Chapter 11 Leave
Ying Hui tightened his clothes, raised his head and asked, "Why didn't you just send me home?"

Ying Rong said embarrassingly: "Back then, Aunt Thirteen was just a casual cultivator, and the family didn't agree with him and Uncle Thirteen, and Uncle Thirteen had an accident, so no one cared about your birth, so, The family didn't know about your existence until Aunt Thirteen rescued Uncle Thirteen."

In this way, it makes sense.

It's just that there seem to be many problems in it.

"Am I really kidnapped, or was I sold on purpose?"

Ying Rong said distressedly: "That aunt of yours is afraid that your presence will expose your cousin's affairs, so..."

That's what was sold.

"She is kind-hearted and soft-hearted. You can only save your life if you don't kill me."

"Get back a life?"

Ying Hui looked at the corpse on the ground, lowered his head and murmured.

Ying Rong was embarrassed again, and wanted to expose the aunt's family.

In the end, Yinghui didn't do what he wanted.

"Then how is my cousin now? Where's my aunt?"

Ying Rong faced the little girl with a thin body and blood on her face, unable to open her mouth for a while.

After a long time, Ying Rong only listened to his own difficult voice and said: "Aunt Thirteen felt that your aunt and cousin have awakened their spiritual roots after half a year and are very filial to her, so she also left her behind. around.

Uncle Thirteen was grateful for Aunt Thirteen's dependence on life and death. Although he was a little angry, he agreed. "

"Where's my aunt?" Ying Hui asked again.

Ying Rong felt that Uncle Thirteen had absolutely no good intentions in sending him to pick him up. He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

"She, she has devoted herself to raising you for so many years. Although she was confused for a while, she has a heart of repentance, so, so, Aunt Thirteen didn't continue to care about it."

In the end, Ying Rong only felt that the thirteenth aunt really couldn't figure it out. The cousin knew that she was not the right one, and she had a heart to please everyone. She couldn't see through things that everyone could see through. , as if to spoil that little white flower-like scheming.

He felt even more distressed for this little cousin.

It's not like an adopted daughter who has been raised since childhood, why can't she let go, and insists on staying by her side to make trouble for the little cousin?

"Then what about my biological parents, why didn't they come?"

Ying Rong knew very well that Uncle Thirteen and his wife's scumbag image was irreversible, so he just broke the can and smashed it.

"Your cousin is very good at playing tricks, she's on a hunger strike, she knows you've been kidnapped, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for my aunt, I'm sorry for Yingjia, I can't think about it, she insists on committing suicide.

Your mother is worried about her, your father just came back not long ago, he is still injured, it is inconvenient to trek back and forth, worried that you will be wronged, so she sent me to go ahead. "

Ying Hui nodded, and after clarifying his life experience, he lost even interest in asking questions.

Ying Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Originally, there are only a few direct descendants of our Ying family, and the rankings are fixed. After you come back, you can only go to the back row, row thirteen. When your cousin arrives at the Ying family, she must say that she is so old, but The ranking is lower than several younger siblings, which makes people laugh, and the ranking is changed again. The ranking of Xiaoxiu was snatched, and the other younger siblings were all moved one place back.

Everyone was used to barking, but she was not used to being disturbed like this. They all felt that she had too many things to do and they didn't want to be with her.

Now I think, she has done a good thing, she is not Ying's family, this ranking will naturally be returned to you, and you will be less embarrassing when you are older and have a lower ranking, and you will not offend others. "

Ying Rong picked it up and said happily, but seeing that Ying Hui was not moved at all, she just said indifferently, "I'm tired and want to freshen up. Can you lend me your clothes first?"

"Okay, okay, this dress was originally prepared for the younger sisters in the family, and it happened to be a gift for you. I will wait for you outside the house, and drive these villagers away by the way, so as not to be an eyesore here."

Ying Hui nodded and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Nine."

Ying Hui, who had always been indifferent, suddenly thanked him and called him Brother Nine, which flattered Ying Rong.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a small matter."

Ying Hui washed himself clean, put on his clothes, and then walked out again.

With the faint chirping of insects and the "squeak" sound of opening the door, the little girl in a white palace satin, plain snow and silk cloud-shaped dress of thousands of waters that stretched to the floor came out barefoot.

The clothes didn't fit very well, the long sleeves were rolled up several times, and the long skirt made her walk even more stumbling.

The thin face, perhaps because of being too young, looks indistinguishable between male and female, but the facial features are handsome, revealing the innocence and cuteness of a child.

It's a pity that he is too thin, and his face may be very haggard because of a catastrophe that has just passed.

"I think you don't want to stay here any longer. Why don't we leave now, and when we get to a bigger city, Brother Nine will accompany you to have a rest and tidy up before returning to Winner."

Ying Hui shook his head and said, "No hurry, there are still a few things to do."

However, not long after, the two set foot on the flying boat to leave together.

She thought that the women bought in the village would want to leave this devil's lair, so she helped her. In fact, they were already used to life here, and even feared to leave here and reach an unknown place.

Ying Hui didn't persuade anymore, but before leaving, he divided the ball of wax left by Dongzi's daughter-in-law into two balls, and fed a portion to each of Dongzi and his son.

Thinking about it, this thing that can help ghosts cultivate, for the father and son, it will make the father and son prematurely decline, and the evil ghosts will haunt them.

Standing on the flying boat, looking at the small village that is getting farther and farther away, Ying Hui has not moved for a long time, which makes Ying Rong a little worried.

"Eleventh Sister, if you feel unwilling, why don't we just go back like this, your cousin is always pretending to be pitiful, if you go back by describing it like this, and let Thirteenth Aunt know that you have suffered, she will definitely love you more.

If he is not sure, he will be kicked out of the winner, so as not to stay here to be an eyesore. "

"No need."

There is no resentment, no injustice, and no complicated emotions. Yinghui's voice is as calm as saying that the moonlight is good tonight.

Her too calm attitude made Ying Rong curious instead.

"Why? Don't you want Thirteenth Aunt to love you more? You are her own. As long as you are willing to be wronged and coax Thirteenth Aunt, she must be more partial to you.

Don't worry, I am your ninth brother, and I will also help you make peace. "

Ying Hui sneered, and finally withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Ying Rong steadfastly, and said, "Did brother Jiu want me to be like that one? If I really did that, no one in the entire Ying family would be able to do that." think highly of me.

Ninth brother must have seen it, I have become a monk, fighting for the front, walking alone, can not relax in the slightest, how can I focus my energy on fighting for the wind and being jealous like ordinary sons and daughters? "

 I’m very sorry, looking back at yesterday, I actually forgot to post the book. I’m going to set an alarm clock and post it on time every day.

(End of this chapter)

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