This fairy has some tea

Chapter 18 The Sword Heart Is Broken

Chapter 18 The Sword Heart Is Broken
As soon as Fu Bo was mentioned by her, he couldn't help commenting.

"Your performance just now is indeed remarkable. The two middle-stage sea beasts happened to be trapped by my spell. You are still safe, and the vine technique is not bad, but there is a better way.

You are not tall enough, and your strength is still weak. After the vines entangled the sea beast, you were too close to the sea beast, and you were easily injured by it. For example, just now, its tail swept a few times indiscriminately, which made you suffer a lot.

If you use the mist technique of the water system to make the sea beast lose its target, you don't need to get so close, the effect is achieved, and it doesn't take much effort, and it will be safer. "

Ying Hui nodded again and again, seeing Ying Hui repeatedly nodding as if he was being educated, Fu Bo finally smiled.

In fact, the sea water aura is more abundant, and the mist technique is indeed more appropriate than her vine technique.

But at that time, Fu Bo was very close to the sea beast, and the sudden fog might drive the sea beast mad. At that time, Fu Bo, who was also under the fog technique, might be injured by it.

It was also because of this that she chose the vine technique instead of the fog technique.

Fu Bo was only thinking about her, and he didn't think about himself at all.

Seeing that Uncle Fu was no longer angry, she just went to see the girl in purple who was lying motionless on the boat.

At that time, when he saw the boat, he thought of the girl in purple, except that he wanted to use this boat to take a rest like Uncle Forbe.

This boat looks really exquisite, it is not something that ordinary people can have, and the people on the boat were obviously seriously injured. The aura is thin in the vicinity, so how could there be so many monks who are valuable and seriously injured.

Therefore, she was almost [-]% sure that the girl in purple was on board.

When she saw it from a distance on the big boat, she recognized the sword technique of the girl in purple, it was the famous sword technique Bihai Tingtao of the Taiwei Immortal Zong Yuanchen Zhenjun.

Many of her disciples practiced this sword technique, she was lucky enough to meet it once, and she always remembered it in her heart.

The girl in purple used this set of swordsmanship, which was obviously more subtle than what she had seen before.

He has established a foundation at a young age, even if he is not a direct disciple of Zhenjun Yuanchen, he will not be far behind.

There is a life-saving grace for such a person, and for her who wants to join the Taiwei Immortal Sect, there is no harm at all.

At this time, the girl in purple was no longer as dazzling as before, her breathing was weak, and her eyes were closed tightly. Whether it was the fight under the boat just now or the conversation they got on the boat, she couldn't open her eyes.

At this time, the purple clothes could no longer see their original shape and became tattered.

The dark green long sword, which was invincible before, was still held by the girl at this time, and there were cracks like spider webs on the blade.

Ying Hui secretly screamed in his heart.

Back then, the girl had a sword intent on her body, and she was obviously a sword repairer. The dark green long sword looked like her natal flying sword. Now that it is broken like this, it is no wonder that the girl will be seriously injured and unconscious.

"Fu Bo, are you busy now?"

Ying Hui was helpless, the only time she had contact with sword cultivators in her previous life was when she saw Bi Hai Ting Tao's sword art from a distance, and she was at a loss what to do about the situation in front of her.

"What's the matter, we are still a little close to the place where we fought just now, we still have to go further."

"The girl in purple seems to have broken her natal sword. Uncle Fu, do you know what to do?"

Uncle Fu gave the small boat a pause, then sighed and shook his head.

"The old slave has never seen a sword cultivator before, but only heard it from people. There is a saying about sword cultivators that people combine their swords into one. The sword is equivalent to another body of theirs. If the sword is broken, it will be broken." Is it equivalent to a broken body?
The body is shattered, how can we little Qi-refining monks have a way to think about it? "

Ying Hui is a bit unwilling, this girl, or the person behind the girl, is likely to become his backer after getting started, if he just dies like this, wouldn't it be a waste of work?
Of course, apart from these benefits, she also sincerely admires this girl.

Under the siege of so many people, she was able to escape with her life and fight a way out for the monks on the boat. She couldn't bear to watch her die like this.

After weighing the pros and cons, she traveled again.

Anyway, she got a lot of energy from the stone bead this time, most of it was due to the girl, so she didn't feel bad after using it twice.

Opening his eyes on the comfortable flying boat, the first thing Ying Hui does is to have a big meal.

These days have been really hard.

When Ying Hui went to find Ying Rong, several other people were also there, and they were all curious when they saw Ying Hui go and come back.

"Eleventh Sister, what did you forget?"

"No, I just thought of something and came here to ask brother Jiu."

"What's the matter, let's talk about it, even if Brother Jiu doesn't know, little uncle must know."

Ying Xun flicked his folding fan, it was very suitable for Ying Rong's flattery, even without modesty.

"That's right. I heard that a sword cultivator specializes in one sword, and the human sword is one. Once the natal sword is broken, it is equivalent to breaking the body, but is it true?"

Ying Rong was amused by Ying Hui's statement, and finally stopped: "Where did you hear this statement?

Well, it can’t be said that this statement is wrong.

A sword cultivator must practice the natal sword and achieve the unity of human and sword. The premise is to cultivate the sword heart, and use the sword heart to fuse the natal sword. Therefore, the so-called human-sword fusion is actually the fusion of the sword and the sword heart.

Once the natal sword is shattered, the heart of the sword is shattered. "

"The sword's heart is broken, so what will happen?

What is Kenshin? "

"Jian Xin? To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the cultivation base of Faxiu's state of mind. When the sword heart is broken, the cultivation base of the state of mind will also collapse."

Yinghui understood this time, and she finally understood what it means to have the natal dharma sword broken. A broken dharma sword can be repaired, a broken body can be healed by pills, and a broken mind can only be relied on by oneself!
Ying Hui bit her lip, and asked unwillingly: "If a person's natal sword is broken, is there nothing he can do?"

"Yes, why not, either rebuild the sword heart, or simply switch to Dharma cultivation, and start all over again."

"Little uncle, it's easy to say, you can cultivate the sword heart, at least you have to be at the foundation stage, no matter what, you have to be dozens of years old, the sword heart is broken, the cultivation base is regressed, and the lifespan increased by the foundation stage is gone. Cultivation, how can there be time? I am afraid that before the foundation is established, the life essence will be exhausted."

Ying Hui thinks of the girl's appearance, even if her cultivation base is regressed, she doesn't look old, she looks very young, and her lifespan should be enough.

"Then if he is unconscious, how can he be revived?"

"Whether you are unconscious or not is not just a matter of the natal sword. The broken heart of the sword is just a problem of falling in the realm. If you remain in a coma, apart from being fascinated by the broken heart of the sword, it is because of some injury."

Ying Xun frowned and replied, "Do you know someone who is a sword cultivator?"

Ying Hui's question was too detailed, not like ordinary curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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