This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 294 Is Big Brother Really Delivering?

Chapter 294 Is Big Brother Really Delivering?

As the saying goes, when two armies are at war, they must be killed.But now Levi, who is standing among "Zhou Li, the conservatives, and the reformers", feels his heart is surging, his mouth is dry, and his head is dizzy.

At this moment, at this moment, he felt more tormented than when he was teased by Zhou Li's "true and fake brave".After all, even though he was humiliated by Zhou Li back then, all Magnum's nobles and kings were behind him as backers, so he knew it well.

But now, this backer not only doesn't work anymore, he even has to split half of it to open his head.As a professional wall-riding party, Levi's knows very well that the two most untouchable things in the City of Silver are the brave Zhou Li, and the battle between the two factions.

At this time, Levi's head was sweating profusely, and his mind was empty.He didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only stand there and worry.He also thought about asking Zhou Li to put Karen down, but when Levi saw Zhou Li's smiling expression, he dismissed the idea.But if I don't do anything, those old things behind will never let me go.

How to do?
Holding on to the last energy, Levi's bowed to Zhou Li, gritted his teeth, and tried his best to speak out, "Mr. Zhou Li, you can ask me if you have any requests. There is nothing that must be resolved by violence. You are right."


Zhou Li shook his head seriously, and said very firmly: "The strong man just wants to humiliate this kind of blind idiot, and I just want to stomp on his head hard."

Looking at Zhou Li who had unreasonable written on his face in front of him, Levi's mouth became more and more bitter.He felt the death stares of those old immortals behind him. They didn't dare to confront Zhou Li directly, so they could only save Karen by letting himself, the unlucky one.Now it seems that the more these immortals want to save Karen, the less Zhou Li wants them to succeed.

If Zhou Li kills Karen here, or makes him completely annihilated in the social sense, those old things who have accumulated countless resentments and anger towards Zhou Li will vent these viciously on themselves.If he had rescued Karen forcefully, he might be the one who was killed by Zhou Li or socially.

No, why am I the unlucky one.

"Don't embarrass him, there is no need."

The voice of Tian Lai sounded.

Levi's felt that his soul had been purified, and a kind of comfort from the depths of his soul made him involuntarily relieved.He felt his hands tremble a little, but calmed down in this magnetic and kind voice.He turned his head, and as expected, Magnum III in a shining golden robe was standing not far away, and Torea beside him was staring blankly at the scene in front of him, the two complemented each other very harmoniously.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Although these conservative parties were slightly dissatisfied with the radical Magnum III, they were Magnum's monarchs after all, so they still had to show face.After seeing Magnum III, all the people present knelt down on one knee in unison, as a courtesy to welcome the arrival of the king.

"Here's another one from the muddy one, right?"

At this time, Zhou Li perfectly interpreted the image of a rebellious courtier and a traitor. He belonged to the chosen rebel who used nine tripods to eat every day in ancient times.He folded his arms, raised his head, and looked at Magnum III with disdain, "You don't want me to let this kid go, do you?"

"if not?"

Magnum III glanced at Karen, who was a little ashamed, and a rare expression of indignation appeared on his eternally indifferent face.He stopped looking at Karen, his eyes fell on Zhou Li, and he said calmly, "He deserves to die, so let him go."

"Sin without death?"

Hearing Magnum III's words, Zhou Li raised his eyebrows and asked with a sneer: "Then let me ask you, if he rode his horse on the street just now and hit a pair of civilians instead of us, I ask You, will they survive?"

"So this pair of innocent civilians, do they deserve to die?"

Hearing this, Magnum III frowned.The faces of the conservatives behind him were not very good, and they looked at Karen with a little reprimand.After all, it was Karen who committed the crime this time. If it was normal, and the victim was given some money to manage things, this kind of thing would be nothing.But this time he happened to meet Zhou Li, one of the few people in this country who he couldn't mess with at all.

"Karen's father has made great contributions to this country, and he is also the orphan of a hero. Let him go, and I can compensate you."


Zhou Li tilted his head, his sharp eyes swept over the veteran nobles behind Magnum III.After meeting Zhou Li's sight, these people all shuddered and took a step back involuntarily.

