This fairy has some tea

Chapter 113 Blue Eared Rabbit

Chapter 113 Blue Eared Rabbit
She straightened her clothes and stood in the middle of the crowd, as if the stars were holding the moon. She bowed to Gu Shanyin's mother and son from a distance, and called shyly, "Aunt Shanyin, Yi'an, misses the chronology." Brother Wanfu, Ruixiang is rude."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head to glance at He Sinian with flushed cheeks, then quickly lowered his head, only revealing the slender and graceful neck, which was a style He Sinian had never seen before.

Just heard her moving voice sound like a cat, "Thank you cousin just now."

The front is graceful, charming and charming, and the word Rui clearly shows her identity.

Later, her shyness of being rescued by the hero He Si Nian is vividly displayed.

Not only did the ugliness not come out, it also made Gu Ruixiang show his face in front of the two of them.

Ying Hui was also very satisfied with Gu Ruixiang's appearance. The incense given by Miss Xianghuai was indeed a good thing, and it suddenly made the normally steady and deep aunt impulsive and demented.

Unfortunately, the amount of this incense is not much, after using it this time, only half of it is left, and I will use it again.

Just this time, even if she failed to enter the He family, the aunt made such a big mistake under the watchful eyes of everyone, and she couldn't stay in her current position any longer. Their predicament was solved the moment the aunt made her move.

Gu Shanyin's eyes wandered back and forth on the members of the Gu family, and she smiled amiably. At the end, she praised Gu Ruixiang for her extraordinary demeanor, and even gave a jade-white bracelet as a meeting gift.

The bracelet is not an ordinary ornament, but a passive defensive weapon that can withstand the full blow of a monk in the late stage of three Qi training sessions.

The generosity of the shot made everyone in the Gu family jealous.

Gu Ruixiang, as the first person to formally talk to Gu Shanyin and get a gift from the other party, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The gentle and jade-like youth stood by his mother's side and kept silent, but his eyes fell on the charming and charming girl, a little pity, and more shocking!
Along with his mother, he was welcomed into Gu's mansion, and when he passed by the girl, he couldn't help but glance back, but unfortunately, his brows were full of affection, and everyone thought he was looking at him, which made all the young ladies of the Gu family blush. heartbeat.

The crowd gradually dispersed, Gu Ruixiang was holding the bracelet, looking at the aunt who was called away by the head of the family, his expression was agitated.

"Actually, there's still time for you to change your mind now. The position of aunt will definitely be changed, and no one will embarrass you in the future."

Gu Ruiyue looked at Gu Ruixiang, for some reason, she suddenly retorted.

"My aunt is gone, and there will be a new aunt. As long as I have no strength and no backing, I can be manipulated by others at any time. I don't want to live in such a life of being cautious and having no way to appeal. This is my opportunity. ,I will not give up.

Ah Hui, will you help me? "

Gu Ruixiang stared at Yinghui steadfastly. She already understood that Yinghui was a very crucial bargaining chip if she wanted to marry He Sinian.

And after so many days, Yinghui has clearly rejected Gu Ruiyue's private invitation. Perhaps, this is also the reason why Gu Ruiyue suddenly wanted to dissuade Gu Ruixiang when things came to an end.

Ying Hui looked at Gu Ruixiang, but didn't answer right away, because it was not a business, she wanted to see what price Gu Ruixiang was willing to pay.

Gu Ruixiang bit her lip and said, "If you agree to be my companion cultivator and go to He's house together, I will definitely do my best not to let you be a concubine and help you build your foundation!"

What Gu Ruixiang said was indeed sincere, who would be willing to find a concubine with better qualifications than himself, and share his favor?

Even if this person would never betray herself, she would not be willing.

On the contrary, if Yinghui can build the foundation smoothly, then, even if she is delayed for some years because of pregnancy and childbirth, with such a companion, no one dares to underestimate herself.

Even, when his child is born, Ying Hui can become his child's right-hand man. When his child grows up and assumes the responsibility of protecting him, at that time, he can rest assured that he will improve his cultivation.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

She looked at Ying Hui's indistinguishable face, and lowered her head to sweep her swollen chest. She felt that her plan was a little more feasible.

Ying Hui is quite satisfied, and it is safer to ask her to swear an oath of heart demon, but thinking about the companion contract, he is planning to do something, so let it go.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be going to the dark side by side, Gu Ruiyue even regretted the bad idea of ​​sunrise that day.

"Have you ever thought that Aunt Shanyin's status in the He family may not be much higher than your status in the Gu family?

If you went to the He family, would you still struggle? "

"What's the difference? Even if Aunt Shanyin's family is not prominent in the He family, they are not comparable to the Gu family. You look at the attitude of the Patriarch, and then look at Aunt Shanyin's random rewards. How could life be so bad?" go?"

Gu Ruixiang still didn't say a word, even if Aunt Shanyin's life was not as good as he thought, but at least it would be enough for their family to move back from the secular world.

Gu Ruiyue stopped persuading her, and only said, "I wish you all your wishes come true."

Gu Ruixiang looked at Gu Ruiyue's dark green corset, which made the other party as delicate as a flower, and said suspiciously: "You dress up so beautifully, so you don't have the same intentions, let me quit, and you will have fewer competitors I'm telling you, it's impossible, I won't be fooled."

Gu Ruixiang just had face-to-face contact with He Sinian, and he is also very satisfied with He Sinian. He has already thrown half his heart out, and everyone he sees is like a rival in love.

"If you are so indiscriminate and bite like a mad dog, I think it's better to give up the idea of ​​marrying into the He family."

Gu Ruiyue's face darkened, she flung her sleeves and left, not wanting to get involved in Gu Ruixiang's mess.

Although it's a pity that Yinghui is such a good companion, but Yinghui is not the only one in this world to be a companion.

Her mother has already found one for her, who is not bad in qualifications, but her temper is not as anti-hero as Ying Hui's.

But the twisted melon is not sweet, and it is meaningless to consume it now.

However, Gu Ruixiang's plan did not go smoothly after she made up her mind. For three whole days after she fell and was rescued for the first time, she didn't even touch He Sinian's side, and even He Sinian's daily itinerary made her feel uncomfortable. I can't even find out.

The contacts she had made before suddenly became useless, and everyone kept secret about her.

Gu Ruixiang had a bad nose, but in the end he had no choice but to turn to his deadly enemy, Gu Ruiyue.

"What else could be the reason? My aunt has accumulated power in the Gu family for many years, and she is most familiar with the chores. Although the head of the family removed her from the position of steward for the sake of the Gu family's face, the newly appointed aunt's eyes were smeared. You have to ask her about many things, and your conflicts have come to the fore, and everyone is afraid of getting into trouble, so they can only protect themselves wisely."

(End of this chapter)

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