This fairy has some tea

Chapter 1 Dove occupying the magpie's nest

Chapter 1 Dove occupying the magpie's nest
When Ying Hui woke up, he felt trembling with pain all over his body.

She opened her eyes in a little confusion, and what she saw was a roof with straw and a few dusty spider webs in the corner.

The wall is directly a mud wall, but it must have been quite old, and the exposed yellow mud has been rubbed black everywhere, and the original color is still preserved near the roof.

The quilt covering the body smelled bad. It had been used for many years and had not been washed. It was thin and hard.

What is this place?
Shouldn't she be dead? With such a serious injury, let alone whether she was saved or not, even if she was saved, would someone waste precious medicine to save her?

After so many years of persistence, this day finally came.

In fact, she was prepared in her heart, but she was a little surprised when she woke up now.

She thought it was over.

She calmed down and wanted to check her body, but found that not only was the pain unbearable, but even her cultivation of the ninth level of Qi refining had disappeared.

Ying Hui was shocked. Although her spiritual roots were extremely small because she didn't have a good foundation, her cultivation was high enough, she had many spiritual roots, and her strength was not bad.

This is the foundation of her standing. If her cultivation base is gone, she is still alive, so what can she do?
Countless times of wandering between life and death, she has never been so panicked.

I couldn't think about anything else, and couldn't control the pain in my body, so I sat up suddenly.

It turned out to be wrong.

This is not her body!
She is already 34, and she looks young just because of her cultivation, and she looks like she is in her 20s, and she is a real adult.

And just after sitting up, she realized that the current body was thin and small.

So, she was indeed dead at the time.

Now, what is this, time travel?Rebirth?reincarnation?

It doesn't seem to be very accurate.

She carefully checked her current body, her skin was still tender, and she didn't look like a child raised by such a family.

But there was not a single intact part of his body, either the marks of the cane whipping, or the redness and swelling caused by the stick.

Was this child taken over by her because she was beaten to death?

She was once coaxed by her own mother, who sent her to the wasteland to be born and die, and she was covered with a blood debt that could not be washed away. The child was beaten to death at a young age, and she took her body. I don't know which of them is worse.

Ying Hui was feeling emotional when he suddenly heard a voice.

"Qiangzi, listen to your mother, bear with it for a few years, and wait for her menstruation to break her body. If it is too early, it will easily break her body and make it difficult to have children. Our family didn't waste the three taels of silver. Where will I save money to buy you a daughter-in-law when the time comes?"

"I said just buy a big girl, and you can go straight to it when you buy it. You don't want to be cheap. Look at Brother Dong's house, the daughter-in-law he bought has a belly up.

I fell in love with that big girl first, her ass is so big, she must be my son, you insist on buying a dry little girl, and won't let me move. "

"Silly son, the girl from Dongzi's family is restless at first glance. She wants to run all day long. She has a big belly and thinks about going outside all day long. Her eyes are like hooks, and she is hooking up everywhere. How many green hats does Dongzi wear?

The girl in our family is a bit small, but she looks good. Listen to your mother, when she grows up, she will definitely be better than the one in Dongzi's family, and we raised her from a young age, so she must be docile and obedient. "

"What about the other one, the little girl that Erhuzi bought, she has been working in the fields with a low eyebrow and a pleasing eye, but this one in our family can only be locked at home, so it's useless.

The people in the village almost killed me laughing. "

"What do you know, the one of Erhuzi's family, at first glance, was born in poverty, and was sold by her parents for money. She is a well-behaved child. If she looks crooked, how good will the child be?
With his background, anyone who looks upright can stay in the county and come to our village?
This girl of our family is so good-looking, if she didn't look at her she would have been abducted, it's not easy to make a move, can it be our turn? "

"Come on, it's the same thing again. It's been half a year, and I know how to cry every day. If you want to discipline her, it's better to just buy a big girl with a baby in her arms. It will work better than anything else. She will be submissive. Let's Isn't it like this in the village, there's no need to be so troublesome."

"Yes, yes, it's because my mother is incapable and can't afford the money, which makes you suffer."

"Come on, don't you guys want to go to the field later? I'm leaving first, Brother Dong told me to play. It's late, so don't wait for me."

"Okay, you go quickly, I will wake up Xiaonizi in a while, beat her a few times, if she is going to rebel, I really dare not get up, if you are in a hurry, I will beat her to death."

When the female voice said this, she felt a little guilty.

Wang Guihua was really guilty. Yesterday Xiao Nizi talked back, when she got angry, she hit harder, and she passed out directly.
After pinching Renzhong for a long time, she couldn't wake her up.

She was so frightened that she thought someone had been beaten to death by her, her heart was pounding, and she breathed out to see if she was still alive, then her heart fell to the ground.

She spent three or two taels of silver on the buyer, and she had already drained all of her family's wealth. She was really beaten to death, but she was short of talents. What would she give her son to buy another daughter-in-law.

"Take it easy, I'm dead, where can I get money to buy a wife for me. Come on, I'm leaving first."

After her son left, Wang Guihua didn't really come over to call Ying Hui up. She was beaten like that yesterday, so what can she do if she calls out.

She now regrets being so impulsive yesterday, it was really broken, and she couldn't give birth, and their family would lose everything.

Therefore, after listening to the ping-pong-pong outside the house, Ying Hui returned to calm.

It seems that this woman is out to work.

Ying Hui leaned against the wall, calmed down, turned his head and listened for a while, and only slowly got up after making sure that there was no one in the yard.

What she slept on was not a bed, but a kang unique to the north. From this point of view, she should be in the north now.

There was no fire on the kang under him, and although he felt a little cool, it was not too cold. Looking out through the window, there were some weeds that had just sprouted outside the house.

It should be spring, presumably around the time of Grain Rain.

At this moment, just after dawn, the woman went down to work in the field. It should be the busy season of farming. When the son was young and strong, but he went out to play at this time, no wonder the family was so poor.

She propped herself up and got off the kang, only to find that the door had already been locked.

She simply returned to the kang, the days to come will be long, anyway, it has been determined that there is no danger.

The most important thing now is how to restore strength.

Ten years in the wasteland, wandering on the edge of life and death countless times, betrayed and framed countless times, and intrigues, has long cultivated her a series of "beautiful" characters such as vigorous and resolute, diligent and frugal, judging the situation, greedy for life and afraid of death, and ruthless.

She knows best when and what to do. In a word, she has no morals.

I just don't know if this little girl has a spiritual seed.

(End of this chapter)

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