This fairy has some tea

Chapter 99 Human Traffickers

Chapter 99 Human Traffickers

That attire is even more low-key and gorgeous, not ordinary, even ordinary wealthy people can't have it.

Naturally, Ying Hui also knew this weakness of her own body, but the fact that she appeared here alone was already the biggest flaw, and the other so-called flaws were not worth mentioning.

Even these unusual flaws of her own are enough for others to figure out why she is here.

"What's your name? Where's your family? Why are you left here alone?"

No matter how many doubts Ying Hui has, as a little girl, she is thrown in the desert, and her life and death are up to her, which is enough for a young girl to make up for her grievances and hatreds.

Ying Hui lowered his head, as if he didn't want to answer.

The girl was waiting to ask again, but the second master sitting next to her suddenly said, "You are a monk!"

Ying Hui looked shocked and bewildered, as if he didn't know how his identity was discovered.

"We are just ordinary people and we can't afford to provoke monks. If the girl can't make it clear, we dare not leave the girl in the caravan."


Ying Hui hadn't responded yet, but the girl was already anxious, and the second master gave the girl a glare.

The girl immediately silenced, not daring to tell the difference.


Ying Hui spoke hesitantly, and a trace of sadness and resentment leaked out of his eyes just right.

"I was deceived!"

When the girl heard about it, she immediately smelled gossip, and even the grievance of being scolded by her father disappeared.

"My name is Yinghui, my father is a casual cultivator, and my mother is a mortal, and my grandfather has always disapproved of them forming a Taoist couple.

My father can only temporarily place our mother and daughter outside. A few days ago, I heard that my father was in danger and my grandfather never returned. My mother went to look for him regardless of safety, and entrusted me to my aunt's family.

As a result, my mother never came back.

Who knows, after my aunt's family heard that my parents both died, in order to raise spiritual stones for my cousin to buy a vision map, they took advantage of my unpreparedness and knocked me unconscious and sold me. "

Speaking of this, Ying Hui was already crying, the girl quickly handed over the handkerchief, and asked: "Aren't you a monk? How could you be knocked unconscious by your aunt? They are also monks? Is there anyone who dares to buy and sell monks?
How did you escape again? "

A series of questioning, as if chasing the latest gossip.

"My uncle is also a cultivator, I am low-level, and I was defenseless, so I was knocked unconscious by him naturally.

The difference between monks and mortals is not that big, and monks are nourished by spiritual energy, most of them are more upright, and there is a gimmick of monks, as long as it is profitable, people will naturally buy and sell it. "

Otherwise, are so many girls in Tianxianglou willing?

"Then how did you escape and how did you end up here?"

"I don't know where the person who bought me is going to take me. There are several girls with me. One of them is a little older. She said that she left a clue and someone will come to rescue her. If we were halfway there, someone attacked the trafficker, and we all ran out while we were in the chaos."

"How many days have you been running?" The second master asked.

Ying Hui's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "It's been about four or five days, and I haven't paid much attention to it. I've never been to the desert, and I've been wandering here for many days, but I can't get out anyway. Please take me with you."

The time Ying Hui said was exactly right, explaining why she was fine and not in any danger, and the traffickers haven't found her wandering around yet, which means she is dead in all likelihood. No worries.

 I've been too tired recently, I only coded so much, everyone can make do with it, and it will be updated normally tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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