This fairy has some tea

Chapter 16 The girl in purple

Chapter 16 The girl in purple
"Girl, I'm sorry, I found a black boat, and I don't know where we are going to take us. Don't worry, girl, I will save you if I risk my life."

Uncle Fu was terrified in his heart, but he still put Yinghui first, and the only thing on his mind was Yinghui's comfort.

Uncle Fu, no matter in Langhuan Realm or Yaoze Realm, he is the one who cares about her the most, and the only one who truly cares for her wholeheartedly.

"Fu Bo, we can all escape, we will."

Ying Hui didn't know whether he was comforting himself or Fu Bo.

The light of the stone beads in the Sea of ​​Consciousness continued to increase. It was obvious that the passengers this time were not as easy to appease as the last time. Chaos had already begun on the boat. The conflicts together meant that they had a chance to escape?
"Forbe, do you smell anything?"

Forbe sniffed it carefully, his brows furrowed even deeper.

The place where they stayed was set up with a simple restriction, which can isolate the sound, but it can't isolate the smell. After Fubo smelled it carefully, he found a subtle change in the smell.

In addition to the salty smell of sea water, there was also a faint smell of blood, "There is a commotion on the boat!"

"That's what I thought too. There must be a lot of chaos on the boat. Uncle Fu, let's take this opportunity to escape."


It's not that Uncle Fu doesn't know that this is a good opportunity to escape, but their cultivation has been sealed, their storage bags have been taken away, and the door of this utility room is locked. How should they escape, and where should they escape?
In the vast sea, the nearest Ludong Island is obviously controlled by this group of people. Drifting in this sea, I was lucky not to be discovered by sea beasts last time, but this time, I have been floating on the sea, and I really won’t be caught by sea beasts. Did you find it?
The frequency of the stone beads lighting up had a tendency to decrease. Ying Hui didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he took out two detoxification pills and took one first.

Uncle Fu looked at the elixir that Ying Hui handed over, and was both surprised and delighted: "The girl still has the elixir on her body? Now it's over, now it's over, if you can recover your cultivation base, there is hope for you to escape."

Fu Bo simply took the detoxification pill without even asking where Ying Hui hid the detoxification pill, and he didn't even ask why he didn't take it out earlier.

After recovering his cultivation, Fu Bo used the golden blade technique to easily cut off the chains on the two of them.

The door lock seemed like nothing to the two who had recovered their cultivation.

As soon as they walked out the door, without the soundproof restraint, the sounds of killing, roaring, swords clashing, and magic spells exploded in the ears of the two of them.

The conflict outside is more intense than they imagined.

The two looked at each other, sneaked all the way, and touched the entrance of the cabin, the shouts were deafening, and at some point, it rained from the sky, fell on the deck, and washed blood all over the place.

A girl in purple dresses up against the wind, her dark green long sword has a restrained brilliance, as thick as summer leaves, the color is thick and warm, it is obviously full of vitality, but it has the meaning of killing.

The sky was overcast with clouds, so low that it seemed to be within reach.

The girl in purple is like a flash of lightning, about to shatter the injustice in this world.

Ying Hui was fascinated by watching it for a while, and was fascinated by the girl's courageous demeanor at this moment.

The girl's opponent was the captain she had met before, and the face that smiled like a Maitreya Buddha was full of sternness at this moment.

Apart from him, there were several other Foundation Establishment monks besieging the girl together.

"The captain should be in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the others seem to be in the early stage of foundation establishment. However, their combat power is not strong, and they may have used some secret method to stimulate their cultivation.

The purple-clothed girl should also be at the early stage of foundation establishment, but judging by his appearance, she should come from a famous school with a solid foundation, so that she will not fall behind under the siege of several people. "

Seeing Ying Hui looking up at the fighting people, Fu Bo explained.

Ying Hui nodded, expressing understanding.

She had the eyesight of her previous life, so she could see it naturally. The reason why she kept staring was actually trying to figure out the identity of the purple-clothed girl.

The last time the boat was full of qi-training monks, even Fu Bo, who was on the seventh level of qi-training, was considered a high-level man. He didn't dare to breathe in front of the foundation-building monks. Then let the people in the whole boat follow their arrangement peacefully.

I don't know how a character like the girl in purple got on this ship.

"Girl, I don't think this girl in purple can last long, so let's run away first."

It's no wonder that Uncle Fu didn't like the other party, the captain was ruthless and tricky, and took advantage of his cultivation, and with a few helpers, he had already caused several wounds on the girl.

The girl seemed to be able to do a job with ease, but she was actually at the end of her strength.

Ying Hui felt a little sympathetic, they had the chance to escape this time, no matter what, the girl also deserved credit.

It's just that they themselves are mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and this sympathy seems hypocritical.

There was chaos on the boat, and the number of boatmen was limited. Although the defensive formation on the boat was opened, a gap was broken by the joint efforts of everyone.

All the small boats on board were snatched up by these monks long ago.

Ying Hui couldn't help frowning, these people are probably going to die in the mouth of sea beasts.

She didn't open her mouth to stop it, she knew what it meant to be sinister.

Once she opened her mouth to stop her, not only no one would believe what she said, but they would probably think that it was because she hadn't snatched the boat that she uttered such alarmist and malicious words.

He and Uncle Fu hugged a board and jumped into the water one after another.

The big boat was moving fast, and the waves rolled up caused Yinghui to float up and down in the water.

However, this did not have any effect on her who had already practiced Qi at the fourth level and still had water spirit roots.

When the big ship was far away, Ying Hui, who was holding on to the plank, gradually floated to the surface of the sea.

Forbe quickly leaned over.

After meeting the two, the first thing they did was to quickly move away from the monks who were driving the small boat.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ying Hui to find that the stone beads that had calmed down because the big ship went away were shining again and again.

Ying Hui got out of the water and wiped the sea water on his face.

She was worried that after the commotion on the ship was over, someone would turn back.

Although the sea is wide and the water is turbulent, at that time they had been washed away so far that they didn't know how far apart they were.

But Foundation Establishment monks can fly in the air, as long as they are willing, they will be found sooner or later.

Therefore, just in case, Ying Hui and Fu Bo simply discarded the wooden boards they brought down, and hid under the water with their breath held, only carefully sticking out of the water when they needed to take a breath.

Thanks to their carefulness, along the way, she noticed the mana fluctuations of the Foundation Establishment cultivator passing over her head several times.

She was tense all over.

It wasn't until three days later that she and Uncle Fu felt at ease and began to think about the next question after not noticing anyone chasing them for a whole day.

"Girl, we are not familiar with this place. We can't go to Ludong Island. We might as well go all the way to the west. Let's swim back to the mainland. They are just a group of foundation-building monks. They definitely dare not act wild on the mainland. We will be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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