Chapter 14
In a word, if you have money, you can travel all over the world, but if you don't have money, you can't go anywhere.

Ying Hui thought for a while, and handed out a bottle of yellow bud pill. This yellow bud pill has a lot of uses, whether it is nourishing the body after injury, assisting the breakthrough when breaking through, or stabilizing the cultivation base after breaking through, it has an irreplaceable role. It can stabilize the meridians very well.

It is a elixir that is used throughout the Qi refining period, and even the foundation-building monks will also use it.

Yinghui has three bottles of yellow bud pills in total. Yinghui picked out all the top-grade pills and put them separately.

The remaining two bottles, five pills in each bottle, are all middle-grade pills.

What she took out just now was one of the bottles of Zhongpin Dan.

"This, this, girl, where did you get this elixir? You must hide such a precious thing. This island is remote, and there are many vicious and vicious people. If it is discovered, it will inevitably lead to death. "

When Forbe spoke, his voice was trembling and lowered.

"Fu Bo, I want you to use this elixir to exchange for two boat tickets, do you think it can be exchanged?"

"It's absolutely impossible. With this elixir, girl, if you break through the fifth level of Qi refining as soon as possible, you will be more confident in entering the Taiwei Immortal Sect. If you change the boat ticket and delay your cultivation, how can you enter the sect? "

Ying Hui shook his head and said, "Without a boat ticket, I can't even get to the Taiwei Immortal Sect. Why are you talking about entering the sect?"

"How about I find my wife and think of a way..."

"If my mother finds out, this elixir can't be kept."

Uncle Fu sighed and murmured, "This is for the girl to practice..."

"Fu Bo, if you really want to enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect, you will definitely not be able to lack the panacea. This bottle of medicine is considered an investment. If you have any medicine left, you can exchange it with spirit stones for flowers on the road. If there is not enough medicine, I'll think of another way."

Uncle Fu took Huang Ya Dan and walked out the door with heavy steps.

It wasn't until the sun was setting that Uncle Forbe hurried back.

As soon as he entered the door, he closed the door of the grocery store tightly, making sure no one was following, and then took out the things from the storage bag.

Two of the tokens were made of ebony, very heavy to hand, engraved with the shape of a large ship, and there were runes that she couldn't understand, shining with a faint aura.

In addition to the token, there is a small pile of spirit stones, twenty in total.

"Girl, the ship will leave in half a month. I'll cash out the store in the next few days and prepare some things for the road. Let's set off."

Ying Hui put away the things and said, "Uncle Fu, thank you for your hard work, aren't you afraid that I won't be able to enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect and will be homeless?"

"Girl, don't be discouraged. You are sensible now, and you will definitely get in. Besides, even if you are really homeless, the old slave can go to Taiwei Xianzong's square market to find some odd jobs and settle down. At that time, the girl can cultivate with peace of mind, and wait for the Taiwei Immortal Sect to open the mountain gate next time, let's try again, and we will always succeed."

Uncle Fu, who was still saying that there was no hope for Qing Yunzong to open the mountain gate again, suddenly changed his mind. Ying Hui understood that Uncle Fu didn't want her to be too psychologically burdened and wanted to comfort her.

A total of [-] spirit stones were exchanged in the whole shop, Yinghui didn't want them, and all of them were placed on Uncle Fu, who let him plan his itinerary along the way.

Compared with the gorgeous flying boat that Ying's family took, the boat that went out to sea this time looked very dilapidated, and it didn't even have the function of flying, that is, the defensive shields on it made it barely stronger than ordinary ships.

Uncle Fu is old, but his cultivation is at the seventh level of Qi Refining, so although the two of them seem to be alone, no one really dares to provoke them casually.

We boarded the ship fairly smoothly.

The speed of the big ship is not fast, and it will take about three months to reach the destination, and then half a month's journey as a hearse, and you will be able to reach the Taiwei Immortal Sect.

Fu Bo brought a lot of food with him, but the capacity of the storage bag was limited, and the food was obviously not enough for the two of them to eat for the journey, so every two days he went to buy some food supplements on the boat.

Other than that, don't go out again.

As for Yinghui, she didn't leave the door and didn't go out, like a lady in the secular world, she simply retreated and practiced.

The body in this world is already 13 years old, but her cultivation base has just advanced to the fourth level of Qi Refining. Undoubtedly, she is limited by spiritual energy resources. She must seize all the time to catch up.

On the contrary, the body of Yaoze Realm that crossed over has sufficient aura, so he should take less pills and train more.

A yellow bud pill was swallowed into the stomach, and with the continuous refinement of Yinghui, the stagnant meridians that had just broken through became more flexible and smooth, and the spiritual power also circulated more smoothly.

Although the aura is still thin, there is finally no shortage of elixir. Relying on the aura of the elixir, in two months, not only has the cultivation base been continuously stabilized, but it has even improved a lot.

Happy Uncle Fu smiled.

On this day, after Ying Hui finished his training, he heard a commotion outside the door.

Forbe let her stay in the room, and went out to check the situation by himself.

Uncle Fu came back very quickly, but he was in a bit of a mess, and his hair was a little disheveled.

Ying Hui suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, Uncle Fu said: "Girl, there may be something wrong with this boat!"

Then, without waiting for Ying Hui to ask, he said everything he found out.

"The ship was supposed to sail all the way to the northwest, but at some point, it deviated from the route and sailed all the way west. Now it is five days away from fighting for the route.

Originally, most of us were practicing, and at most we would come out occasionally to get some fresh air. Today, I don’t know who got up early in the morning to watch the sunrise, but found an island, which he had been to before. Yes, it broke out. "

"What did the captain say?"

"It is said that if there is any cargo on Ludong Island, you have to make a detour to pull it up. For the time lost, part of the shipping fee will be refunded as compensation."

Ying Hui shook his head: "The other party agreed to compensate too happily. If this is the case, the matter of going to Ludong Island will be discovered sooner or later, and compensation will be made sooner or later. There is no need to cover it up at the beginning, and only do it when someone finds out. respond."

"The old slave thinks the same way. I'm afraid there is something shady about this boat."

"Can we disembark early?"

Uncle Fu shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. Just now someone made a noise to turn the boat around and go to the small island that just passed by, but the owner of the boat refused because he couldn't delay the trip."

Ying Hui bit his lip, and finally made up his mind, saying: "Fu Bo, there is a small boat on this boat, let's go find the owner of one, no, buy one, just say that there is something urgent to get off the boat, remember, talk about it, as for We don’t need him to pay for our boat, we just need to get off the boat, and we can row back by ourselves.”

(End of this chapter)

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