Chapter 8

"It seems that the little whore was indeed eaten by wild beasts. Where can I find it in the middle of the night? Go back and tell the village chief. If he still has to look for it, he can find some helpers for us, otherwise we don't care. Anyway, that little whore doesn't dare to trouble our family, whichever family she loves is dead, isn't the village chief just afraid that his child bride-in-law will suffer as well?"

Ying Hui couldn't help shaking his head, this person not only has broken views, but also has such short-sightedness, if his daughter-in-law did it, once she kills too many people, she will come to them for revenge sooner or later.

I didn't dare to come at this time, it's just that the time of death is too short, the strength is not enough, and these girls are weak, and the vitality of being ruined is not strong, so it's easy to attack.

She was buried in this place, in a place where Yin Qi gathers, coupled with the extreme resentment, it is almost certain that she either turned into a corpse or turned into an evil ghost.

The corpses were all fragmented, and the possibility of corpse transformation was ruled out.

Now this place is full of yin, but there is nothing unusual. Needless to say, she must have gone to the village.

Dongzi and his son turned around and left, and they threw the thighbone on the spot in disgust.

Ying Hui paused for a moment, then turned around and put the leg bone into the stone bead before returning to the village with the two of them attached.

Dongzi and his son went home to sleep peacefully, but Yinghui frowned, closed his eyes, and the stone beads in the sea of ​​consciousness became brighter, it seemed that he was dead again.

Her nose twitched slightly, and sure enough, she smelled a bloody smell drifting in the distance with the night wind.

In the village, apart from Huzi’s wife, her house was the closest to Dongzi’s, but she followed Dongzi and his son in the mountains for a long time, and came back a little late. Thinking about it, Dongzi’s wife picked someone else The family has started.

Ying Hui immediately ran over to the direction where the smell came from. The black and thin girl had already lost her life, lying on the ground with her face open in fear, her mouth was wide open, as if screaming, her hands seemed to be struggling desperately. , the abdomen under the body was obviously sunken, and there was a piece of blood still flowing under the body.

This is the village chief's house. The girl had obviously died not long ago, but she didn't alarm anyone. The strength of Dongzi's wife was stronger than she expected. If she found her, would she be able to escape from her?
Even if he escaped once, with the killing speed of the other party, his strength will inevitably increase rapidly. At that time, will he be the opponent of the other party?

Therefore, the best way is to strike first while the opponent is still weak.

She thought about the countermeasures, and returned to Qiangzi's house. At this time, the sky was slightly brighter, and not long after she lay down, another scream of panic rang out in the village. It seemed that the wife of the village chief's family had been discovered.

The little old man's family was awakened by the sound, and they ran out of the house almost immediately, without even putting on their shoes.

Ying Hui yawned, got up and took a shower, as if he didn't hear anything outside the window.

The three of them came back soon, sat at the dining table, looked at Ying Hui who was sipping porridge, frowning in silence.

"Father, do you think the village head can do anything?"

"The daughter-in-law of the village chief's family is already dead. Even if there is a way, I guess I won't be too dedicated. We have to find a way by ourselves."

"What can we do? Goudan's family has packed up their things and is going to send their daughter-in-law to Goudan's grandpa's house in the next village to hide. Our family has no relatives in other places, so there is no way to send her away."

Wang Guihua said nervously: "After all, it cost three or two taels of silver. It can't just disappear for nothing. It's all due to Dongzi. It's okay to kick my wife for nothing. The good daughter-in-law is gone, and the whole village is disturbed. "

"Our family is close to Dongzi's. Maybe we will come to you tonight. I will find someone who has bought a daughter-in-law at home, and work together to force the village chief to find a way, otherwise the Dongzi family and the village chief will pay for it." Let's buy the daughter-in-law's money."

What the little old man said was a matter of course, and Qiang Zi deeply agreed.

"We can't just lose money, isn't it all money after we've raised them for so long, and after training for so long, it's hard to be obedient. Where can we go to buy someone who looks so upright and caring?"

Wang Guihua said bitterly, "At least double the amount and pay six taels of silver."

"At that time, you can directly buy a big girl, and you can go straight to it when you buy it, and you can give birth to a big fat grandson for your mother in the second year."

Qiangzi added, Wang Guihua was coaxed into a smile, and it seemed that the beautiful days were coming soon.

Ying Hui was extremely speechless, no matter what kind of thoughts she had in mind, these days, these people are considered low-browed, gentle and careless, and they have no mercy at all, and they have even thought about how to use their hard-earned money.

Really hateful!
Ying Hui forced herself to suppress the urge to strangle these people, secretly resenting that she didn't add Mongolian sweat medicine to the food just now, and directly killed these people, and only then did she dispel the hatred in her heart.

It's not the right time. She has just refined the first level, but she has strengthened her body a little bit. If she can barely release two low-level spells, all her spiritual power will be exhausted. With her young body, her physical strength is not as good as that of anyone in this family. .

As for whether these two spells will work, whether the movement will attract other villagers during the fight, and what the situation will be, Yinghui dare not try it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

To put it bluntly, her strength was too low, and she had no choice but to endure all the injustices she encountered.

Ying Hui lowered his eyelids and hid the sharpness in his eyes, but he didn't notice that Qiangzi and his son didn't know what they thought of, they stopped and looked at her at the same time, different meanings flashed in their eyes.

After dinner, Ying Hui was left at home, guarded by Wang Guihua, and the little old man took Qiang Zi to the village to contact other people to put pressure on the village chief.

It wasn't until the night was getting dark that the two turned around. There was a gleam of joy in their eyes. I don't know what the village chief and Dongzi's family agreed to.

But at this time, it is obvious that he has no intention of protecting himself.

Ying Hui felt uneasy, thinking about what leverage she would have to survive tonight if Dongzi's daughter-in-law really found him tonight.

Everyone ate dinner in silence, Ying Hui was concentrating on the countermeasures for tonight, and did not see the undercurrent of the three of them at the dinner table.

When everyone finished eating, she was about to clean up, but was stopped by Wang Guihua.

(End of this chapter)

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