"His father's credit?"

Looking at Magnum III, Zhou Li said to him in a sarcastic tone: "Then you have to give credit to the older generation. I think we need to talk about the Hede family."

Upon hearing this sentence, the complexions of those veteran nobles suddenly changed.The Hede family has always been a thorn in their hearts. As one of the oldest families, the Hede family, which is always against other nobles, has been suppressed. Most of them do not know the existence of this family until today.

This group of people knew that in terms of merit, don't go too far, the military exploits made by Don Quixote's father are enough to make Don Quixote a Duke, and it is not at all worthy of this little Earl. of.At this moment, those veteran nobles who had been arrogant because of the arrival of Magnum III suddenly fell silent, not knowing what to say.

Glancing at the old immortals behind him, Magnum III stopped some of them who wanted to make peace, and said to Zhou Li himself: "I will give you an explanation for the Hede family."

"Can't understand."

Zhou Li shook his head, and replied with a cold face: "Translate for me, what is an explanation?"

"I will give her the title, money, and people."

"I still don't understand."

A mocking smile appeared on Zhou Li's face, he glanced at Karen behind him, his words were full of chills, "Translate for me, what is title, what is money, what the fuck is called, man! "

Magnum III did not answer, he stared at Zhou Li firmly, and the aura of a superior from the king instantly diffused in the slightly crowded city gate.In an instant, except for Zhou Li and Elma, everyone else and even Torea felt inexplicable coercion. They felt the burning emotion in Magnum III's heart.

"I don't care what faction you are, what nobles you are. I don't care what kind of big man is the imbecile title behind him, and his dead father."

Zhou Li swept away the frivolity just now, and now his eyes swept across all the nobles present like a sharp dagger, his gaze made these people shudder, "I only know that this thing called Karen committed a crime. Riding horses in the city, deliberately murdering, insulting the monarchs of other countries, arresting and punishing for several crimes, even if he uses his title to pay for the crime, he will be the death penalty!"

"The duke does not go to death, this is our custom in Magnum!"

A courageous nobleman stood up and yelled at Zhou Li angrily.When he came back to his senses and fear surfaced in his heart, Zhou Li did not do anything to him as expected, he just looked at the nobleman who spoke and smiled ironically.With this smile, Magnum III's heart suddenly sank.


"There is no pardon for those who commit capital crimes. This is my custom."

A cold light flickered in Zhou Li's hands, and everyone knew that Zhou Li would definitely do what he said.At this time, Karen already felt that something was wrong. He found that this man named Brave didn't care about rules and worldliness at all. He was sincere and wanted to cut himself into pieces for breaking the law and kill himself.

At this time, he began to tremble, he was no longer as arrogant and domineering as before, Karen began to cry for help, begged for mercy, and began to tell about his drinking mistakes.However, Zhou Li ignored him, and just quietly looked at Magnum III, who had a cloudy expression in front of him.

"Your Majesty, Karen needs to be saved."

"Karen's father..."

Rusting voices sounded from behind Magnum III, and these nobles who started from the Karen family kept talking about the importance of Karen.Magnum III gritted his teeth and stared at Zhou Li with anger in his eyes.

"I'll translate for you."

Just when the cold light was about to pass over Karen's neck, Magnum III almost roared and shouted to Zhou Li: "I will translate for you!"

"Restore Don Quixote's duke title, compensate for 50 years of salary and subsidies, and allow her to reorganize a 500-man army."

As soon as these words came out, those old guys suddenly turned pale with fright.But after seeing poor Karen, they closed their dissuading mouths again, and Qiqi fell into silence.

"I don't understand, it's not enough!"

Zhou Li didn't have any intention of backing down, and kept pressing hard.

"You are giving her back what she deserves. What I want is compensation!"

The veins in Magnum III's neck bulged. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and promised Zhou Li almost word for word: "The Second Legion."

This time, those veteran nobles were completely blown away.If what Magnum III was talking about at this time was not the second army, these people would strongly oppose it, because they would not allow the national army to join Zhou Li's command, it would be tantamount to cutting meat and feeding eagles.

