This fairy has some tea

Chapter 13 Breakthrough

Chapter 13 Breakthrough
She finally realized how much hardship her ninth brother had gone through to find her.

So, are her parents really looking for her?

"It wasn't that white lotus who instigated it. Originally, Thirteenth Uncle wanted to entrust this matter to Tenth Uncle. Later, for some reason, Tenth Aunt and Thirteenth Aunt had a big fight because of her. Thirteenth Uncle didn't agree. Well, work hard for Uncle Ten, counting and counting, and I was arrested as a young man when I was idle at home for a few days."

Ying Hui admires Bai Lian'er a little now, so it's no wonder Brother Nine would annoy her so much, he was willing to fight and find someone to do it because Lu Chi didn't like to go out alone.

On the other hand, there is an elder sister of similar age who has been fighting with the little aunts in the next room since she was a child. He was forced to participate in the whole house fighting process, and he is really familiar with such small tricks.

She saw through Bai Lian'er at a glance.

"Hehe, we thought you couldn't catch up. It seems that the little girl knows the way very well."

As soon as they boarded the flying boat, a young man with picturesque features walked over, dressed in ink and wash gowns, like a romantic scholar in the world.

But it also has a bit of a sense of immortality.

Ying Hui secretly praised that, no matter what the five senses are for cultivators, there are seldom very ugly ones after the sense of atmosphere is full.

This one, she looks good in the first place, and dressed up like this, Zhilan Yushu looks like a lush forest and bamboo, which is really beautiful.

"Little uncle, have you changed your style again? This outfit really suits you. If I hadn't grown up with you, I would have thought you were a prodigy."

Ying Rong's flattering partner was very comfortable, and he didn't laugh at Ying Rong's stupidity anymore. After exchanging a few satisfied greetings, he turned to Ying Hui.

"This is Ying Duo's daughter, Ying Hui?"

"Well, that's right. I did a blood test, and I'm sure it's right. Eleventh sister, this is my little uncle Ying Xun. He ranks 23rd in the native generation, and is the youngest in the native generation."

"Hello little uncle."

Ying Hui took the initiative to say hello, Ying Xun nodded, but frowned and said, "You have already started to practice? Ah Rong taught? How is your aptitude?"

Ying Rong knew what Ying Xun meant. In the Ying family, even if he was born in the main family of the direct line, as long as one of his spiritual roots is below six inches, he would not be assigned as a platoon leader and become a side branch.

And once it becomes a side branch, the descendants, whose spiritual roots are not above seven inches, are not allowed to enter the main house.

"How can I be so unreliable? It's Xiaoshi's own chance. As for qualifications, my little uncle can rest assured that as long as Xiaoshi's surname is Ying, this ranking belongs to her, and no one can take it away."

Only then did Ying Xun look squarely at Yinghui again.

There is a chance, good qualifications, and it seems that it is very suitable for Ying Rong's eyes.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bring her here with him, and he would put her in any branch of Ying's family on the way, and it would be the same to bring her back after the matter was over.

Although they are all surnamed Ying, the genius heirs of the Ying family have their own small circle, and it is very difficult for others to get involved.

Being able to establish a good relationship in advance will naturally benefit Yinghui a lot.

However, no one would rashly bring outsiders in. Even if they did, no one would take them seriously if their aptitude and strength were not recognized.

For example, even if Ying Hui was brought in by Ying Rong, even if she knew that she had excellent aptitude, she still didn't have the right to deal with them fairly until her cultivation had not caught up with them.

Ying Hui doesn't care about these things, not to mention the disparity in strength, but to talk about age, these people are dozens of years older than her, who would talk about equality with an ignorant little girl.

However, no matter what, they were all her elders, and almost all of them gave her a lot of greeting gifts.

Ying Rong didn't expect that Ying Hui would be able to blend in right away, it's enough to get acquainted with her, Ying Hui has good aptitude, and sooner or later her cultivation level will catch up, so there is no rush.

Ying Hui didn't need to look at the map any more, and took a bunch of meeting gifts, and went back to the warehouse allotted to her contentedly, leaving room for everyone to talk.

This airship was so huge that even the cabin that was randomly assigned to her was larger than a single room in the village.

Ying Hui sorted out the meeting gifts he had received, as well as the pills that Ying Rong gave him along the way.

There were originally four people in Feizhou, apart from Ying Xun who was the highest seniority, there were two other uncles, one was the seventeenth uncle Ying Yu, and the other was the nineteenth aunt Ying Americium.

There is another one, who is also their peer, Ying Xiao from Xingqi.

Perhaps because they were going to participate in the alchemy fight, the gifts given by these four people were all pills without exception, but most of these pills were middle-grade, with occasionally a few top-grade ones mixed in.

One can tell at a glance that this is refined by himself, otherwise he would not have mixed the middle-grade pill and the top-grade pill together for refining.

Ying Hui couldn't help complaining, these few descendants from Ying family and excellent talents will never be short of resources, but the quality of the elixir they refine is not as good as that in the world of Langhuan cultivating immortals. How much stronger is the elixir refined from herbs that are not old enough.

It can be seen that alchemy kung fu is not good enough, such a group of people going to participate in the alchemy fight, isn't it really waiting to be ridiculed by the crowd?

Ying Hui withdrew his thoughts, it seemed that it was necessary to cross again before reaching Lingnan.

The stone beads fluoresced, and in the next moment, she returned to the slightly salty seaside again.

A spirit pill rolled into his stomach, and his body, which had never taken a spirit pill, was instantly filled with rich aura, and his cultivation, which had been stagnant for a long time, rose rapidly until some kind of shackles were broken in his body. Ying Hui who opened his eyes again had broken through to the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Uncle Fu, who came to ask her to eat, felt a difference when he saw her. Yingying's spiritual light should be due to her cultivation level not yet stabilized, and it seemed to cast a layer of light on Yinghui's whole person.

"The girl broke through?"

Faber was very pleasantly surprised.

"My ancestors bless you, the girl is more and more active now, if you can enter another level before the Taiwei Immortal Sect opens the mountain gate, and enter the mid-stage of Qi refining, there is hope for entering the Taiwei Immortal Sect."

Ying Hui laughed and teased: "Since Fu Bo has set a goal, I will definitely complete it, and I cannot let Fu Boshi down."

"Oh, the young lady has broken the old slave. As long as the young lady is well, that's what Uncle Fu wishes for. Don't be too hard on yourself."

With an elder who dotes on her so much, she never cared about it before, but instead was bound by the illusory maternal love.

"Uncle Fu, this place is far away from the Taiwei Immortal Sect. This is my last chance. I want to start early and settle down near the Taiwei Immortal Sect early to avoid any accidents on the way and delays."

Uncle Fu nodded again and again, but said in a slightly embarrassed way: "Girl, we don't have spirit stones at hand, and the land road to Taiwei Xianzong is too bumpy, and there are too many variables. The waterway can go with the spirit boat, but even if the shop is exchanged Going out, I'm afraid it's not enough for travel expenses.

The girl is still young, so she can't eat rice, and the cost of food, drink, housing and transportation along the way is not small..."

(End of this chapter)

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