This fairy has some tea

Chapter 23 Grandma's Gift

Chapter 23 Grandma's Gift

"The little girl is so cute. Grandma gave you a gift. Thank you for answering grandma's question."

As he spoke, he saw a pair of delicate embroidered shoes fall into the hands of the little girl.

Her mother's face turned pale, trembling, she wanted to reach out and throw the embroidered shoes out, but found that she couldn't move no matter what.

The little girl happily picked up the embroidered shoes and loved them very much.

"Try it, little girl, and see if it fits your feet. If it doesn't fit, grandma will correct it for you."

The little girl took off her shoes and found that the shoes were just right, and as soon as she put them on, everyone discovered that it was a magic weapon.

Suddenly, the vigilant and fearful atmosphere in the car became subtle.

"Thank you, grandma. These shoes are not too big or too small. They fit your feet very well. I like them very much."


The grandma stopped looking at the little girl, and continued to ask the two Taiwei Immortal Sect disciples, "Young man, have you seen my grandson? It's time to eat, and I want to ask him to go home for dinner."

The two of them still didn't dare to speak. The little boy saw that his sister had accepted the gift, but there was no danger. He was already a little unwilling. When he heard his grandma's question again, he immediately rushed to answer, for fear of missing his grandma's gift.

However, for some reason, the little boy suddenly felt uneasy, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of the magic weapon.

"Grandma, when did your grandson disappear? How long have you been out? Has he gone home?"

Grandma smiled kindly and said, "Thank you, little guy, if my grandson goes back, I'll definitely know.

Little guy, thank you for answering grandma's question. Grandma gave you a hat. You can see if it fits. If it doesn't, grandma will change it for you when you go back. "

The little boy also received a gift, which made everyone's eyes change instantly.

Ying Hui looked at her grandma's kind smile, but felt her heart beating wildly. After several time travels, her six senses continued to strengthen, but only the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch could clearly sense the continuous As for the sixth sense, she has never had any special feelings, and it may be that the number of time travels in the past is too small, and the improvement of the sixth sense is not very obvious.

But the feeling of her heart beating faster now made her realize instantly that there was something wrong with this gift.

It's just that a stronger sixth sense reminded her not to meddle in other people's business, and she was indeed not one to meddle in other people's business.

He only dragged Fu Bo and Ji Mingyue to move back quietly.

The little boy happily put the hat on his head, only to find that the hat was very small, and it was getting tighter and tighter around his head. The little boy struggled in pain, "Grandma, grandma, I don't want presents anymore, you can take it off." , please, mother, save me, mother, save me quickly."

His parents stepped forward quickly, wanting to take off the hat, but the hat that was easily put on his head seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't take it off no matter what. Seeing the little boy being strangled, his eyeballs protruded, Her mother knelt down in despair and kowtowed to the grandma "bang bang", begging her to let the little boy go.

But the grandma seemed to be incapable of hearing, she just looked at the little boy kindly, and asked, "Little guy, don't you like this hat?"

The little boy couldn't hear her words, he just struggled and screamed for pain, but his grandmother's kind face suddenly changed: "Bad boys will be punished."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little boy's head exploded with a "bang" like a big watermelon.

Blood and brains were torn apart and sprayed on everyone.

The death was so bloody that the little girl fainted immediately from fright, her mother screamed and hugged her son with a broken head, her father was more calm and took off his daughter's shoes almost immediately.

But the pair of shoes seemed to be stuck to the little girl's feet, and they couldn't take them off no matter what, until later, the little girl's father seemed to exert more strength with his hands, and the shoes were finally taken off by the dirt .

Before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they heard the little girl cry "Wow", and everyone realized that her feet were missing.

The little girl woke up in pain.

And at the same time as the little girl was crying, the severed feet seemed to have just reacted, spurting out blood.

Ying Hui discovered the first time the shoe peeled off, the shoe was not just taken off, but also took off the little girl's feet.

The husband and wife have a pair of children with excellent qualifications. This trip to the Taiwei Immortal Sect originally took the children to learn from their teachers. At that time, the children will all be disciples of the famous sect. .

But when he was about to reach his destination, he was dead and disabled.

The father was the first to jump out of the car with red eyes, and wanted to fight the grandma desperately.

But the moment he stepped out of the car door, he disappeared.

Whether it is life or death, there is no news at all.

In a short period of time, one dead, one disabled, and two missing caused everyone to be alarmed. Even the mother and daughter who had been crying bitterly covered their mouths.

"Young man, have you seen my grandson? It's time to eat, and I'm going to ask him to go home for dinner."

This time it was no longer the two disciples of the Taiwei Immortal Sect who asked, those two disciples had already retreated into the carriage at some point, obviously they didn't want to show up at this time.

The person who was questioned was the one who got into the car last, with a beard all over his face. He had the most lively conversation with the two merchants before, and he was sitting at the door of the car all the time.

After the two Taiwei Immortal Sect disciples retreated, he was the first to bear the brunt and became the object of his grandma's interrogation.

The bearded man didn't look very shrewd, but when he was asked at this moment, he suddenly panicked, looking left and right, hoping that someone could grab the conversation like he did just now.

However, after experiencing such a bloody scene just now, which one didn't shrink back and lean back, for fear that grandma's eyes would fall on him, who would dare to take the initiative to talk.

Seeing that the beard was sweating profusely, but she didn't speak for a long time, the kindly face of grandma changed instantly, and she asked fiercely, "Did you hide my grandson?"

The bearded man shook his head again and again in fright, but he still didn't dare to speak. The old lady picked up the crutch, and the bearded head fell to the ground. Decapitated.

The quiet needle drop could be heard in the carriage, and everyone was sweating nervously.

The other party is too strong.

This car of Qi Refining Cultivators can't even set off a wave in the opponent's hands.

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward.I like the way you tip a reward if you don't agree with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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