This fairy has some tea

Chapter 19 The grace of saving lives

Chapter 19 The grace of saving lives
Ying Hui shook his head indiscriminately, "No, I just read a storybook, and that's what the protagonist is said in. I haven't heard of it, so I want to confirm whether the storybook is right or not."

Ying Rong heard this, patted her on the head, and sighed: "Eleventh sister, it's better to go to class after returning home, so it's better to read less books."

Ying Hui wanted to ask Ying Rong and the others to borrow some healing elixirs for the foundation-building stage, but after receiving so many gifts just now, she seemed greedy when she opened her mouth again, and her food looks too ugly. Besides, she just asked those questions, and now she immediately It is too suspicious to need healing elixir, or a foundation building period that she can't use.

After thinking about it, I still let go of this idea.

Returning to the room, closing eyes and returning to the Langhuan Realm again.

Looking at the girl's pale face, Ying Hui grabbed the girl's slender wrist, and slightly revealed a wisp of wood-type spiritual power.

From the fights I saw before, it can be found that this girl has wood spirit roots, and wood spirit power governs vitality. As long as you are careful, you will never hurt the girl.

As soon as that trace of wood spiritual power penetrated into the girl's meridian, it was immediately strangled by the rampant killing sword energy in the meridian.

Fortunately, Yinghui broke the connection with that trace of spiritual power in time, otherwise it would be very likely to lure wolves into the house and introduce that sword energy into her body. With her cultivation level, she would definitely suffer a lot.

Ying Hui wiped the cold sweat off his head, and gave up checking the girl's body. The sword energy was raging in the meridians. Even if he didn't look at it, he knew that the body must be in a mess.

She poured out a yellow bud pill and fed it into the girl's mouth.

This is the mildest of all the elixirs that Yinghui has, and it is also the most suitable elixir for girls at this time.

The elixir melted in the mouth, turned into a stream of sweet elixir, and slipped into the girl's throat.

Ying Hui felt that the girl's brows seemed to be slightly frowned.

There is a reaction!
Ying Hui fed another one.

"Girl, Huangya Dan is rare and rare, you still have to learn from a teacher, and our storage bag is gone again."

Fu Bo knew that he had overstepped, but he was really worried about the future of the two of them.

"Forbe, I."

Ying Hui also knew that her elixir was likely to be a meat bun to beat a dog, and there was no return, but investment was always risky, and this elixir came easily, so she wanted to take a gamble.

"Uncle Fu, if we use someone else's boat, we will pay the boat fare, okay?"

Uncle Fu shook his head helplessly, "Just follow the girl."

What Uncle Fu thought was that the girl is really different from before. Although the girl in the past was also cute and cute, she was somewhat mercenary, and she valued pills and spirit stones very much. At that time, he was still worried that she would be fascinated by foreign things. lose heart.

Isn't this what he wants now?

But they don't know that Ying Hui is no longer just looking for profit, but also knows how to put a long line to catch big fish.

The girl's brows furrowed even deeper, and she even moved her fingers slightly.

Ying Hui hurriedly fed the remaining yellow bud pills one by one, until all the yellow bud pills were left with only the last two high-grade pills, the girl finally opened her eyes.

Yinghui was also very distressed at the end, but, after feeding so much, giving up would be a failure, and the initial investment was in vain, so he could only bite the bullet and continue feeding.

This is pure gambler psychology.

Seeing the girl woke up, she quickly took back the yellow bud pill in her hand that she wanted to continue feeding to the girl.

The speed is so fast, it seems that the yellow bud pill does not exist at all.

As soon as the girl woke up, she saw this scene and couldn't help but smile.

"Senior, are you awake?"

The girl struggled to get up, Ying Hui quickly reached out to help her up, and helped the girl lean on the side of the boat.

Even with Yinghui's help, this little movement was still very difficult for the girl. The wound on her body seemed to be affected, and she couldn't help frowning again and again.

"Thank you, old lady, for saving my life, Ji Mingyue will never forget it.

I also hope that the two benefactors will tell you their names, and they will definitely repay you in the future. "

"My name is Ying Hui, and that's Uncle Fu. A few sea beasts collided with the boat just now, and Uncle Fu killed them. Now I have to drive the boat farther away, so as not to be surrounded by the sea beasts later, and it's inconvenient to come to see senior. "

Ji Mingyue raised her arms and bowed to Uncle Fu: "Thank you, Uncle Fu."

Uncle Fu replied while driving the boat: "You can thank my girl if you want to thank me, this old slave is just following orders."

Seeing that Ji Mingyue wanted to thank him, Ying Hui stopped him and said: "Senior, don't thank me any more, Uncle Fu and I have been floating on the sea for a long time, and we didn't get to take a rest until we met the boat that Senior was on.

Senior, rest well, let's talk again after recovering from the injury.

The storage bags of Uncle Fu and I were taken away by the people on the boat. We didn't have much on us, so we couldn't help Senior to bandage the wound. Senior, do you have any wound medicine?I'm here to help seniors get medicine. "

Ji Mingyue shook her head lightly, "I'm seriously injured, my sea of ​​consciousness is in chaos, I'm afraid I won't be able to open the storage bag for a while."

A bolt from the blue, nothing more.

Ying Hui couldn't help feeling sad.

Ji Mingyue took out the storage bag and handed it to Ying Hui.

"My injury can't recover for a while, and it's hard to use my spiritual consciousness.

Let me teach you a method, you can erase the brand of spiritual consciousness on the storage bag, recognize the owner again, and then you can take out the contents. "

"This is not appropriate."

The storage bag is basically the monk's entire wealth, almost hiding all the secrets of the monk, coveting other people's storage bags, and the hatred of life and death.

Therefore, even if Ji Mingyue proposed it on her own initiative, even if this method was the best for the three people who were almost in a desperate situation, she still hesitated.

"At this point, there's no need to pay so much attention to it. Besides, it's not an exaggeration to give this storage bag to Miss Ying as a thank you for the two life-saving graces."

Ji Mingyue's sincerity did not seem to be perfunctory, and Yinghui no longer hesitated. One of them was seriously injured, two of them were of low cultivation base, and they were penniless. They urgently needed resources and supplies at sea. It was really unwise to care about these things at this time.

Before Ji Mingyue said how to erase her consciousness, she heard a "gurgling" sound in her stomach.

Ji Mingyue has been building the foundation for a long time, and she has long since been bigu, and almost forgot the feeling of being hungry. This time, even her body can't take it anymore when her cultivation level drops.

"Fu Bo and I have been floating in the sea for a few days, and we have been locked up before. We haven't eaten well for a long time. Senior, why don't I go catch a fish first, we will have strength to work when we are full."

Ji Mingyue nodded, watching Yinghui busy.

I saw the little girl, although she was in a mess, but she was very lively. She was leaning on the side of the boat and only poking her head out, holding the magic formula in her hand, ready to go, when suddenly, a golden sharp knife shot from her With a flash of his hand, there was a smell of blood floating in the sea.

The little girl raised her hand again, and a green vine rolled up a three-foot-long fish.

Yinghui cheered, and his saliva almost drooled at the thought of the hot grilled fish that he was about to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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