This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 293 Deduct 1 and Free 2 Shizu, Let You Dress Up as Pigs and Eat Tigers

Chapter 293 Deduct 1 to send the low-energy second ancestor to let you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger
Torea has been feeling a little off lately.

It wasn't because he had swept the palace for nearly a week, nor was it because his professional level had stagnated recently.For her, these are just insignificant and trivial things on the road of experience, which is not enough for outsiders.

Recently, Toreya has always had a premonition that she has already left Zhou Li's side and came to a familiar environment, but she always feels a strange atmosphere inexplicably.Just like Zhou Li is not around, but his voice is everywhere.

Weird, very weird.

At first, Toreya thought that she had been lowered by Zhou Li, or that he had cast a spell to control people's hearts.But she had an examination, and the god-given level healer said she had never seen such a healthy body, and then she let it go.

Later, Torea began to discover the root of the matter.

Magnum III, seems to have been assimilated.

Just like a person has been fighting against a nocturnal enemy, after a long time, this person will start to get closer to his enemy's habits and get used to the nocturnal life.Torea, who was used to learning how to govern the country in the main hall, found that the recent Magnum III began to move closer like Zhou Li.

Of course, the most intuitive result of such a change is that those congressmen began to dislike dealing with Magnum III.They also found that the words and deeds of Magnum III recently began to be a little strange. These congressmen couldn't tell what it was, but they felt uncomfortable when they came into contact with Magnum III. Over time, these people also began to respect Magnum III. .

"A bunch of insects! How did I maintain this country after being with this group of people for so many years? These people didn't think about where the healers repaired their brains in the past. At least adding some water is better than nothing now!"

With an inexperienced swearing tone, Magnum III was full of anger in front of the "Request for Strengthening the Monitoring of the Brave" in his hand, and did not hide his contempt for these meat eaters at all. After a few months of stable life in the country, and a conflict with the brave, are they worthy? Can they fight? Are they capable of going against Zhou Li?"

A series of rhetorical questions proved how fierce the anger in Magnum III's heart was at this time. He felt that these domestic opponents were a bunch of pickled bastards. No.

After writing the correction of "shit doesn't make sense" on this request, Magnum III threw the request aside.It may also be that Zhou Li's recent harassing calls made him angry, or it may be that he was really angered by these low-energy nobles. The number of Magnum III's anger has gradually increased recently, which is more stable than the stock market's decline.

"Why do these people challenge Zhou Li again and again?"

Toreya on the side finally couldn't bear the doubts in her heart, and asked Magnum III: "They have been defeated countless times by Zhou Li, and their strength has been greatly reduced. Why do they still provoke Zhou Li?"

Faced with Torea's question, Magnum III suppressed his anger and stroked his chest, glanced at the scroll on the ground, and replied angrily: "A few months ago, these old antiques were greatly weakened by Zhou Li because of their strength. , The reformists took the opportunity to come to power to shake up the parliament, and these old antiques were all assigned to idle positions without real power."

"After leaving the parliament, these old immortals did not follow my instructions to accumulate strength and live a stable life. On the contrary, these people started to stir up troubles in the country in order to find a way to return to the parliament and the power level. If these people had no noble inheritance, I would Can’t move, I’ve already sent them all away, how can there be so much nonsense.”

Magnum III rubbed the center of his brows. At this time, he looked very decadent, and his aging appearance was fully reflected in him. "These people have become my obstacles, and now I am helpless in this situation."

Torea on the side understood Magnum's situation, and she knew that Magnum III was a thorough reformist.Perhaps for his desire, or for the entire country, Magnum III has been secretly carrying out reforms.But because of Magnum's institutional problems, there are too many legacy nobles in this country. These people are pure conservatives. They chose to keep Magnum stagnant for their own interests, which also caused Magnum III a headache. for a long time.

"I am the worst one now, caught in the middle by three parties, and I am not human inside and out."

