Chapter 100
No matter how long it took, she would be too suspicious for a little girl with a low cultivation base to be unscathed.

So, the number is just right.

Both parents died, one orphaned daughter, all enemies died, clean and tidy, without any drag.

She slightly tampered with the love story of her parents in this body, half-truth and half-false, and said the truth. Presumably, even if Ying Duo and his wife knew about it, they would understand her play by ear.

The second master has been watching Ying Hui, wanting to see if she is lying, but the little girl's timely sadness, the thrill when she mentioned the escape, and the resentment of the aunt's family are all so real, definitely not a six or seven-year-old If the children can perform it, they already believe it to a certain extent.

What's more, he was born in a branch of an immortal cultivating family, and he is not an ordinary mortal. Naturally, he knows that there are many casual cultivators who abduct and sell beautiful monks with spiritual root qualifications in the secular world, and sell them to the immortal cultivating family for use as furnaces, which is very rampant.

In particular, Chongyang City on the edge of the desert has almost become a transit point for these monk dealers. A large number of young and beautiful monks gathered in Chongyang City, passed through the desert, and were sent to the border of Xisha, or to the aristocratic families who bought servants. , or sent to the Qinglou Chuguan.

Thinking of this, I felt a little sympathy for Ying Hui!

The next child has no father and no mother. If he has good qualifications, he may be a great help to his daughter.

"What qualifications do you have?"

Ying Hui looked at the second master who seemed to know a lot about monks. He was about forty years old, and there were dark lines of the same color on the black cloak, which gathered into a constant temperature formation.

The same was true of the little girl's scarlet cloak.

As a mortal, but using monks' things, this team of people seems to be not as simple as an ordinary caravan.

Besides, what kind of caravan would take a teenage girl across the vast desert?
Ying Hui withdrew his gaze calmly, and replied, "Five spirit roots."

The second master frowned. The more spiritual roots there are, the more chances there will be inferior spiritual roots. The quality of aptitude does not depend on the best spiritual root, but on the worst spiritual root.

Therefore, the probability of a genius from a single spiritual root is several times that of multiple spiritual roots.

As soon as he heard that Yinghui was a five-spiritual root, the second master was a little discouraged, but couldn't help asking, "How thick is the spiritual root?"

Ying Hui looked at the second master's expectant and complicated eyes, and replied: "They are all six inches thick."

Six inches thick, that's considered upper-middle aptitude. Those big families may not be considered anything, but for their own family, it is already considered a very good aptitude.

My own daughter doesn't know what kind of qualification she has, and she doesn't know what kind of fortune she will be.

Thinking of this, the second master's face suddenly softened a lot, and he couldn't help showing a little smile on his face.

Even if there are still some falsehoods in this girl's words, seeing her being thrown alone in the desert, I know that there must be nothing to rely on behind me. As long as I take some risks, take her out of the desert and send her to my family, then my daughter will benefit immensely.

"Yinghui, I have a proposal, listen and see if you agree."

"Please speak."

"You are a monk, so you must be able to tell. Gu Xiang and I, oh, by the way, look at my memory. I haven't introduced you yet. Gu Xiang is my daughter. How old is she? I'm ten years old this year. If you If you want, just call her Sister Gu Xiang."

Ying Hui looked at the expectant girl beside her, and said in a low voice, "Hello, sister Gu Xiang."

Gu Xiang quickly glanced at the second master with joy, and already guessed a little bit of his father's thoughts, and quickly responded: "Sister Yinghui is good."

The second master continued: "You are still young, and you have no parents or relatives to protect you. What are your plans for the future?" Ying Hui shook his head blankly.

She didn't have any plans, just to ride a camel with the wind. Apart from knowing that this place is a desert, she would also find out how far it is from Jiangbei or Lingnan, and try to contact Ying's family, or ask someone to pick her up, or find a way to go back by herself.

Her nine-inch spiritual root aptitude is too high-profile, and she has no family protection here, and her strength is low, so it is too easy to attract many parties to covet her, so she deliberately explained her spiritual root in detail.

Among the great families, there is not so much harmony in private, and they are exiled outside. If they rashly fall into the hands of other families, if they are lucky, they will be given a lot of gifts and rewards. If there is no dead body, without a descendant of genius, the future of the opponent's family will be without a high-level power, and all aristocratic families know this.

Even if you travel, you have to be very high-profile, making it difficult for people to act rashly.

Hiding her talents, Ying Hui is not afraid of revealing her secrets. In the pile of jade slips her master gave her, there is this kind of spell finding.

Although it is not possible to control the thickness of the spiritual root at will, it can compress its phantom, up to three inches thick.

That's why there is a number of six inches, otherwise, according to her idea, it would be safe to report a fake spiritual root of two or three inches.

After the second master heard about it, he smiled more kindly. The way he looked at her was almost the same as looking at his own daughter.

He only heard him say: "I have an idea, Ah Hui might as well listen to it."

Hey, even the address is getting close, Yinghui feels like he has met a real human trafficker.

The trafficker was about to fool him about how to sell her, and then asked her to help count the money.

He kept complaining in his heart, but his eyes lit up on his face, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, he looked at the second master and said, "Say it."

"It's like this. Although Gu Xiang and I were born in the secular world, we are both mortals, but we are branches of the Gu family in Qingcheng. Although the Gu family can't be compared with the top family of the He family in Xisha, within the boundaries of Xisha, it can be regarded as one of the three. Waiting for the famous family, we went from Chongyang City to Qingcheng this time to send Gu Xiang into our family to practice."

Speaking of this, the second master took a special look at Yinghui, and saw that when the other party heard about the third-class family, he inadvertently revealed envy and longing, and was very satisfied with the effect of his words.

He continued: "Your father is a casual cultivator, you may not know that although the Xiuxian family pays attention to blood, they are also very eager for qualified mortals.

That kind of monk servant is one kind, and another kind is the companion monk. "


"Yes, it's a companion cultivator, do you know that there are book boys and other scholars in the secular world?
These book boys attend classes with their masters and help them take care of sundries, but they can also attend classes with their masters and learn knowledge together.

Companion cultivators are existences similar to book boys.

However, the book boy in the secular world can only be regarded as a special servant-like existence.

Companion cultivators are different. Once you become the companion cultivator of a family child, it is equivalent to becoming a member of the family.

You can enjoy almost all the resources of the blood descendants of the Xiuxian family.

If one is successful in cultivation, one can even become a family worship elder and ascend to the sky in one step.

Whether it's cultivation techniques, mystical powers, or spiritual treasures, none of them can be obtained as a casual cultivator. "

 Thanks for the reward of leisurely life
(End of this chapter)

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