Chapter 7 Death
These days, the impurities in her body have been excreted little by little, and her body is often rancid and smelly, but here, no one is clean, and no one has noticed these subtle changes in her body.

The dirty body covered up the delicate skin, which undoubtedly gave her an extra layer of protection.

In the morning, after waking up, Ying Hui had just been called out by Wang Guihua, when a shocking exclamation broke the silence of the entire small mountain village.

Both Qiangzi and the little old man were awakened by the exclamation, and got up to go out to check.

Yinghui suppressed her curiosity and followed Wang Guihua to cook.

The mountain village is boring, no matter what happens, it will become a topic of conversation, and she will be brought out to talk about it from time to time, she is not in a hurry.

Qiangzi and the little old man came back very slowly, and they didn't come back until Ying Hui's rice was cooked for a long time.

It's just that the faces of both of them are not good-looking.

"The child bride-in-law of Erhuzi's family is dead!"

This was Qiang Zi's first sentence when he entered the door. He almost subconsciously glanced at Ying Hui as he spoke.

Ying Hui's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at the stone beads in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and sure enough, they became brighter.

"What's the matter, isn't that little girl very obedient, and there is nothing wrong with her body, so she died? She was beaten to death by Huzi's mother?"

Wang Guihua couldn't help pushing herself and others, and gave all the possibilities she could think of.

"No, the stomach was hollowed out, and there was blood all over the floor."

The little old man's voice trembled, and he poured out everything he had seen and heard, as if this would alleviate his fear.

"It's not that the belly was ripped apart, but the internal organs in the stomach were taken out as if someone put his hand in from the lower body!
They all said that it was Dongzi's daughter-in-law who came for revenge. "

"This little whore makes people restless in life and restless in death." Wang Guihua said bitterly, she didn't know, she thought Huzi's wife was her daughter.

Ying Hui has long given up any hope for Wang Guihua's three-dimensional views. She has seen too many strange things, and she knows it is strange just from the little old man's description.

Considering that Dongzi's daughter-in-law happened to be on her seventh day today, and the aura here is strong, she might really have something to do with Dongzi's daughter-in-law.

"Where is Dongzi's wife buried?"

Ying Hui has been doing really well recently, often chatting and laughing with the three of them, listening to her question at this time, the little old man just thought she was curious, although it was a little strange that she asked the question, but after asking a question , still very simply gave the answer Ying Hui wanted.

It turned out that after Dongzi's wife died, she was not buried at all, but was thrown directly into the back mountain depression.

There are deep mountains and old forests everywhere here. Even the back mountains near the village are often haunted by wild animals. After these days, the corpses must have been eaten up long ago.

He died miserably during his life, and he will not live in peace after his death. If the place where he was buried had a slightly darker atmosphere, the daughter-in-law in this building could turn into an evil spirit.

But, why did you find Huzi's daughter-in-law, who is also a hard-working person, instead of seeking revenge from Dongzi and his son?

Ying Hui's thoughts changed slightly, and he almost understood.

That night, she took the Mongolian sweat medicine and poured out the whole family. Seeing the three of them sleeping like dead pigs, they left the yard with peace of mind.

Because of the busy farming season before, Yinghui often went in and out of this small mountain village, listening to them greet each other, he was already familiar with the small village with few families.

Dongzi's house and Huzi's house where the accident happened, one is in front of Qiangzi's house, and the other is diagonally opposite his house. They are neighbors of Dongzi's house, and they are very close.

It was not too late at this time, and everyone in Dongzi's family was still awake, eating outside under the faint light.

The conflict between father and son hadn't been resolved, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was very silent. Just when Yinghui was about to go to Huzi's house again, Dongzi's father suddenly spoke.

"The village chief said, let's go to the back mountain later, find your wife's body and burn it. It is said that once the body is gone, even the most powerful evil spirits will not be able to stir up trouble."

Dongzi lowered his head, did not refuse aloud, but also silently resisted.

With a "snap", Dongzi's father slammed a pair of chopsticks out, "You son of a bitch, you dare to get angry with your father, aren't you just a little bitch, worthy of your life?

Your father earned all his life to buy such a big girl, why not let me enjoy it too?

Why are you so unfilial? "

Ying Hui couldn't help feeling that after Wang Guihua, there was a second person who broke her three views.

No, in Wang Guihua's family, there is no one with normal three views, just to get a glimpse of the leopard, and the neighbors are the same. Is there anyone with normal three views in this village?

She was suspicious.

She finally understood why this village is not so poor that it can't be solved, why every family has to buy a daughter-in-law, the atmosphere is so bad, whoever loves their daughters will marry their children into this pit of fire.

Dongzi seemed awakened by his father's scolding, or maybe he didn't dare to resist at all, so he finally agreed, "I'll go with you."

Only then was Dongzi's father satisfied, took the chopsticks picked up by Dongzi's mother, and continued to "baji baji" to eat.

As for Dongzi, Ying Hui noticed that while he was holding the rice bowl, he didn't stick his chopsticks into the dish from the beginning to the end, and just ate the rice in a daze.

Ying Hui saw that they would take a while, and went to Huzi's house again. Huzi's daughter-in-law's body had already been disposed of, probably because the death was too strange, and he was worried that something would happen to the corpse, so he died directly. The place was burnt, leaving only traces of black ash on the ground.

Ying Hui sensed it carefully, and only sensed a faint lingering yin energy, indicating that a strange event had indeed happened here, and no useful information could be found.

She quickly turned back to Dongzi's house, and the father and son had packed up their things and were ready to go.

Ying Hui quietly fell behind. Although she is young, after practicing these days, her physical fitness has been greatly strengthened. In addition, the mountain road is difficult to walk at night, but her eyesight has been greatly enhanced due to cultivation and time travel. So, follow up Fairly easy.

"I said I'll come back tomorrow, come back tomorrow, the road is so difficult to walk at night, and it's not safe in the mountains. The village chief is not afraid of another accident, so he insists on coming tonight, and everyone in the village is acting on the wind , no one came to help, #~%..."

A string of swear words burst forth, and Ying Hui was full of admiration. She hadn't heard as many swear words in the past few days as she had in the past few days. In this small village, she had gained a lot of knowledge.

Amidst this series of cursing, they finally reached the place where they threw the corpse.

Ying Hui is still a little unfulfilled, being able to scold for so long is also a skill, and it is worth learning.

"Didn't it just be thrown here at the time, Dongzi, look, is there blood marks here? Where's the corpse? Couldn't it have been taken away by wild beasts?"

Dongzi finally stopped being silent, and followed his father to look around.

Ying Hui hid at the side and also glanced around, but Dongzi exclaimed, "Father, do you think this is a human bone?"

Whose long bone is not human with a trace of minced meat hanging on it?

Unfortunately, there is only one.

(End of this chapter)

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