Rarely, Magnum III began to confide his difficulties to Torreia, "The conservatives want me to restore the feudal system, but the reformists are taking too many steps to withstand it. The most important thing is that now I Fearing that Zhou Li, the ticking time bomb, will be detonated, who knows what crazy things those impatient conservatives will do. Once Zhou Li is detonated, the consequences will be disastrous."

Maybe it was because Magnum III was born to look old, or maybe he was really old.After he finished speaking, a guard stumbled into the hall. Facing the gaze of the king and his confidants, the young man trembled all over and reported in horror:

"Your Majesty! General Karen failed to assassinate the brave man, and now 0 is being hanged on the city gate and beaten!"


This time, Rao Magnum III couldn't help standing up suddenly, and asked in astonishment: "Are you sure it's Karen? Think again?!"

"That's right, it's General Cullen."

The attendant was about to cry, and he didn't expect what happened today to be so explosive.Under his stuttering retelling, Magnum III and Torreya understood the cause and development of the story.

An hour ago, Zhou Li and Elma came to Silver City and wanted to go to the foreign trade market to buy some items.On the way to the foreign trade market, they ran into General Karen who was galloping on horseback.Karen's character is arrogant and conceited, and he doesn't pay attention to Zhou Li and Elma, who are dressed in ordinary clothes. Facing the two who don't avoid them, Karen, who is drunk and betting with others, directly throws the rein and rushes towards Zhou Li. away from the two.

Then, he was framed into the ground by Elma's black mist, including the man and the horse.Karen is still clamoring for his identity at this time, asking Elma to kowtow to him.

Then he was pulled up by Zhou Li, hung on the gate of Silver City and beaten.

This story can be said to have no turning point or foreshadowing. It is a story of a simple villain who offends a brave man and is pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger.But the problem here is that the pig here—Karen is a special pig.And the tiger is a destructive tiger equipped with an exoskeleton mecha.

After listening to the cause and effect, Magnum III's old face suddenly wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, and the breath of egg pain lingered around him.After a while, he slammed the throne hard, stood up, and said to Torreia:
"Come with me, Karen can't die."

In fact, this man named John Cullen was indeed a famous general, but all he had was notoriety.As the son of General John Kees, Karen, who inherited the title of his father who died of heart disease, is a complete second-generation ancestor. He likes pumas, hunting, walking birds, and is extremely good at bullying men and women.

Because of his father's reputation and connections, Karen, the darling of the old school, has never been tried.According to common sense, such a person is a pile of excrement in the eyes of Magnum III, the kind to be discarded at any time.But the problem is that Karen is a treasure for those conservatives, and also a lubricant for themselves and the conservatives. In many cases, the half-old and half-new Karen prevents many conflicts between the old and the new.

Therefore, even if Puma in Karen City drinks and causes troubles and bullies men and women, he still lives in style in the center of power in the City of Silver, because his backer is Magnum III, and there are a lot of nobles, and there is no Magnum. People can touch him.

Of course, Zhou Li is neither a Magnum nor a human being.He is a hero from another world, a monster.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?"

Beside the gate of the Silver City, Zhou Li raised his head, looked at Karen who was hanging in the air with a terrified expression, and said sadly: "Do you know that in order to wait for a low-energy second ancestor like you, I wandered around this Silver City How many times?"

Facing this second-generation ancestor who was low-energy to a certain level, Zhou Li didn't feel much anger. On the contrary, he only had the joy of a good harvest.

Elma on the side was holding a big bag of cream puffs, sipping and quickly eating the desserts from the East.The black mist on the side was carrying large and small bags, as if protecting Elma who was clicking like a hamster and standing in front.

"Put me down! Let me down! You are a brave man and you cannot violate the laws of the empire. You will go to jail! Go to jail!"

Even so, Karen, who has always been arrogant, has no intention of giving in. On the contrary, he resisted more fiercely, "What's the use of being a brave man? I tell you this is Magnum, Magnum! I am General Ka Ren, put me down immediately."

