This fairy has some tea

Chapter 112 He Si Nian

Chapter 112 He Si Nian
Gu Ruixiang wanted to take refuge in him, but he didn't even like her who had just practiced the third level of Qi.

So much so that after hearing all kinds of things Gu Ruiyue said, she was really moved.

"How could you be so kind to help me?"

"Of course not because of you.

I'm for Ahui, it doesn't matter if you get angry by yourself, and Yinghui suffers with you if you are really determined to go to the He family, the family will definitely not give Ahui to you as a companion cultivator, and marry you everywhere for nothing... go home.

At that time, Ah Hui will be my companion practitioner. "

Gu Ruiyue said happily, she has never concealed her purpose, and has always been generous and open.

This is why even though Gu Ruixiang hated her staring at Yinghui all the time and wanted to rob him, he could still date her.

Now that Gu Ruiyue had come up with an idea, she chose one of the two, but she really hesitated.

Ying Hui sent Gu Ruiyue out, Gu Ruiyue walked in front, and suddenly asked, "Why don't you worry about your future at all?"

Ying Hui pretended to be stupid, "There is nothing to worry about. Anyway, I will stay in Gu's family, and it doesn't matter who I am as an accompanying practitioner."

Gu Ruiyue shook her head, "I didn't say anything to Ah Xiang just now. In fact, you may not stay in the Gu family."

Ying Hui didn't answer, she could actually guess it.

"General companions will be married as a dowry with the companion master.

If the accompanying cultivator is a man, it is generally used as a capable subordinate, and if it is also a woman, most of them will be reduced to the second wife.

For a big family like the He family, if they can't marry a wife who is well-matched, it depends on their personal qualifications and the continuation of their children.

In the eyes of the He family, the Gu family may not be much better than Sanxiu, so if it is really for people, you may be more sought-after than Gu Xiang, and Aunt Shanyin will probably ask you to be a dowry to her son together Do side room.

You will become Ah Xiang's most powerful bargaining chip in competing for Shanyin's aunt and daughter-in-law.

You have to think clearly, your aptitude, even Jindan, is possible, if you really take the road of pregnancy and childbirth, your future will be completely ruined.

If you still want to stay in the Gu family, you should report to Aunt Ming as soon as possible, explaining that you want to change the companion master and become my companion cultivator. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Ruiyue left in a hurry.

Ying Hui sighed, this girl is upright, but she has a lot of eyes.

However, she is also a little hesitant at the moment.

Staying in the Gu family for three years, although she has the background of Taiwei Xianzong, her cultivation growth has not been affected, and what she has learned and seen has also increased her knowledge and experience, but if she stays longer, the Gu family will indeed treat her. There is no small limit to the growth of strength, and she needs to return to Ying's family.

There is no hope for the Gu family. If they can go to the He family, maybe there will be some breakthrough.

After all, the four major families in the Yao Ze world have very close contacts, maybe when the He family will hold a grand event like Lingnan Chunyu's family.

If she entered the He family, it would be much easier to join in the fun.

It's just that there are risks in this way, once the son of Aunt Shanyin succeeds in establishing the foundation, she will be in danger as a child.

Therefore, it is still necessary to see what age and cultivation level that young master is. If the cultivation base is still low, there are still a few years to plan.

And when did the other party take people to the He family, did they wait until the other party established the foundation to get married, or did they marry early and live in the He family.

What Yinghui wanted to know was also what Gu Ruixiang cared about.

She also wanted to take the opportunity to practice for a few more years, and it would be even more perfect if she could succeed in building the foundation before the opponent.

And most importantly, if they can marry into the He family, then Gu Ruixiang's parents, brothers and sisters will be able to return home from the mundane world.

This was something their whole family was looking forward to, and she didn't want to miss the opportunity to realize it.

So, the next day, I got specific news from the little sisters I had befriended.

Aunt Shanyin's son is called He Sinian, he is a three-spirited root with seven inches of gold, six inches of earth, and six inches of fire.

In terms of his aptitude, this speed of practice is already extremely fast. It seems that the He family, as a first-class family, has indeed a profound foundation.

It was this speed of cultivation that made Gu Ruixiang's heart flutter and his mind flutter.

Knowing about the dowry of companion cultivators, and knowing that there is a win, I have a higher chance of winning than most people.

For Yinghui, this is also rare good news.

Six inches of spiritual root aptitude, no matter how many treasures are piled up, it is almost impossible to go from the seventh level of Qi training to the success of foundation establishment within ten or eight years.

After such a long time, she might be able to build a foundation.

You can fly home by yourself.

Thinking of this, Yinghui decided that he had to do this vote.

A dowry is a dowry.

Gu Ruixiang was not so optimistic, he was still hesitating.

But after the month's supply was distributed, she made a thorough decision as soon as the few lonely pieces of spirit stones and the corresponding pills, talismans and other things were gone.

I found someone to inquire about Aunt Shanyin's preferences, and used the preserved spirit stones to order a few plain-colored dresses. Even the hair accessories were replaced with pearls the size of rice grains.

In the midst of Gu Ruixiang's intensive preparations, the news of Gu Shanyin's mother and son finally came, saying that they would arrive by noon.

The Gu family had already put up lights and festoons, the front door was wide open, and fragrant flowers were spread on the floor to welcome the He family.

Even the Jindan patriarch of the Gu family, the patriarch of the later stage of foundation establishment, showed up one after another.

Patriarch Gu condescended even more, and came to the gate in person, waiting to be greeted.

Including Gu Ruixiang, the men and women of the Gu family almost stretched their necks and squeezed forward.

Some of them naturally just want to join in the fun, while others hope that if they get Aunt Shanyin's eye, they might get some rewards.

There are other girls who have more or less the same thoughts as Gu Ruixiang.

Auntie looked at Gu Ruixiang's dress and went to that stop, as if swallowing a fly.

When he looked at her, Gu Ruixiang laughed even more disdainfully.

Thinking of his nephew being disliked by others, he was so arrogant and innocent, and now he didn't even see He Sinian's face, so he rushed to get up.

There was a fire in her heart, and she lost her mind for some reason, and there was only one thought in her mind, that she must make Gu Ruixiang make a big fool of herself, so that she could end her daydream of flying up a branch, and never turn over under her own hands.

When Gu Shanyin and his group landed slowly at the door of Gu's house in a flying boat, everyone looked up and looked around, and when no one was paying attention, Gu Ruixiang pinched the magic formula in his hand, and Gu Ruixiang felt his feet tripped, and he fell forward.

Auntie looked at Gu Ruixiang who was about to fall and eat shit, the anger in her heart finally dissipated, and her senses finally returned. When she raised her eyes, she saw the Patriarch staring at her angrily.

Gu Ruixiang, who was about to fall, was supported by spiritual power, and slowly stood up again.

(End of this chapter)

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