows what abstract art Zhou Li will show him.

"You have to think about it if you don't want to."

Zhou Li waved his hand domineeringly, and then he showed Magnum III the weapon in his hand, and then said to him proudly, "I've done it here."

"What became?"

Magnum III was at a loss, but when he saw the magic gun in Zhou Li's hand and the Legion Medal on Zhou Li's chest, he immediately understood what Zhou Li meant.The king, who had long thought of equipping his army with magic weapons, was suddenly agitated.He looked at Zhou Li and asked in a low voice:

"Have you equipped them with magical weapons?"

"At least so far, there have been no changes of the gods. There is no thunder rolling, and there is no danger of a yin and yang person who doesn't know where to give me a science-popular magic device. I think I have succeeded."

In fact, Zhou Li was able to obtain these weapons because of Magnum III's secret support.This gray-haired old man had planned to use weapons to promote the improvement of the army a long time ago, when the magic weapon was only in its infancy, but was soon forced to stop this behavior because of the church's eccentricity and hints.

After noticing that Zhou Li had started buying magic weapons for [-] people, Magnum III quickly deduced that Zhou Li also wanted to hand over the magic weapons to his legion.After discovering this, Magnum III secretly approved all of this, and gave Zhou Li a lot of convenience. Even Lin Zi and Ain couldn't understand why so many people were willing to sell these weapons at low prices. It is true that the market for mobile weapons is too narrow, and they all want to sell them off.

"Can it be promoted?"

Magnum III pondered for a moment, and then asked Zhou Li: "Even if it's not a comprehensive promotion, it's just a few key legions, can you help me?"

"I don't know."

Zhou Li shook his head, frowned and said to Magnum III: "You also know that I have a special status. They may just turn a blind eye to my legion. If it were your legion, I would Not sure if they will take action to stop the promotion of magic weapons."

"What about the roundabout way?"

After all, he is a king, Magnum III quickly thought of other ways, "For became the instructor of one of my legions?"

"Okay, but are you worried?"

A mocking look appeared on Zhou Li's face, and Magnum III understood what Zhou Li meant.If Zhou Li was really appointed as the instructor of a certain legion, and he was allowed to be in charge of the team's training, then within a month, Magnum III could conclude that this army could be abandoned by himself.

He had seen Zhou Li's brainwashing skills before.

"Of course, I didn't call you just to mock you and give you a heart attack."

After hearing Zhou Li's words, Magnum III, who has always been calm, almost swears.Of course, Zhou Li didn't care about this, and said to himself: "I can still give you a perfect solution."


"Don't forget, you also have a goddaughter, my future replacement."

As soon as these words came out, a light flashed in Magnum III's mind.

Yes, Torea!Like Zhou Li, she also has a special relationship with the gods. Zhou Li can play well, why can't Torea?

Thinking of this, Magnum III was about to laugh and turn off the communicator when he suddenly had another question.

No, Zhou Li is a traitor of the gods, and now he is on the same front as himself.But Torea is different. The previous temptations gave Magnum III a deep understanding of this upright girl. He concluded that this girl is on the side of the gods. Will refuse to help myself build a legion that the gods do not allow.

"Heh, do you think I'm sending you newsletters for charity, to help you solve problems? Do you think I'm a blue cat?"

Zhou Li sneered, looking at Magnum III who had a somewhat troubled expression in front of him, he said, "I came to you today and told you this news in order to get you to agree to two conditions."

"The first is to be responsible for the training consumption of my legion. Of course, I will hand over these training experiences to you, and teach them all for the legion you will form later. I will not hide anything."

This condition did not make Magnum III hesitate for too long, he nodded and agreed.Anyway, he had also calculated the number of people and consumption rate of Zhou Li's army. Unless each of them fired a hundred bullets a day, he would not lose money.


Zhou Li, who wasn't excited about Magnum III being tricked, kept calm and said, "Give me Torea."

"Give it now, I'll train her."

(End of this chapter)

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