This fairy has some tea

Chapter 101 Another dad?

Chapter 101 Another dad?

This big cake made Yinghui look yearning, and at the end, he couldn't help taking it off and swallowing his saliva.

However, with some hesitation, he asked: "My father said that there is no such thing as a good thing in this world. You only talk about the benefits of being a companion cultivator, but the Xiuxian family is not a good hall, so you are not afraid of using so many resources to accumulate money After the monks come out, after they grow up, will they be transferred to his family?"

The second master smiled, feeling more and more satisfied with Yinghui in his heart. He was young, thoughtful, and clever. With her help, his daughter went to the family, and it would be much safer.

"Nature has limits.

After both the master and companion have reached the fifth level of Qi training and their primordial spirit is stable, the two parties will sign a companion contract. In this life, they cannot harm the companion master, cannot betray the companion master, and cannot deceive the companion master. Once the contract is concluded, it cannot be canceled in this life. . "

Ying Hui understands that this contract unilaterally restrains the fellow practitioner, as a fellow practitioner, no matter what kind of treatment he receives, he must submit to others.

Although he got some material benefits, he lost his freedom and even his personality since then.

This companionship contract is entirely for the purpose of restricting the existence of companionship, and there is no requirement for the companion master, which is a little more peaceful than the slave contract in Langhuan Realm. It is not different in essence, no matter how beautiful it is, it is the same .

Although disgusted, Yinghui still had to lower his head and consider the pros and cons.

She is already at the second level of Qi training, but Gu Xiang has not yet practiced. If she wants to reach the fifth level of Qi training, even if the opponent is a top genius, it will take three to five years.

In the past three to five years, if you are lucky, you may have contacted the Ying family and returned to the family.

Unlucky, at that time, my own cultivation must have been raised to a higher level, not because of her self-confidence, with her aptitude and understanding, and with the assistance of stone beads, Gu Xiang has no great luck, and there is absolutely no possibility of surpassing her.

If you have a high level of cultivation, then the initiative is in your hands, for example, relying on the power of the primordial spirit to do something on top of the contract.

If after a few years, they don't get along very well, it is not impossible to reverse the companionship contract.

She still remembered that when she went to the hidden golden pavilion to select the secret technique, she saw the method of breaking the contract.

Among them is the method of cracking the slave contract, which is similar to this companion contract.

The price is not expensive, and I can afford it now.

After thinking about these things, although he was still a little hesitant, he still reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, okay, it's just that before the fifth level of Qi training, your spirits are unstable and you can't sign a contract. I'm still a little worried. I heard that monks have vows of heart demons. I wonder if you can..."


Ying Hui's face was livid, and he categorically refused.

The second master's face suddenly turned ugly, Gu Xiang looked at Ying Hui, then at his own father, and gradually calmed down from the sudden joy of being a companion, and wanted to persuade Ying Hui again.

Before he even opened his mouth, he heard Ying Hui say: "Although you make the companionship contract sound nice, but in fact, once the contract is completed, I will become half of Gu Xiang's servant. The secular book boy still has the possibility of redemption. But it's all about her.

Before the contract is officially signed, this is the time when I have little freedom left. If I can't even give this little freedom and trust, even if I sign the contract, you probably won't trust me wholeheartedly.

Becoming a companion cultivator is for smoother Taoism. If you don't even have trust, it's better to be a casual cultivator, although it's more difficult, but also free. "

Yinghui looked at the second master with an ugly face and the thoughtful Gu Xiang, and continued, "So, although I agreed to be Miss Gu Xiang's companion, if getting along with Miss Gu Xiang is not happy, I will change my decision at any time and give up my status as an accompanist. Before that, I will fold all the benefits of the status of accompanist into spirit stones and return them to Miss Gu Xiang bit by bit.

Therefore, before signing the contract, it can be regarded as an opportunity for both of us to understand and adapt to each other.

Of course, Miss Gu Xiang can end this agreement at any time, and I will still return all the benefits I have enjoyed before. "

After hearing the words, the second master and Gu Xiang fell silent.

Ordinary companion cultivators are descendants of servants in the family. They grew up watching how their parents and relatives served their masters and became companion cultivators.

Even if the family recruits and takes in qualified casual cultivator children, all cultivation depends on the family, and becoming a companion cultivator is definitely more promising than ordinary office workers. Everyone knows how to choose.

However, although the Gu family is also a prominent family, and they have raised some children who are qualified to cultivate immortals as companions, but companions and companions are still different. The spiritual roots are only one or two inches long, and companions who cannot build a foundation in their entire lives will not be able to build a foundation. In a few years, there is almost no use for it, and even a yard can't be seen. There is no difference between having such a companion and not having it.

It's just nice to say it.

There are not many companion cultivators with superior spiritual roots, and there are not many direct descendants of the main family. How could Gu Xiang, a daughter of a secular offshoot, get her turn.

Therefore, after meeting Yinghui, the second master's heart will be moved.

However, the bad thing is that people are free, and they suddenly want to be controlled by others, and they will not accept it like a family who has been a slave for generations and give birth to children, happily.

The second master thought for a while, although in the future when he enters the Gu family, he can use the power of the family to force Ying Hui to submit, but although the companionship contract has many restrictions, he cannot be sincere and resentful, and will instead recruit his daughter. disaster.

The companion contract is not absolutely unsolvable.

Once the Companion Master dies, wouldn't the Companion Cultivator have no restrictions?
I can't hurt and betray the companion master, but I can't prevent the companion cultivator from using his strength to fight.

Thinking of this, the second master sighed, "I promise you, and I also hope that you two can help each other in the future. Gu Xiang's smooth path is also a great help for you."

Ying Hui was noncommittal, but nodded repeatedly on his face, which made the second master's awkward mood recover a lot.

He was also worried that when he returned to Gu's house, someone would use tricks to deceive such a good fellow practitioner as Yinghui.

Then he wanted to get closer, and said to Ying Hui: "We are now a family. Since your parents have gone now, if you don't mind, you can call me foster father. From now on, you and Gu Xiang will be together. Just like sisters, okay?"

Yinghui Tianxiao's expression froze. She never expected that just now, after meeting her for a while, not only would she be involved in the rest of her life, but she would also have multiple fathers!

Although she is not close to her real father, she has a real father, not to mention, she still has a father in Yaoze Realm. There are already enough fathers, and she really doesn't want to add another father to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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