Seeing the arrogant and unrepentant Karen in front of him, Zhou Li's eyes became softer.He was full of joy as if he had seen a rare treasure.

"My buddy likes your temper. If you kowtow on your knees and beg for mercy right now, I'd be bored. Just for your good character, my buddy will assign you a unique skill of pouring gold."

Karen struggled even more after hearing Zhou Li's rude words.He kept shaking his body and blurting out obscene words, without paying attention to Zhou Li at all.

However, the more this happened, the more gentle and refined Zhou Li became.He didn't reply in any way, and even smiled all the time, without any fluctuations in expression.Slowly, Karen began to get scared, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his eyes began to retract.

"What are you doing?!"

At this time, there was a sudden commotion on the street not far away.The crowd who had gathered around to watch the excitement were immediately shocked when they saw the logo of the Silver City Defense Force, and then retreated to the side to continue watching the show.

The leader of the Silver City Defense Force, Levi's, was right, the Levi's who had been shattered by Zhou Li's "true and fake brave" mentality, stepped forward, and then saw a scene that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

How can a human, a carbon-based creature, make a 1080-degree spiral giant loop?

Levi's couldn't understand it, and neither could Karen who was looped.

"Master Brave, can you put this one down first? Our Silver City Defense Force will coordinate with you."

Faced with Levi's behavior of wanting to get along with Mui, Zhou Li stopped pouring the blazing ants in his hand into the pipe of Xunyoucao, turned his head, and said in a bad tone:?
"Let me tell you, you can fight with me, but you can't stop me from fighting, understand?"

Glancing at the blazing ants crawling around in the pipes, remembering the habit of the secluded grass that likes to get into small spaces, and looking at Karen with half of his trousers off, Levi felt that he was very interested in "playing around". "'s cognition was severely refreshed.

"You are involved in personal attacks. I suggest you communicate well and don't break the law."

Levi's said this sentence with difficulty, and of course, he also took a step back.The ghost knows whether Zhou Li, who has fallen into the entertainment mode, will change the target of being entertained to himself. Therefore, Levi's did not stop Zhou Li directly.

"Levi's! You reformist running dog! You've been annoyed with me for a long time. You don't deserve to be the lord of the Silver City! You don't deserve it! You won't be able to eat 99 dishes in your life, and you won't be able to become a great nobleman!"

After seeing a familiar person, Karen immediately returned to his arrogant form, and shouted: "If you don't save me, you will not be able to explain to the Conservative faction! You will not be able to explain where the king is! Save me, save me, let me go This madman."

Pointing to Karen who was shouting loudly, and shrugging helplessly, Zhou Li wrote everything on his face for Levi's to read.

At this time, Levi's had already scolded Karen thousands of times in his heart, and he had already made all the arrangements, so he would not have anything to do with Zhou Li anyway.This Karen insisted on galloping his horse in the city, and didn't have the eyes to run into Zhou Li.Doesn't he know who Zhou Li is? Doesn't he know that Zhou Li is a devil in the world that the king would avoid by three points?Why do you fight with others and get me involved as a kid.

Levi, who knew the importance of Karen, was in a dilemma. Helping Karen, he probably had a bad luck.If I don't help Karen, I think I will be in bad luck.

At this time, a group of well-dressed people appeared on the other side of the street.They all wore Magnum's Nobility Medal, and they looked very proud, of course, they also had unstoppable sullenness and deep-seated fear.

As a representative of the old nobleman, Karen's uncle Metz stepped forward.He raised his head without fear, and shouted to Levi: "Levi, as the lord of Silver City, you should understand the importance of the law. Now that someone has violated the law, what you should do is to stop this behavior and correct the behavior." Good citizens come down, understand?"

Father of all of you, you have the ability to fight Zhou Liheng!
Levi's face was expressionless, and his heart was full of grief and indignation.

(End of this chapter)

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