This fairy has some tea

Chapter 22 Grandma Ridge

Chapter 22 Grandma Ridge

The first to come up were two peddlers, who smiled three-pointedly when they saw people, and greeted the people in the car very kindly.

Then there are two young men, wearing the same blue clothes, with a waist badge on their bodies, with the word Taiwei shining brightly on it, making their identities self-evident.

Seeing their outfits, Ying Hui turned his head to look at Ji Mingyue beside him. After Ji Mingyue frowned slightly, he shook his head slightly at her.

It seems that she doesn't want these two people to know her identity.

After the 15 people arrived, the coachman gave a notice, and the hearse started to gallop.

Thanks to the two merchants, the atmosphere in the car was very lively.

Especially after the two Taiwei Immortal Sect disciples boarded the car, the atmosphere reached a climax.

"The two fellow Taoists are handsome, but are they disciples of the Taiwei Immortal Sect?"

He stretched out his hand without slapping the smiling face, and one of them nodded slightly, which was regarded as admitting his identity.

The two merchants were very eloquent, and when they saw each other responding to them, they immediately started talking, and they spoke very measuredly, they only talked about local customs, anecdotes and strange things, and they didn't ask too much about their specific status in Taiwei Xianzong.

They traveled far and wide, and they were well-informed, and the stories they told were very vivid. The two children were quickly attracted and asked questions repeatedly.

The atmosphere instantly became lively.

"If you want to talk about anecdotes, I also know one."

The monk who had been hiding in the shadows suddenly spoke, his voice was very low, and he was still hiding in the shadows, very mysterious. When he spoke suddenly, even before the story was told, there was already a bit of a mysterious atmosphere.

All the people who were chatting and laughing just now were suddenly silent for a moment.

It was the two merchants who responded quickly and took up the topic very naturally.

"I don't know if you would like to talk about it. It's a long journey. It's a destiny for everyone to get together. Telling some stories is just a good way to pass the time."

The shadow cultivator said: "Even if I don't tell you about this miracle, some of you will see it in a few days."

Sure enough, when he said this, people who were not very interested were attracted, and they all looked at this person, waiting for him to continue.

"After seven days, we will pass a place called Grandma Ridge. It is said that there is a white-haired old woman who often wanders by the side of the road. People passing by will ask, "Have you seen my grandson?"It's time to eat, I want to ask him to go home for dinner. "

Passers-by would ask her, "What does your grandson look like?" She would describe the appearance of her grandson, and then the passerby would follow her description and gradually change into her grandson's appearance. "

Having said that, the man stopped suddenly.

"And then?" The little boy couldn't help but ask halfway through the story.

"Then you'll know when you get to Grandma Ridge!"

The shadow monk suddenly turned his face and stopped talking, making the people in the car look at each other.

Although I scolded a few crazy words in my heart, no one really continued to entangle with this person, it was just a story, it was unnecessary.

The merchant naturally told other stories, and the slightly awkward atmosphere was quickly diluted, only the little boy grumbled a few times in dissatisfaction.

Ying Hui felt that it was not that simple.

The shadow monk is not a person who likes to be lively, and he knew it from the moment he got in the car and hid alone in the corner.

When such a story was told suddenly, she always felt that she was implying something.

She looked at Uncle Fu and Ji Mingyue. Ji Mingyue was seriously injured and fell asleep a long time ago. She didn't hear the story at all. Uncle Fu also peeked at the shadow monk from time to time. This story is also a bit greasy.

It's just that people don't want to say that they are old, young, and injured, so it's really inappropriate to start a conflict.

Ying Hui tried to take advantage of the rest when the shadow monk was not around, and ran to the two Taiwei Xianzong monks to hint a few words, but they were not very interested, so she had no choice but to give up.

The speed of the hearse was extremely fast, and it also passed two mortal cities along the way, and most of the time it was barren mountains and wild mountains. The monks were used to traveling all over the country, and they had all the things they carried with them, so it didn't matter if they slept in the wilderness.

Soon we arrived at the Grandma Ridge that the shadow monk said.

Everyone has been sleeping in the open for two days, and only encountered a few small villages sporadically, and they are all small mountain villages with only a few families. They are poor and there is no place to stay.

This is also a hearse, with its own support wind array. When encountering a ditch, the body will not fall immediately after jumping up, but will fall down like a feather, and it will not feel the shock even if you are walking on a mountain road , very comfortable.

Grandma Ridge is the same as before, the same deep mountains and dense forests, only a winding mountain road leading to the depths of the mountain.

If the coachman hadn't reminded everyone, everyone would not know that this is Laolaoling.

When they heard that Grandma Ridge had arrived, everyone invariably remembered the story of the Shadow Cultivator.

The little girl in a family of four even raised her head and asked her mother if she could see her grandma.

Her mother just shied away and asked the little girl not to talk nonsense. The little girl closed her mouth unwillingly, a little unhappy, and didn't see the worry of the female cultivator at all. Her husband seemed to know what she was thinking. He touched the child's head, patted her hand, and calmed his wife's tension.

With a "creak", the hearse suddenly stopped.

The people in the car reacted almost immediately. The two disciples of the Taiwei Immortal Sect leaned against the door, opened the curtain of the car immediately, leaned out, and wanted to ask the driver what was going on, but saw an old woman standing in front of the car. Her snow-white hair was neatly tied in a bun, her face was full of dimples, her eye sockets were sunken, her figure was stooped, and she was leaning on a cane.

But the driver, at this moment, has disappeared.

Around the hearse, there was thick fog at some point, and even the spirit beasts pulling the cart could not be seen clearly.

"Young man, have you seen my grandson? It's time to eat, and I'm going to ask him to go home for dinner."

The Taiwei Immortal Sect disciples were very vigilant, and did not answer her question, but looked around for the coachman.

However, the coachman seemed to disappear out of thin air. One moment, he had just told everyone that grandma had arrived, but the next moment, the coachman disappeared, leaving only grandma, which made people feel vigilant.

"Young man, have you seen my grandson? It's time to eat, and I'm going to ask him to go home for dinner."

The old woman repeated, but the two Taiwei Xianzong disciples still didn't speak, but the little girl suddenly said: "Grandma, we haven't seen your grandson, you should look elsewhere."

Her mother covered her mouth almost as soon as she opened her mouth.

But it was still a step too late, the little girl was young, but lively and clever, she had already finished speaking before his mother covered her mouth.

Her mother was so frightened that she trembled slightly.

Everyone could tell that this old woman was not an ordinary person, and the disappearing coachman made her even more vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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