Chapter 15
Uncle Uncle originally felt sorry for Lingshi, but Yinghui said: "Uncle Uncle, no matter how important Lingshi is, life is not important. This trip, I always have some ominous premonitions. I would rather give up my whole body of Lingshi than Let's take the risk."

Uncle Fu was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that spirit stones are more important than wealth and life.

Stamping his feet, he followed Yinghui and went out the door together.

Some people on board still expressed dissatisfaction, but most of them have accepted this reality.

After all, just a few days late, one-third of the boat fee can be refunded, which is a lot of money for everyone on the boat.

No one was making a fuss about getting off the boat, and even if there were still people making a fuss, it was just trying to get a few more spirit stones.

Ying Hui and their request instantly quieted down the noisy crowd.

"Girl, it's not the old man who stopped you. There is a herd of Tier [-] sea beasts around here from time to time, and occasionally even Tier [-] sea beasts. The boat on the boat is just a vulgar thing. It doesn't matter if you give it to a girl. However, this boat has no protection. I'm really in danger, I'm afraid..."

The benevolent Maitreya-like ship owner persuaded patiently, making Ying Hui feel that if she persisted, she would just not know what is good and what is bad.

"Senior, it really happened for a reason. My mother's natal family lived on Donglu Island. When I boarded the ship, my mother happened to send me a letter saying that my grandfather was seriously ill. She hoped that I could go back and see him.

However, this time the boat ride was expensive, and it was too late to sell the boat ticket. In desperation, I had no choice but to board the boat and continue the original itinerary.

I just heard that our boat happened to pass by Ludong Island. If we can't get off the boat to meet each other at this time, my mother will probably hate me for being unfilial, and I'm afraid that this matter will become a demon in this life, and my cultivation will not be improved. "

Ying Hui explained all the reasons that he had thought up long ago, and only said that the matter was extremely serious, as if the captain of the ship was a villain blocking her way if he refused to let her off the ship.

The boat owner was tongue-tied for a moment, and wanted to persuade him again, but Yinghui was already crying: "Senior, this boat is going very fast, please let me get off the boat quickly, so I can go back earlier to see my grandpa for the last time."

As he spoke, he was about to kneel down.

Seeing the people around him pointing fingers, the captain of the ship obviously already stood on Ying Hui's side. If he still refused, the group of people who had just comforted him would become suspicious.

The owner of the boat quickly stopped Yinghui, and said repeatedly: "That's all, I will send you a small boat, but you must be careful on the way back."

However, while he was speaking, Ying Hui caught a subtle wave of mana, someone used the sound transmission technique!

This is a new ability she acquired after her six senses were strengthened again after traveling again. If she travels several times, she can even hear the content of the sound transmission technique clearly.

In addition to the induction and sound transmission, as long as someone uses a spell, she can detect its weak mana fluctuations, and even before some spells are issued, she has already sensed them in advance.

It's just that among the people she knows, the one who has used spells in front of her has the highest cultivation level, that is, brother Jiu Ying Rong in the early stage of the foundation establishment stage, and she is not as sensitive to the fluctuations of the spells of Ying Rong as the monks in the Qi refining stage.

It shows that her ability is still limited by her cultivation.

Ying Hui had doubts in his heart, thinking that the matter of disembarkation would have side effects.

In fact, on the contrary, their disembarkation was very smooth.

Until she and Uncle Fu stood on the small boat, it still felt unreal.

However, this smoothness made Yinghui even more uneasy about the sound transmission technique he had just perceived.

"Uncle Fu, check if there is any problem with this boat. I always think we got off the boat very smoothly."

Fu Bo was also uneasy, and immediately checked the inside and outside of the boat, but still did not find any problems.

"Let's go to Ludong Island first. The sea is not safe. Anyway, we will be safe when we get to Ludong Island."

Ying Hui looked at the endless sea, in addition to worrying about the fluctuation of the magic spell, there was another layer of uneasiness about the sea beast that the captain said.

"Forbe, tell me, will they send someone to arrest us?"

Uncle Fu's heart skipped a beat: "There's no need for those people in that boat to go to war for us, right?"

Ying Hui frowned, and finally figured it out, "Of course it's not worth it for us, but I'm afraid that we will leak the news, and I'm worried that someone will come to silence us."

Ying Hui felt remorseful, just now he was only focused on escaping from the tiger's mouth, but he forgot how he could let the two of them leave alive if the ship owner really harbored ill intentions towards the ship's people.

"Uncle Fu, we don't want this boat anymore. Can you swim? Let's swim to Ludong Island."

Uncle Fu naturally listened to Ying Hui, and the boat simply stayed where it was. For safety reasons, he even changed his clothes before jumping into the water.

The two tried their best to restrain their breath in the water, while swimming towards Ludong Island little by little.

Not long after, I heard movement behind me, the dark sea beast galloped towards the boat, and within a short while, the boat was bitten and shattered.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ying Hui and his two felt cold sweat in their hearts.

Neither of them spoke, they looked at each other, and for a moment, they were floating in the water, not daring to move at will, for fear of attracting sea beasts, and the breathing restraint technique was even more effective.

After all the sea beasts had dispersed, they continued to swim.

However, neither of the two of them expected that when they first arrived on Ludong Island, they would be directly tied up by a group of men in black who were waiting for a rabbit.

The exhausted two didn't even have the strength to resist, they were tied up and thrown into the dungeon.

His spiritual power was sealed, and his storage bag was taken away. After swimming for two days and two nights, Ying Hui immediately developed a high fever after spending a day in the dungeon.

Uncle Fu was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

There is nothing valuable in Yinghui's storage bag, only a few worthless scattered things from the original owner, and the pills she got were all put in the stone beads by her, the loss is not big .

So, she actually has healing elixir.

But, she dare not eat.

She wasn't sure if anyone was watching them here, and she didn't dare to bet that she couldn't reveal her biggest secret.

Fortunately, the people here didn't really intend to kill them. After being locked up for two days, someone finally brought them food.

Although it was not tasty, Yinghui's body gradually improved and the dizziness gradually subsided with food supplementing energy.

The high fever finally subsided.

After being locked up in the dark for a month, they were sent to the big ship again.

However, this time it was used as cargo, locked in the cabin, quietly followed a ship of ignorant passengers, and embarked on the old road of the previous wave of passengers.

(End of this chapter)

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