This fairy has some tea

Chapter 9 Who First?

Chapter 9 Who First?

"Go back to your room early, leave the bowls and chopsticks here, I will collect them later."

Ying Huidang even knew that Wang Guihua had no good intentions.

It's a pity that tonight she was only thinking about how to deal with Dongzi's daughter-in-law, and completely ignored the three of them.

She thought about it for a while, then turned around and went out to close the door, and even found a thick and long piece of wood to hold it firmly.

After doing this, she turned and went back to the room.

When she opened the door and saw the father and son waiting for her, she knew that the three views of this family were more fragmented than she thought.

The little old man was leaning on the kang, leisurely picking the vegetable leaves between his teeth, while Qiangzi was walking back and forth on the ground, rubbing his hands anxiously.

Seeing Ying Hui walk in, both of them raised their heads to look at her, the excitement in their eyes was so disgusting.

Ying Hui suppressed the slight nausea, and looked at the little old man with slightly doubtful eyes.

As if seeing her question, the little old man said with a smile: "I won't sleep with your mother tonight, I will sleep with you young couple here."

Ying Hui nodded to show that he understood, turned around and plugged the door bolt.

The little old man thought she would be unhappy, but he didn't expect the little girl to be so innocent, and she even locked the door. He rubbed his hands excitedly, and he threw the broom stem for picking his teeth on the ground.

"Girl is so good, come here and let dad have a look."

Ying Hui walked in, and when the little old man was about to put his arms around her, he suddenly became dissatisfied and said, "Father, shouldn't I come first for my daughter-in-law?"

"You kid has never even held a woman's hand. If you know nothing, dad can tell you that the little girl who has no experience is very astringent. Dad helps you fix it before you come back."

As he said that, he pulled his own clothes, and said to Qiangzi: "Qiangzi, quickly, take off the girl's clothes. When Dad is doing business, you should study hard by the side."

Unexpectedly, Ying Hui finally revealed a look of fear, but it seemed that she was frightened, and when Qiang Zi came to pull her clothes, she didn't even resist.

"Father, look, this girl is really beaten by mother."

"It's such a pity that such a good-looking girl is obedient. We will let her enjoy it first tonight, and we will die without regret..."

Worse things, Yinghui has also experienced, she doesn't care at all, this is cheap, just quietly looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

Let Qiangzi tear off her clothes, and when only the obscene clothes and trousers were left on her body, the little old man had only one pair of trousers left, and he pulled Yinghui to the kang while taking off.

As for Qiangzi, who seemed to be infected by the warm atmosphere at this time, he lowered his head and pulled his clothes.

No one really paid attention to her, their hands were almost bound by their clothes.

That's it!

Suddenly a cold light flashed in Yinghui's hand, and the dagger infused with spiritual power, as soon as he saw it, hot blood gushed out, dyeing Yinghui's whole body red.


Qiangzi was naked, and what he saw was this bloody scene, which stimulated his head to swell.

Ying Hui pursed her lips, what a pity, if it was Qiang Zi who dragged her down just now, she would rather leave the little old man who is over fifty years old at the end.

It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes.

In the tumbling night, the sound of "bang bang" coming from the kitchen could still be heard, it could be seen that Wang Guihua was full of resentment at this time, only after Qiangzi's roar, she paused a little, and then beat her harder.

I don't know how beautiful the picture flashed in her mind.

No one noticed that in the bright night sky, there seemed to be a fairy coming over the moon.

At this moment, Yinghui suddenly stretched out his hand, white powder sprinkled Qiangzi's face, Qiangzi's eyes were covered with powder, and the intense burning sensation made him unable to open his eyes. Waving, the body couldn't help but step back.

"Mother, help, the little bitch is going to kill me."

Qiangzi's roar finally made Wang Guihua realize that something was wrong, she put down the unwashed dishes, and quickly came to push the door, but found that she couldn't open it no matter what.

There was a sudden "ow" in the room, Wang Guihua was startled by her son's howling, she walked away and slammed on the door hard.

The door was not very strong in the first place. A woman like Wang Guihua had worked hard all the year round and gained a lot of strength, so she knocked the door open with a few strokes.

The scene inside the door startled her.

The father and son lay lying motionless in the room covered in blood.

The husband and son died together at the hands of the child bride-in-law who allowed her to beat and scold her. Wang Guihua was so stimulated that she almost went crazy.

"I'm going to kill you, little bitch, I'm going to kill you and pay for my son's life!"

The heart-piercing roar cut through the silent sky, and Ying Hui knew without thinking that at this moment, many villagers must come to check.

She can't wait any longer!

Thinking of the courtyard door locked by her before, she felt a little relieved.

Repeating the same trick, she spilled another handful of lime powder.

But Wang Guihua was more alert than Qiangzi, when she saw Yinghui raising her hand, she took a few steps back, seeing Yinghui playing tricks, knowing that her son had fallen into her way like this, she hated her son even more, raised her hand and threw him away At that moment, the mallet in his hand hit it.

The mallet was very handy, Wang Guihua had fought with the villagers not once or twice, she was quite experienced, and she danced the mallet so tightly that Ying Hui, who was holding a dagger, couldn't get close for a while.

That dagger is just an ordinary tool, it is said that it can cut iron like mud, but it also needs to be strong enough.

At this time, if you fight recklessly, you will be hit by that mallet.

With such force, whether he can move in a short period of time is another matter.

In fact, Wang Guihua didn't have any tricks in fighting. If there was enough time, Ying Hui would have time to slowly exhaust her whole body strength, and kill the opponent with one blow.

It's a pity that she didn't have time, and there were already knocks on the door of the courtyard.

She cannot be put in a situation where she is under siege.

Most of these villagers are at odds with Wang Guihua. If she can escape in time, even if someone chases her, she will not be very dedicated.

There is also Dongzi's daughter-in-law who made trouble before, and the matter will gradually fade away in a few days.

As long as this family can be killed quickly, she will be safe for the time being.

Ying Hui frowned slightly, grabbed the ladle on the top of the kang, and sprinkled the water Qiangzi was going to drink in the middle of the night all over Wang Osmanthus fragrans.

Amidst Wang Guihua's loud curses, she mobilized the spiritual power in her body to slowly gather towards the palm of her hand, and she threw it out with a thunder in the palm of her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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