This fairy has some tea

Chapter 2 is coming?

Chapter 2 Wear back?

She firmly believes that as long as she has a spiritual seed, even if her aptitude is worse than in her previous life, she can go further than her previous life.

There are a small number of people in this world who are born with spiritual seeds entrenched in their bodies, but spiritual seeds are inherently good and bad, and most people feel that the spiritual roots that become turbid and small after their spiritual seeds are successfully activated are extremely poor in aptitude.

And the spiritual root can be continuously purified and raised as the cultivation level progresses, so the later, the faster the cultivation speed.

However, in the later stages, the spiritual power required for advancement is even greater, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an astronomical figure.

Therefore, it is still difficult to advance.

The spiritual root is more like a large lotus root. It is segmented. With practice, the spiritual root continues to grow and become longer. Whenever there is a major advancement, a new segment of the spiritual root will grow, which can only be compared with the previous one. Thin, at most, can only be the same size as before, but not thicker than before, just like building a house, the foundation is small, and the house is big, so what are you waiting for before it collapses.

Therefore, after this spiritual seed germinates, the first severed spiritual root that grows is related to the quality of all monks, and it cannot be changed no matter how hard it is tempered.

If Yinghui's first initial spiritual roots were transformed, each one would be nine inches thick. Even if the number of spiritual roots is too large, it is not a great genius in the Langhuan world, but it can still be said that the talent is not bad.

It's a pity that she encountered an accident when she had just advanced to the fifth level of Qi refining, and her spirit root had not yet been tempered. At the critical moment, she made a temporary breakthrough in order to get out of the predicament. There is a new section, but the fifth stage of spiritual roots is still finalized.

After that, she practiced desperately, but because her spiritual roots were too thin, it was difficult to advance, and her strength was much lower than others.

Taking back these useless emotions, she simply sat cross-legged and meditated while there was no one, trying to sense the spiritual seeds.

She has practiced for 30 years, and she is very familiar with the perception of spiritual energy fluctuations. As long as there is a spiritual seed in her body, she will definitely be able to sense it immediately.

She just tried it casually, but when her consciousness just sank, she felt dizzy for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, the person had already changed places.

The brackish sea breeze, blowing a wave of dry heat, blows all over the island.

The slanting sunset struggled to cast the last ray of light, and shot through the window onto the girl sitting by the window.

Against the light, Uncle Fu at the counter couldn't really see the girl's face. He just felt that this usually arrogant girl was a little different.

Ying Hui closed his eyes, his blurred gaze refocused, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, really, lucky.

"Girl, it's getting late, and the shop should be closed, why don't you go to the backyard to rest, and the old slave will call you after cooking."

Ying Hui looked back at the old man standing at the counter, calmed down all his emotions, nodded slightly, left the shop, and went to the backyard.

Uncle Fu sighed, he didn't know how to comfort the girl so that she could restore her former vivacity.

If you ask him, he would rather Yinghui be as domineering as before than she is as lifeless as she is now.

This time, the blow to my daughter was really too great.

"I'll make gold thread mercury fish for the girl tonight, I hope the girl will be happy. This old bone of mine is only useful for this."

The old man hastily closed the shop and rushed towards the pier, praying that he could buy the girl's favorite food today.

Ying Hui naturally didn't know what the old man was thinking, so he stretched out his delicate hands and looked at it carefully for a long time, before sighing with emotion, "This is probably the legendary golden finger."

She is too familiar with this place. When she was young, she was punished to go to this island to think about it. However, although it is warm and peaceful here, the time she stayed here was not long. At the end of the year, she was sent to Qiyunmen .

Then, it was she who started her tragic life.

Ying Hui withdrew his thoughts, stopped thinking about those past events, and thought about the reason for his time travel and rebirth.

Finally, she finally found an abnormality in her sea of ​​consciousness. A stone bead she accidentally obtained in the Great Desolation Realm is now entrenched in her sea of ​​consciousness and spinning non-stop, and it even took off the original stone bead. The simple appearance exudes a touch of colorful light.

This stone bead is the chief culprit who brought her to cross, and it is also her greatest opportunity.

As soon as her consciousness touched the stone bead, a huge amount of information poured directly into her brain.

This stone bead can take her back and forth between the two worlds at will. However, it is only a soul wearer. Even so, it still makes Yinghui very excited, because although the spiritual energy of the Langhuan world has become thinner after ten thousand years of development, the spirit of the monks has become weaker. The battle between the people is extremely fierce, and wars happen from time to time, but the predecessors have left countless scriptures and secrets.

It is related to practice, but also about alchemy talisman, refining array, and more about magic and swordsmanship and so on.

And in the world she travels through, although she is only in an ordinary small village, it is richer than the courtyard where she lives at home. It is a cultivating family built on a small spiritual vein, the difference can be imagined .

If she can enter the top sect of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, there will be countless secret books waiting for her to study, and the rich aura in that world will inevitably find many geniuses and treasures.

The stone bead forms its own space, which can freely bring out the things of the two worlds. The two worlds complement each other, and the cultivation base is bound to advance rapidly.

What's more, when Shi Zhu took her to soul travel between the two worlds, the time in the two worlds would be relatively static once she left, saving him and her a lot of trouble.

In addition, there is a more direct use, that is, every time she travels through, her six senses will be improved.

After ascending to the end, all kinds of supernatural powers will even be born. At that time, the world may no longer have any secrets for her.

Just listening to Shi Zhu's description, Ying Hui's heart is already surging.

However, stone beads need energy to travel through, and the stone beads do not have much energy left, which is only enough for one time travel, so she did not rush back, but first collected all the materials she could get.

She thought seriously, planning what to do in the future.

But she heard Fu Bo's voice calling her to eat.

At the third level of Qi training, she has to eat every day before she reaches bigu.

Fu Bo's craftsmanship is really good, Ying Hui eats delicious food with a little spiritual energy, which adds a bit of flavor to the food itself.

Although eating whole grains will gradually accumulate impurities in the body, hindering cultivation, but the spiritual energy in the Langhuan world is thin, and there is not so much spiritual food to eat, just like Ying Hui, who can only eat tooth-dashing sacrifice once in a while.

What they eat on weekdays is nothing more than fine grains that are more precious than ordinary people.

However, after so many years of exploration in the Langhuan world, there are many ways to remove impurities and wash the body. It is that Yinghui is only on the third level of Qi training, and there are three methods that are suitable for her, but the first two are not suitable for her. She needs pills to help her, but she can't afford it.

There is only the last simple body training method, Qing Body Jue, which does not require spirit pills and grasses, but it is a little harder, and you have to spend time practicing every day. There are a lot of impurities accumulated in the body, and when the impurities have a greater impact on the body, or even affect the breakthrough, they will find a way to find a Diling Pill.

"Girl, madam has brought a message. The end of the year is the day when Qiyunmen will open the mountain gate. If you can worship Qiyunmen, the master will not punish you anymore. This matter will be over, and you don't have to suffer here on."

Seeing that Ying Hui didn't speak, Uncle Fu continued to persuade, "I know that the girl has a high heart and wants to go to Qing Yunzong, but our master only has two places in total, and we all got it because of the big girl's face.

Although the second young master's qualifications are not obvious, but after all, he is a young master from the first line, and he is a compatriot with the eldest girl, so the master will give the second young master one no matter what. "

(End of this chapter)

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