This fairy has some tea

Chapter 98 Camel Team

Chapter 98 Camel Team
The ice room is special, and it will not melt with the arrival of the extreme day. The two of them want to leave, there is only one way, and that is to recognize the yin and yang seal of the Lord.

The ice room was naturally broken.

However, the ice room is different from other places. The two of them calculated very meticulously. Knowing that the selected body is very likely to be a family member, in order to avoid the matter of the house being exposed, they prepared a random teleportation array early on. At the same time as the room was broken, it caused a little trouble for Chuxi City, ignoring the sight and hearing, and directly got away from the place of right and wrong.

Ying Hui wanted the Yin-Yang seal, but she didn't want to be teleported. Unfortunately, the sky didn't fulfill her wishes, and she had no choice.

However, this is obviously a good thing for Chang Hong.

Start again in another place, with his little usury, you can't find him no matter what.

Ying Hui was disturbed in his heart, only felt the brilliance surged all over his body, and the white light was dazzling.

She quickly pasted a few defensive symbols on her body, and when the white light dissipated, she found that her feet were empty, and then quickly fell towards the ground.

Ying Hui quickly cast out one after another light-weight talisman to slow down the falling speed slightly.

Then, he threw two quicksand spells under his body.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he didn't fall directly to his death.

I don't know if Chang Hong will be as unlucky as himself.

Ying Hui spat out a mouthful of yellow sand, controlled the quicksand and pushed himself to the ground, finally escaped.

Ying Hui was lying on the soft yellow sand, panting heavily, the dazzling scorched sun sprinkled on his body, as if trying to drain the last trace of moisture from his body.

The scorching hot air was not pleasant, but for Ying Hui who had just escaped from the bone-chilling polar night, it was a rare warmth.

Warm, she felt a little tired, lying on the long yellow sand, too lazy to move for a while.

She has only condensed five drops of blood essence in total now, and the loss of one drop will still have a great impact on her body, the most obvious being that her body is weak, as if she has suffered a serious illness, and she has become lazy.

The camel team meanders like a long snake, accompanied by tinkling camel bells, from far to near.

Ying Hui glanced at them and saw that they were all mortals, so she continued to close her eyes and rest in a drowsy state. If the other party saw her, she would walk for a while if they had a chance.

"Hey, little girl, hello."

The strong and strong man wrapped himself tightly, rode on the hunchback, and shouted at Ying under his feet.

Ying Hui didn't even lift his eyelids, and continued to play dead.

The sturdy man simply jumped off the camel, and after she checked the tip of her nose and found that she was angry, he turned over and sat back on the camel. The middle-aged man in a long gown and a black cloak without a trace of sweat said:
"Second Master, I met a little girl in front of me, she looked only six or seven years old, lying on the road ahead, she seemed to have passed out, what do you think I should do with it?"

Beside him, a beautiful young girl who was also dressed in gorgeous regular clothes and a scarlet cloak heard the words, and before the middle-aged man could speak, she had already snatched the words.

"Father, Xiangxiang is so boring, can you bring her here to accompany Xiangxiang to relieve boredom?"

"I know that we are playful, we have business, in case the other party is sent by some force..."

"Father, which power will send out a baby who has just been weaned? You are like a soldier."

Being robbed repeatedly by his daughter, the middle-aged man didn't feel angry, he just shook his head helplessly, and said to the man in hardcover: "Let Dr. Cui go and have a look first, if you don't have any epidemic, then take her with you."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man urged the camel, and led a tall and honest-looking doctor in green shirt, who was about his age, to Yinghui's approach.

The middle-aged man was on the camel, and the doctor in Qingshan gave Ying Hui a pulse, then carefully opened his eyelids to look at his pupils, pinched his mouth to check his tongue coating, and then turned his head and nodded to the strong man.

Seeing this, the strong man breathed a sigh of relief, and placed Ying Hui on his camel.

The sun gradually rose, the temperature began to be scorching hot, and the heat wave was scorching. When the camel team encountered two dry willows, they stopped in good time.

The whole team was in order, starting a fire to cook, taking care of the camels, cleaning up poisonous insects, snakes and ants under the trees, and then laying thick blankets on the ground. Please dismount the camels and sit under a shady tree to rest.

Holding the water bag, the girl took a few sips and looked at the strong man who was facing the compass, looking up at the sun from time to time, and looking into the distance.

He suddenly interrupted: "Da Zhong, what about the girl I picked up on the road, bring her over to me."

The big clock was interrupted by the girl, without the slightest anger, he smiled and said to the girl: "Miss, that little girl hasn't woken up just now, do you think I'll bring her over to see you when she wakes up?"

"Haven't woken up yet? Didn't the doctor remind you to read it? What did you say?"

"It's a symptom of fatigue, I gave her some water, and I guess it will be over soon."

"Send her to me, I'll check her pulse, and give her two needles, maybe she'll be fine right away."

The girl recently studied some medical skills on a whim. She is a half-hearted person, but she always wants to practice it.

The girl was eager to try, the big bell looked sideways, and silently asked the second master who was sitting next to the girl. Seeing the other party nodding his head, he said yes, and hugged Ying Hui who was resting on the camel.

Ying Hui had already heard the conversation between the two, so naturally he didn't want to be stabbed with a needle, and took this opportunity to wake up faintly.

"Who are you?"

With just the right amount of panic and vigilance, he broke free from the big bell's arms and took a few steps back, as if he was about to run away as soon as he realized something was wrong.

"Don't be afraid, girl. We are a caravan passing by. We happened to see you passed out on the side of the road. Our second master and eldest lady are kind-hearted and ordered us to rescue you and take you on the road together."

Ying Hui looked around in a daze, and saw the girl sitting under the tree, and regretfully took the silver needle back into her bosom. She didn't know what to think of, and stepped back two steps in fear.

Seeing this, Da Zhong quickly explained: "Girl, don't be afraid, my eldest lady has studied medicine since she was a child, and her medical skills are superb. I heard that you have been unconscious, and I am very worried, so I want to treat you with acupuncture. The silver needle It's for saving lives."

Only then did Ying Hui let out a small breath, and thanked the girl in a polite manner.

The girl was very satisfied with Da Zhong's description of his superb medical skills, she stood up with her hands behind her back, walked around Ying several times, and looked him up and down several times.

The more I look at it, the more strange it becomes.

This place has long been in the depths of the desert, and there is no one inhabited. How could a child appear inexplicably?
Obviously fainted from exhaustion, I don't know how long I have been exposed to the sun, but the skin on my body is extremely supple and smooth, not to mention desert sores, not even a bit of sunburn.

(End of this chapter)

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