This fairy has some tea

Chapter 17 Combat

Chapter 17 Combat
Ying Hui understands the truth of this, but the journey is far away, and I don't know if they can support it.

But the two of them had no other choice, only this way to go.

In the past few days, they have been relying on the driftwood transformed by spells to rest for a while and preying on sea fish for maintenance, and they don't even have the energy to cook them.

It's a pity that the driftwood transformed by the magic spell will disperse once the spiritual power is gone, and it will not last long.

If she doesn't think of a way as soon as possible, she is worried that she will not be able to resist time travel.

Once he used the large items in the stone beads, his secrets would be in danger of being exposed. Even Fu Bo, Ying Hui was not willing to take the risk.

Once the secret is announced, it is no longer a secret. Even if Fu Bo does not betray him, there will be other risks, and she cannot take risks.

On the vast sea, the two people, who were swollen by sea water, swam forward with all their strength.

The exhausted two had already lost the strength to speak.

"Look, girl, is there a boat over there?"

Ying Hui looked intently, and sure enough, he saw a small boat swaying on the sea in the distance.

The two looked at each other, but they didn't dare to rush forward, they just watched from a distance.

Looking at it, you can see the problem.

The small boat was not the one on the big boat they escaped from, but it was very delicate, and even had a defensive magic circle.

The reason why it wobbled was because there were several first-order sea beasts constantly colliding in the water.

Every time there was a collision, the defensive magic circle became weaker, and the defensive magic circle was already crumbling.

There was no movement on the boat, only a touch of blood floating out.

The people on board probably lost consciousness long ago.

Looking at the boat, Ying Hui almost immediately thought of the girl in purple who was riding the wind.

"Uncle Fu, can the two of us work together to kill these sea beasts?"

"Girl want this boat?
Four first-order sea beasts, without the help of a girl, the old slave alone is enough. "

Seeing that Uncle Fu misunderstood what she meant, Yinghui didn't explain, just handed a bottle of Peeling Pill to Uncle Fu, and said in a low voice: "Uncle Fu, be careful, if you lose, run away immediately, I don't want you to have an accident .”

Uncle Fu smiled gratifiedly, "Don't worry, Uncle Uncle will definitely bring the boat out for you intact.

After the fight, there is no sense of proportion, the girl should try to stay as far away as possible, if you can't fight, it will be easier for me to run alone. "

I saw Forbe quietly approaching the boat, and the four sea beasts were still hitting the boat with all their strength, not aware of the danger coming.

A ray of Gengjin Qi turned into a sharp blade, galloped away from Fu Bo's hand, and instantly sank into the raised head of the sea beast.

The bright red blood rushed out instantly and sprinkled on the silver boat.

The boat was made of unknown material, as soon as the sea beast blood fell on it, it rolled off one after another, smooth as a mirror, leaving no trace.

The other three sea beasts turned around the moment the sea beast died and swam towards Fu Bo quickly.

On the sharp teeth, there seemed to be unknown minced meat.

The huge tail slapped the water surface, stirring up waves of spray.

The distance between the two sides was too close, and the three sea beasts didn't know what species they were. They moved extremely fast, but in an instant, Fu Bo was surrounded by them.

Ying Hui looked at Fu Bo floating up and down in the water, and from time to time, he let out a burst of gold, and a large amount of blood stained the sea.

Ying Hui was worried, disregarding Uncle Fu's instructions, and quietly approached the fierce battle circle.

Of the three living sea beasts, two of them are in the middle stage of the first order, and one is in the late stage of the first order.

Ying Hui is only in the early stage of Qi training, and his cultivation level is lower than that of any of the opponents.

Fortunately, the sea beast has no cultivation and low intelligence, which is the reason why the two dared to take risks.

The sea beasts in the late stage of that stage were extremely ferocious, their bodies were very flexible, and their defenses were extremely solid. Many of Forbe's attacks had no effect on it at all.

Ying Hui made a decisive decision, a vine suddenly sprouted from his hand, and the vine swelled to a length of several feet when it encountered water, and it seemed to be alive. .

The sensitive body of the sea beast was suddenly restrained by vines, and it was severely injured by Forbe. It went berserk instantly, and it didn't even distinguish between enemy and friend. Forced back a little.

Ying Hui tried his best to control the rattan, and when the sea beast's tail swept over his body, he immediately felt a burning pain.

It's just that she can't care about it now.

All she knows is that there is no arrow back when the bow is opened, either it will die or I will live.

Fu Bo lived up to her expectations. When her spiritual power was about to run out and she couldn't hold on, Gengjin Qi was successfully pierced into the sea beast's brain, quickly destroying everything in its brain.

Without the entanglement of the most powerful sea beast, Fu Bo quickly got rid of the other two sea beasts.

After everything calmed down, Fu Bo reprimanded Ying Hui.

Fu Bo has always regarded himself as a slave, and has always been respectful to Ying Hui.

But Ying Hui can feel from the little things in daily life that Uncle Fu has always regarded himself as his junior, with respect mixed with pampering, until this time she refused to listen to the advice and put herself at risk. It angered Fu Bo, and made Fu Bo, who was like a good man, angry with her for the first time.

However, even if Fu Bo was angry, he was very measured, with a straight face, he quickly led her to the side of the boat.

The defensive cover of the small boat has been broken in the impact just now.

Forbe effortlessly pushed Yinghui onto the boat, and then quickly left the battlefield in a small boat.

The bloody water gushing out from the sea beasts will soon attract more sea beasts. They have been delayed for a long time, and it will be dangerous to stay any longer.

"Uncle Fu, you are still angry, Uncle Fu, please forgive me once, I really did it because I was worried about you."

Uncle Fu still had a stern face, only concentrating on driving the boat, turning a deaf ear to Yinghui's words.

Ying Hui bowed his head and sighed: "Fu Bo, I have already refined Qi to the fourth level, and sooner or later my cultivation will surpass yours. Can you protect me for the rest of my life?"

Forbe trembled.

Yinghui continued to work hard: "How could I not know how Uncle Fu cares about me? It's just that Ah Hui wants to hone himself a lot while Uncle Fu can still take care of me. When you protect me, I can also protect Fu Bo."

Uncle Fu sighed for a long time: "Girl has grown up and has her own ideas, but you have to wait until the right time to experience it. Today's matter is so dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die. , how can this old slave afford it?"

Yinghui saw that Uncle Fu was not so angry anymore, so he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and quickly spoke soft words.

"Do you know that you are wrong, Uncle Fu, don't be angry, Uncle Uncle, I was not very strong just now, I just thought that my cultivation base is not high, and it will not be of much use to entangle a sea beast in the middle of the first order.

How about assisting Uncle Fu to kill the late-stage sea beasts together? The earth element and wood element all have excellent trapping spells, but aquatic wood is the most suitable wood element in this sea, so I used this vine technique.

How about it, is it very ingenious? "

(End of this chapter)

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