However, the nature of the Second Legion is different, they are legions belonging to the Magnum family.They are not so much soldiers as they are Magnum III's personal soldiers.The Second Legion was extremely loyal to Magnum III, and they did some shady things. Therefore, these veteran nobles wished that Magnum III would hand over this legion, and it was best to disband it.

In normal times, Magnum III handing over the Second Army would definitely be something they would love to hear.But now, they felt a burst of warmth.These people deeply realized that this Magnum III still tends to be old people like himself, and still attaches great importance to himself.

"Plus her."

Just when everyone thought the dust had settled at this time, Zhou Li did not agree to Magnum III's generous conditions.He stretched out his hand, pointing at the confused Torea, "Give her to me."


Regarding Zhou Li's request, Magnum III refused without hesitation: "I will never give her to you, Torreia!"

At this time, those veteran nobles were dumbfounded.They didn't understand why Magnum III could hand over the Second Army, but he valued Toreya so much.At this time, although Torreya gained a lot of international reputation because of the Muqi War, in Magnum, these old nobles still looked down on her, thinking that she was a stinky beggar from other places, and she was not old at all. silver man.

Even so, it is not easy for these people to persuade Magnum III to hand over Torreia at this time.After all, Magnum III had just cut off a large piece of meat. If he was asked to hand over Torea again, these people were afraid that Magnum III would join forces with Zhou Li in a fit of anger and get rid of them on the spot.

"Oh, impossible?"

Zhou Li raised his eyebrows and sneered, a silver light flashed in an instant, and a streak of blood appeared on Karen's neck.At this moment, those veteran nobles couldn't sit still. They started to yell loudly, but they didn't dare to dissuade Zhou Li directly. They could only pin their hopes on Magnum III.

"I... hand over..."

It's almost as if speaking between teeth, these two words are extremely laborious.After Magnum III said this, he took a deep look at Zhou Li.

"Oh, look at it, look at it."

Suddenly, Zhou Li put away the dagger with a smile, patted Karen on the shoulder, and said with a smile to everyone: "Now I understand, it turns out that our respected Majesty Magnum is going to kill Don Quixote To restore the title of duke, she will be given a salary of 50 years, and the right to form a 500-member legion. At the same time, the second legion and the woman Torea must be handed over to me."

"You, didn't I understand if I said that earlier? You have to translate so many times."

Facing the smiling Zhou Li, these nobles couldn't speak even if they wanted to.They could only ask their subordinates to take over Karen who was clutching his neck and staring angrily, not daring to complain to Zhou Li.

"By the way, since you have given me a legion, just take those holy swords, shields, etc. if you can, and give me a discount if you can't bring them. I'll buy some. It's not good to hide them .”

Facing Zhou Li who was pushing his nose up, Magnum III smiled instead of anger, "Okay, don't you want to arm yourself?"

"I'll give it to you, you can take whatever you want from the Sixth Armory, and I'll sell you half the price of the No.12 Armory, how about it?"


Zhou Li immediately smiled, and quickly nodded in recognition.What he didn't see was that after seeing that he had agreed to Magnum's words, those veteran nobles all showed secret smiles on their faces.

They knew that the No. 12 arsenal was full of magical weapons, and the No. [-] arsenal could not be used for legion equipment at all.

These people secretly rejoiced that Zhou Li was about to pay the price for his arrogance and ignorance. At the same time, they also admired Magnum III's adaptability, and Zhou Li was about to knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.This may be their only consolation, which makes these veteran nobles admire Magnum III even more.

These people took an inventory, and then they were pleasantly surprised to find that they had lost nothing.It was Magnum III who really bleeds.He paid for his title, money, army, and one of his favorite generals to save General Karen.

We won, and we won.

When these people were complacent, what they didn't see was that instead of any anger and panic in Toreya's eyes at this time, on the contrary, her eyes were full of awakening.

It turned out to be the case.

The handover of the legion requires the vote of the nobles.

The sale of arms requires the consent of all councilors and nobles.

but now…

Listening to those people boasting how wise Magnum III was and how great the sacrifice he made was, Toreya followed behind Magnum III without saying a word.Now, she deeply understood why these people were called insects by Magnum III.

(End of this chapter)

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