Chapter 10 Exile
The wet Wang Osmanthus fragrans met the lightning in the palm of the hand, and her whole body stiffened immediately, and her body also trembled unconsciously, and the ferocious mallet fell to the ground with a "bang".

Seeing that the electric light gradually weakened, but Wang Guihua still had a tendency to gradually ease up, Ying Hui couldn't help feeling that the spells at the first level of Qi Refining were really too weak.

Then, bullying her body, taking advantage of the fact that the opponent couldn't move, she stabbed forward fiercely with the dagger, feeling the slight numbness in her hands, watching Wang Guihua's breathing weaker and weaker, she twisted the dagger, and then pulled out sharply. out.

Wang Guihua collapsed to the ground.

At this point, the three who tortured Yuanchen to death and insulted her in every possible way went to the underworld together.

"The whole family should be neat and tidy!"

Ying Hui sighed, and was about to pick up his clothes, but found that the surroundings were terribly quiet, the sound of doors being smashed, and the sound of dogs barking, all disappeared at some point.

Yinghui's heart shuddered, Dongzi's wife came here at this time.

She closed her eyes, feeling the dark air in the air, and suddenly, she turned around and said to the air in front of her, "Why, come here, don't you even show your face?"

Her overly determined and confident attitude, coupled with the fact that the thunder in the palm just now made Dongzi's daughter-in-law fearful, actually revealed her figure.

She was still wearing the coarse linen clothes she wore when she was alive, but she couldn't conceal her graceful posture. No wonder Dongzi's father would do such a thing.

"Actually, I'm curious, how you can cultivate a physical body in such a short time, and even kill people directly."

"You are still the same, but a dry little girl. Why do you get the chance to live well, and why do I have to die twice?" Dongzi's daughter-in-law asked back full of resentment.

Ying Hui knew that she must be unwilling to speak, and finally asked a deep question.

"Why do you kill the poor man who was also bought, but don't go to your enemy? In fact, I have never understood it in my heart. Even if it's because those young and strong men are too strong, you dare not approach them. , you should also kill other women in this village instead of looking for us child brides."

"Why can't I come to you, why do I die so badly, but you live well, I am not reconciled!
All of you are going to hell with me!

But don't worry, everyone in this village can't escape, Jie Jie Jie Jie. "

After a sinister ghostly laugh, Dongzi's daughter-in-law gradually restrained her terrifying smile.

"You sympathize with them so much, why didn't you save me, why didn't you save other girls, you are the most damned one, you are the most damned one."

Dongzi's daughter-in-law suddenly went berserk, attracting gusts of cold wind, which made Yinghui almost unsteady.

This strength made her heart sink.

Both hands were tightly clenched into fists, the spiritual power in her body was running wildly, and the slender female leg bones appeared in her hands, there was only one chance, success or failure was determined by one action.

Just when she was about to strike out the palm thunder that gathered all the spiritual power in her hand, a bright light suddenly split the entire roof in half, and finally fell on the constantly twisted body of Dongzi's daughter-in-law.

It was bright fiery red, and the strange thing was that the fire didn't ignite the house, nor did it ignite any table or chair in the house, it only burned more and more intensely on the building.

Dongzi's daughter-in-law had long since lost her former ferocity, curled up and rolled around on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames, but it didn't help.

The heart-piercing howl finally gradually dissipated, and the ghost figure on the ground also disappeared, leaving only a black sticky mass like corpse oil.

The stone bead in Yinghui Sea of ​​Consciousness finally shined brightly, gathered enough soul power, and could cross again.

"Yin wax? No wonder!"

An ethereal male voice came from the sky.

Ying Hui looked up, and saw a man stepping on the moon, with elegant clothes, not stained with dust, the moonlight cast a layer of light on his body in a daze, blurring his appearance, as if he was born in an exile.

The Banished Immortal finally descended to the mortal world, and landed beside Ying Hui. His facial features were not outstanding, but this white dress, as if his snow-white skin glowed with fluorescence, would be full of temptations for future generations.

The visitor looked away from the ashes of Dongzi's daughter-in-law, and it was only at this time that he noticed how embarrassed the little girl in the room was.

Only the obscene clothes barely covered her body, her slender body was bony and bony, covered with various deep and shallow scars.

Blood smeared all over his face, and at this moment, it was dripping down his neck and onto his body, making it difficult to see the original appearance of the obscene clothes on his body.

The same bloody corpses were lying all over the room. The two male corpses were almost naked, ugly and disgusting.

It's not hard to imagine what just happened in this small room.

Ying Rong felt a slight pain in his heart, he managed to find a women's dress from the storage bag, and gently put it on Ying Hui's body, covering all the embarrassment.

Then a drop of bright red blood from the fingertips went straight to Yinghui's forehead, seeing that the blood disappeared in a flash and merged into the center of the eyebrows, the visitor visibly relaxed.

"I am Ying Rong, your ninth brother, and Uncle Thirteen sent me to pick you up."

Looking at the little girl's puzzled and defensive eyes, Ying Rong felt great pain in his heart, and felt even more distressed for this little sister whom he just met.

The younger sisters in the family, which ones are not grown up with gold and jade, will complain endlessly after practicing for a long time. Whoever has suffered this kind of crime, if any younger sister in the family, at this moment, has suffered such a big grievance, she will cry to death In my arms.

However, Yinghui didn't care about his embarrassment, and he didn't relax his vigilance because of this sentence.

"Your name is Ying Hui. You got lost after being taken away by your adoptive mother. Your family is in Shangjing Town, and you are a well-known wealthy household in the town, right?"

Ying Hui shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

Ying Rong held his breath in his chest, unable to go up or down, coughed dryly, and continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, let me tell you, did you see the blood drop just now? In that blood drop test, as long as the blood drops match Rong, it means we are blood relatives."

"How did I end up here?"

"Your adoptive mother is actually your aunt. Not long after your mother gave birth to you, Uncle Thirteen had an accident. She entrusted you to this younger sister, gave her a large sum of money, and left to look for your father." .

Relying on the money, your aunt bought a house and land in the town, and raised you as her own daughter until..."

Ying Rong sighed, and continued: "It wasn't until your mother finally rescued your father, my thirteenth uncle, from a secret place that she came back to look for you.

Your aunt knew that the Ying family was a powerful family, so she had a wrong idea and sent your cousin back to the Ying family as if you were you. It was only when she made a soul card for your cousin not long ago that this matter came to light. "

(End of this chapter)

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