This fairy has some tea

Chapter 20 The Secret of the Black Ship

Chapter 20 The Secret of the Black Ship

Although I just had a full meal not long ago, it belonged to another body. It has been three hours since the last time I ate "sashimi" in this body.

The jumping flames continued to scorch the big fish, and even Forber, who had been driving the boat, turned his head frequently.

The aroma of grilled fish constantly stimulated the taste buds of the three of them, making them swallow their saliva continuously.

Ying Hui once again used wood magic to turn it into bowls and chopsticks, and first gave Fu Bo a bowl. He was old and had just gone through a big battle, so he was really hungry.

Fu Bo was thinking about her, and he gave way to Ying Hui before taking the bowl.

At this time, the place where the battle was fought just now was very far away, and Uncle Fu was no longer in a hurry to sail the boat, and could take a little rest while eating fish.

Ji Mingyue has no strength, and Uncle Fu is inconvenient to take care of him as a man, so Yinghui feeds her little by little.

After both of them finished eating, she quickly swept away the remaining fish.

I burped comfortably, only to feel that my mind has brightened a lot.

Without wasting any time, she took Ji Mingyue's storage bag and started her water-grinding kung fu.

It's just that even if her soul is far more powerful than ordinary monks, the gap between her and Foundation Establishment monks is nothing. Even with Ji Mingyue's guidance, it took a whole day to erase Ji Mingyue's spiritual imprint.

At the moment of success, not only Ying Hui, but also Ji Mingyue and Fu Bo heaved a sigh of relief.

Ji Mingyue's background is extraordinary at first glance, and he is a foundation-building monk, but there are not many things in the storage bag.

There are only five bottles of elixirs, and most of them are detoxification elixirs, such as Dichen elixirs, which are temporarily unusable.

There is only a bottle of Shengji Pill, and a bottle of external application powder similar to Jinshen medicine, which is barely usable.

Ying Hui dug out all these things, put them one by one beside Ji Mingyue, and first fed her a muscle-promoting pill.

"I'll clean up your wound first, and then apply the medicine, is that okay?"

Ji Mingyue nodded, Uncle Fu immediately turned around, squatted on the bow of the boat, and concentrated on driving the boat.

Ying Hui took off the clothes on Ji Mingyue's body. Dried blood was everywhere on her snow-white body, and she couldn't tell where the wound was.

Ying Hui didn't dare to use spells anymore, so she just took the handkerchief lightly, wet it with water spells, wiped her body little by little, and when she found a wound, rinsed it gently with a small stream of water .

After working for an hour, Ji Mingyue's body was cleaned up.

And Ji Mingyue didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Ying Hui admired Ji Mingyue's tenacity in his heart, but became more and more careful with his hands.

After carefully applying the wound medicine to the wound and wrapping it with a bandage, he found clean clothes for her to change into again.

"There should be clothes suitable for you in my storage bag, you can find one and change it yourself."

Maybe it was because of the medicine, or maybe it was because the body was cleaned up, Ji Mingyue's frown was relaxed.

Feeling sorry for this little girl who was so busy but in a mess.

"No, I'm still at sea. After changing into clean clothes, my hands and feet are tied up when I start working. It's a pity that it's broken. When we get ashore, we'll borrow senior's clothes to wear."

Ji Mingyue smiled.

"It's just a piece of clothing, so it's not worth being so careful."

Seeing that Yinghui still persisted, he gave up.

"It's okay not to change clothes, but don't call me senior. Now that I've fallen, I don't know whether I can keep my Qi refining cultivation, so I can't be called a senior.

How much older am I than you, if you wish, you can call me sister. "

Ying Hui climbed up the pole, and immediately called his sister sweetly.

"Sister Mingyue, where are you from, why did you get on that black boat, and how did you conflict with them?"

"It's a long story. I'm an inner disciple of the Taiwei Immortal Sect. I learned from Yuanchen Zhenjun. After the foundation was established, I went back to my hometown to visit my relatives. On the way back, I was introduced by a friend to take this boat back to the sect."

"Let me tell you, this boat is slow and broken. It's not as convenient as the foundation-building monk flying with his sword." Ying Hui said with emotion.

Ji Mingyue continued: "When I came home, I was flying with Yujian, because my home is far away from the sect, so I was really tired, and there were many twists and turns along the way, and I encountered many times in robbery and traps.

She said that the aura of this sea road is thin, most of them are first-order sea beasts, and there are few second-order sea beasts. Few monks with high cultivation base will stay here. With my foundation building cultivation base, no one would dare to take this road Damn, although it's a bit slow, but I have just broken through in my cultivation base, and I just use this time to be stable, and I don't have high requirements for spiritual energy. Hearing what she said, I was moved.

But shortly after I got on the boat, I discovered that there were several Foundation Establishment cultivators hidden among the boatmen.

After I realized something was wrong, I investigated many ways and finally figured out what the ship was doing. The owner of the ship was actually going to drag the crew to a small island they discovered not long ago to mine.

There is an abandoned ore vein on that small island in ancient times. In ancient times, there was a lot of spirit energy. When mining spirit mines, those poor and miscellaneous spirit mines didn't bother to spend effort to refine them. Therefore, although this mine vein is abandoned, it is of amazing value.

They built several large melting furnaces on the island, some were in charge of mining, some were in charge of transportation, and some were in charge of refining.

These coolies were all continuously transported up by this ship. "

"Aren't they afraid of being discovered for what they've done so brazenly?"

Ying Hui gasped, admiring the boldness of this group of people.

"I think they are so impatient because they are afraid of being discovered, and they can earn as much as they can."

Ji Mingyue said bitterly: "This group of people say they are monks, so what is the difference between them and evil heretics.

It's also my fault for not being careful. After discovering this secret, I was too shocked for a moment, leaked my breath, and when they discovered it, there was a chaotic battle afterwards.

What about you, how did you get on this ship? "

Ying Hui also briefly talked about the experience of the two of them, and Ji Mingyue said with emotion: "You are considered astute, and you are also decisive in doing things, but you just underestimated their power."

Ying Hui has sympathy in his heart, who says it's not.

"They failed to kill me directly. I'm afraid they won't give up for a while. Even if they return to the mainland, they will have their eyes and ears to hunt me down. Then we will separate.

I have a token in my storage bag, with it, even if I miss opening the mountain gate, I can still worship Taiwei Immortal Sect, it is my reward. "

"You are so badly injured that you can't even open the storage bag. If you are separated and found by those people, are you still alive? You don't want to live to see your master, and you don't want to ask you personally The so-called childhood friend, what kind of mind is there?"

Yinghui has invested so much in Ji Mingyue, so he naturally wants a long-term backer. He only has an entry qualification, so how can he be reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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