This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 295 You still need to study more

Chapter 295 You still need to learn more
Magnum's Second Legion, also known as the "Shadow Guard", is a legion dedicated to the Magnum family itself, used to deal with those existences that are difficult to deal with on the surface.Therefore, most of the soldiers in the Shadow Guard Legion are related to assassination, and the entire legion is inextricably linked with the Shadow Assassin Guild.

Zhou Li had discussed with Magnum III, and among Magnum's major legions, the most suitable magic weapon was this shadow guard.Because the loyalty of this army to the Magnum family exceeds the fear of the gods. At the same time, the fighting style of this army is also deeply loved by Zhou Li. don't play.

After "compensating" Zhou Li with his Second Legion and Torreia, Magnum III threw a bunch of magical weapons to Zhou Li in a disconsolate manner, and gave a stern warning in front of everyone He watched everything with a godlike spirit, and then walked away in a huff.As the enemy of Magnum III, Zhou Li was not to be outdone, and beat up Levi's in front of everyone to show his example.

"Starting today, I will be your instructor."

In an underground fortress in the Twilight Forest, Zhou Li had his hands behind his back, and he was wearing a pitch-black tights, which had no sense of presence in this environment, but his pair of pitch-black eyes brought great excitement to the soldiers of the Second Legion. pressure.

"I know that some of you are dissatisfied, and some think that I used dirty means to subdue your master and handed you over to me."

"Report! We have been ordered to obey all orders of the brave Zhou Li within one year, and we have no intention of rebellion!"

The leader of the Shadow Guard took a step forward. The man who covered his face with a shadow veil looked forward. His whole body was like a straight pine tree. "You can give orders at any time, and we will only obey!"

Zhou Li was silent for the whole time, he scratched his head, seemed to think of something, and asked curiously: "Then if I let you enter the Magnum Palace and serve the third wheel with rice three times, what would you do? "

"Report! Follow your orders."

Without any hesitation, this legion, which had already engraved obedience to orders in its bones, gave the answer without hesitation.Seeing the seriousness of the leader, Zhou Li had no doubt that as long as he said a word, Magnum III would have to sleep with his pout in his next life.Of course, he had little interest in that scene.

"Okay, so I can rest assured."

Zhou Li nodded in relief, then he turned around, revealing a pile of training props behind him.


The shadow guards were stunned, but soon they suddenly realized what Zhou Li meant.

There must be theory before actual combat. This is the theoretical knowledge that the brave want to train us!
Looking at the people standing silently without saying a word, Zhou Li rubbed his hands together and grinned, "Come on, everyone get a set of my special teaching materials."

At the same time, the leader of the shadow guards issued an order, and several shadow guards seemed to have reached a consensus and took a step forward, then quickly ran behind Zhou Li and began to sort the books and put them away.Soon, a hundred stacks of books were piled aside, and following the order of the leader of the shadow guards, the other shadow guards took away their books in an orderly manner without any mistakes during the period, and the entire legion was like a cohesive As meticulous as steel.

Without Zhou Li's order, no one opened the book privately, not even taking a sneak peek.Zhou Li looked at the people in front of him who were extremely strict with him, and said with a smile, "Now, open the book numbered one."

Under Zhou Li's order, the shadow guards took out the first book in unison, and after quickly confirming the number, they directly opened the crimson book.

"Essentials of Materialism"

Then, under Zhou Li's order, they opened the remaining books in a daze.

"What is Materialism"

"The Importance of Atheism"

"The Essence of the Gods - A Group of Mortals with Lucky Reincarnation"

"Origin of the Gods: From Getting Started to Running"

After imprinting the names of all the books in their minds, this group of loyal shadow guards discovered that the books Zhou Li distributed to them all had one thing in common, that is, no matter which book or chapter, two gods had to be drawn out to criticize them.Sometimes they are criticized for their lack of eyesight, and sometimes they are criticized for hindering society. Anyway, after reading these, only two words can be seen——

Gods are bullshit.


Although the loyalty of these shadow guards to Magnum III is definitely higher than that of the gods, after all, this world is in the era of God's Choice, and the gods are real, and they will find someone to beat you when you insult him A meal.As for Zhou Li's books, the titles alone are enough to find any Holy See to throw him into the small black room for 48 hours of uninterrupted cyclical baptism.

Of course, if you read the content, the judges have baptized him.

Therefore, even a shadow guard with a firm heart cannot help but feel horrified after seeing these extremely rebellious remarks.The leader looked up, about to say something, but the shadow guard's instincts prevented him from asking.

"It's okay, tell me."

After getting Zhou Li's approval, the demigod-level shadow guard said hesitantly, "We... want to learn how to fight against gods?"

After hearing this question, Zhou Li suddenly froze in place. After a long time, he nodded and murmured seriously: "Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

Realizing that he might have activated Zhou Li's other desire, the leader suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and quickly made amends: "I'm sorry! I broke the rules. I asked you to explain the order. I will accept the punishment."

"Okay, I will decide the punishment."

Facing the stubborn shadow guards, Zhou Li also borrowed the donkey to go downhill, and said to the leader: "From now on, you will take the lead. There are five books here. I ask you to study them all within five days. You Just be responsible for checking the progress of the study, can you do it?"

"Report, make sure to complete the task!"

Zhou Li glanced at the surrounding environment, then nodded in relief. After leaving enough food, Zhou Li left the bunker unsteadily.

After Zhou Li left, the shadow guards looked at each other for a while, but soon, under the leadership of the shadow guard captain, they began to study the contents of those books and Zhou Li's "advanced thinking".

"It's over?"

Outside the low security door, Elma in blue uniform was sitting on a tree trunk, gently shaking her smooth calf, drawing a beautiful halo in midair.

"Well, I'm all learning to enrich myself."

Elma on the tree looked at her feet and jumped down with a whoosh. Zhou Li took her naturally, pinched her ears and put Elma on the ground.

"Where are we going next?"

Elma stuffed Zhou Li with a piece of milk candy, then stuffed another piece for herself, and asked Zhou Li with a puffy face, "Are you going to the City of Silver? I happen to have to buy something."

"Go tomorrow."

Zhou Li rubbed Elma's hair, thought for a moment and said to her: "Today we will go to Victoria first."


(End of this chapter)

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