This fairy has some tea

Chapter 21 Desperate Ji Mingyue

Chapter 21 Desperate Ji Mingyue
Ji Mingyue didn't speak for a long time, she just looked down at the shattered dark green long sword beside her, and when Ying Hui thought she wouldn't answer for so long, she just opened her mouth with an indescribably hoarse voice.

"Ahui, do you know what it means that my sword is broken?"

Ying Hui's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he realize that the eyes of the girl who had always been calm had filled with tears at some point.

"I learned swordsmanship at the age of five, and in the past 15 years, I have never slacked off for a single day.

Twenty years of building a foundation, there is no one in the limelight at the moment. Everyone says that I am a genius born in the Taiwei Immortal Sect, and even those with good intentions assert that I will definitely be able to ascend to the spirit world.

I went back to my hometown to visit my relatives with great glory, and returned to the sect with a broken heart. I don't know how many rumors and rumors there will be, and I don't know how disappointed and sad the elders of the sect will be. I only know that my way is like this sword Generally, broken. "

Ji Mingyue closed her eyes, and in the tears that rolled down, there was despair that could not be resolved.

"So, let me fend for myself, or I will embarrass my master and my sect after I go back."

Ying Hui's rescue of her was originally full of calculations, but at this moment, listening to her self-defeating words, it was not annoyed that the plan was ruined.

This kind of despair has also been experienced when she temporarily breaks through her cultivation in order to escape danger, so that her foundation is damaged and her way is hopeless.

She understood such despair, looking at Ji Mingyue at this moment, it was as if she saw her former self.

"The heart of the sword is broken, and if you cultivate a new heart of the sword, the cultivation level is gone. You can cultivate from the beginning. You are only twenty now, and you can build a foundation at twenty. Can't build a foundation?
How many people in this world can't build a foundation in their lifetime?

You gave up just like that, and you are really embarrassing Zhenjun Yuanchen! "

Ji Mingyue stared blankly at Yinghui, as if a desperate person grabbed a life-saving straw, "What did you say?"

"I said, you are so young, and you are better than others when you start over again, why are you so self-defeating! Rebuild a sword heart!"

Ji Mingyue laughed wildly: "Hahaha! Rebuild a sword heart, yes, why am I so stupid, the sword heart is broken, I just repair it again.

But a sword heart, what's the difficulty!
Ah Hui, Ji Mingyue will always remember the kindness of today's guidance! "

Yinghui looked at Ji Mingyue. At this moment, the girl's face was devoid of the defeat and despair before, as if she had regained her life. The heroic girl on the boat, just like that, came back to life again.

Even Uncle Fu nodded secretly, the panacea from his own girl was finally not wasted.

Ji Mingyue cheered up and took an active part in the escape journey.

After the three of them discussed it, they simply turned around and headed straight for the Northland.

The boat was also repaired by Uncle Fu and Ying Hui under Ji Mingyue's guidance. The boat was originally a flying boat, but the two of them had low levels of cultivation, so it was a bit difficult to drive the flying boat, so they still drove on the water all the way.

However, once the repaired boat was injected with spiritual power, it was like an arrow leaving the string, and the speed was extremely fast, even much faster than the big boat they took that day.

That group of people is obviously powerful. Once they go ashore, they are very likely to be discovered and hunted down by the other party. It was really helpless to want to go ashore directly before.

Now there is a small boat, and this small boat has a concealment formation, so ordinary sea beasts can't find it.

Even if it is accidentally discovered by some keen sea beasts, this small boat has a defensive formation, and it can resist one or two. There are no very powerful sea beasts in this sea area, and it is safer than that big boat.

Fu Bo and Ying Hui took turns driving the boat, traveling day and night. After more than 20 days of driving, they finally arrived at the original destination, Canglan Port, without any danger.

Ying Hui put the boat back into the storage bag, and helped Ji Mingyue get off the boat and onto the shore.

People come and go here, monks and mortals jostle shoulder to shoulder, and the difference between immortals and ordinary people seems to not exist here.

There was a slightly tanned and strong female nun, sucking onion oil noodles in front of the mortal stall.

There are mortal children blocking the way, talking without fear in front of the two female cultivators who have just set foot on Canglan Harbor.

There is also a mortal girl with a pretty face, when she passed by a monk, she smiled shyly, and there was an extra storage bag in her hand.

It was the first time for Yinghui to come to Canglan Port in his previous and present lives, and he was a little surprised at the audacity of ordinary people here.

"The reason why the mortals here are so arrogant is actually because the monks here are all low-level casual cultivators, while the mortals in Canglan Port are born and raised in the local area, and almost all of them are related to the owner of Canglan Port, the Canglan family. Because of relatives.

That's why these monks dare not provoke them at will.

Just like the woman who stole the storage bag, even if she was caught on the spot, the most she could do was return the storage bag.

If it were placed elsewhere, it would not be an exaggeration to kill it directly. "

Ji Mingyue seemed to see the doubts of the two and explained.

This place is not far from Taiwei Immortal Sect. Even though it was her first time here, she knew a little bit about it.

"There should be a car dealer here. Let's find one. The spirit stones in the storage bag should be enough. Let's rent a car and go back to the sect."

There are many car dealers here, and there are two going to Taiwei Xianzong.

The hearses of one of them are very big ones, which can carry more than a dozen people at a time, and the speed is also very fast. It takes half a month's journey to arrive in ten days.

The other one has a smaller hearse, which can only accommodate four or five people, and is about the size of an ordinary carriage.

The spirit beast pulling the cart looked slow and very old. In Uncle Fu's words, it was not certain whether he could reach Taiwei Immortal Sect alive.

After the three of them discussed, they decided to take the first large hearse.

The more people there are, the safer the road will be.

Before everyone was ready, Uncle Fu hurriedly bought a lot of food and wound medicine in a nearby shop.

They have not been able to eat or sleep well for the past two months, and there are still wounded people, so they urgently need to replenish supplies.

After waiting for two days, when Uncle Fu's supplies were almost ready, a hearse was assembled.

Ji Mingyue has a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, but she has lost all her cultivation. For safety's sake, Ying Hui specially changed her into a plain outfit and painted her face sallow, so that she didn't look outstanding, so she helped her into the hearse .

It wasn't too early for them to come, there were already people in the hearse.

There were five people in total, one of them was a young couple, apparently a pair of casual cultivators, with two young children.

The older one is a boy, about seven or eight years old, and the younger one is about five or six years old, and she is a very cute little girl.

The other person was wearing black clothes, leaning against the corner alone, the shadow fell on his face, making it difficult for people to see his appearance clearly.

Not long after they got on the car, another seven people got on the car one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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