This fairy has some tea

Chapter 24 Two Grandchildren

Chapter 24 The Two Grandchildren
"Young man, have you seen my grandson? It's time to eat, and I'm going to ask him to go home for dinner."

The ones who were asked again were the two female cultivators who got into the car after Yinghui and the others. They seemed to be a pair of sisters, but they were sitting side by side. For a moment, they didn't know who grandma was asking.

Both of them wanted the other to answer first, pushing and shoving desperately, one of them seemed to hear something suddenly, turned around and rushed towards the shadow cultivator, asking, "You know grandma, you know how to answer, don't you? You know the answer, don't you?"

The shadow cultivator seemed indifferent, and slapped him away with a palm.

However, Ying Hui clearly saw the shadow monk with a smug smile in the dim shadow.

Why is he laughing? His cultivation base is not high, so he must not be able to beat grandma, but he can be so calm and composed, obviously there is a way to solve the crisis.

But knowing that this train is dangerous, even if there is a way to overcome the crisis, there must be a certain risk, so why did he make this hearse, why didn't he tell everyone the solution in advance?

Unless, it's good for him.

Ying Hui frowned, seeing the dead bearded body lying on the car, and the storage bag at his waist looming, he suddenly understood.

The grandma got impatient with waiting, and this time she didn't even question her, she just picked up her crutches.

Grandma's patience is getting worse and worse!
Ying Hui frowned, just simply bored with this quiz game, or what is grandma worried about?

And the order of grandma's questions, is it according to the distance or according to the order of getting on the bus?
Ying Hui couldn't help recalling the appearance of grandma when she asked the question for the first time, and her eyes widened suddenly. She remembered that the two Taiwei Immortal Sect disciples at that time, although they were at the door of the carriage, when grandma asked, they seemed to be Facing the two of them, but actually not looking at the two of them, his eyes fell on the bearded body.

Because those two children took over the conversation one after another, it allowed him to live a little longer.

The reason why those two girls were killed at the same time was also because they jumped into the car at the same time.

So, next, no matter where the two Taiwei Immortal Sect disciples hide, it will be their turn.

In fact, the carriage was only so big, and the two came up later, and there was no room for them to retreat.

"Young man, have you seen my grandson? It's time to eat, and I'm going to ask him to go home for dinner."

When these words sounded again, the whole carriage trembled.

Fear lingered in the entire carriage.

Ying Hui was also very nervous. The shadow monk clearly planned to get on the bus first. They couldn't find the most favorable answer through the question and answer between him and grandma. They could only find out by themselves, and soon it would be their turn. was questioned.

Whether her head was crushed or her feet were ripped off, it was not something she could accept.

One of the slightly taller Taiwei Xianzong monks frowned, and did not choose to keep silent like the previous three, but took the initiative to reply: "I have never met Ling's grandson, can grandma ask others?"

The grandma agreed kindly, and just when the young man thought he had escaped a catastrophe, the grandma's gift fell on him.

It was a pair of headbands with a faint aura.

Ying Hui keenly noticed that the hand of the tall monk holding the headband trembled slightly, obviously he was not as calm as he appeared.

"I still have a headband on my head. When I need to tie my hair, can I replace it with grandma's headband?"

The tall monk seemed to be asking a real ordinary old lady, not a murderous monster.

"Isn't the hairband on your head broken?"

Grandma still stared at the young man with a smile on her face, only to see that the tall monk's hair fell down and fell over his shoulders at the same time as grandma's words fell.

The tall monk looked at his grandmother's gradually shrinking smile, made a decisive decision, and tied his hair with a hair tie.

"Well, does it fit, young man?"

In the kindly smile of grandma, there is a strange feeling of can't wait.

The tall monk felt that the headband was getting tighter and tighter, causing severe pain in his scalp. He made a decisive decision and took out a dagger, ready to cut off the whole hair.

The headband was still tightening, until all the hair seemed to be pulled into the invisible space of the headband.

Ying Hui could clearly see that a piece of the tall monk's scalp had been torn off, dripping blood quietly.

Fortunately, he was very decisive, and finally solved the hair tie before all the scalp was torn off.

Grandma seemed to glance at the tall monk with regret, and then asked the other slightly shorter Taiwei Xianzong monk.

Therefore, the tall monk became the first person who barely escaped the questioning.

This made the whole car collapsed to the extreme, and the atmosphere was relieved. Only the shadow monk snorted softly.

The voice was too low, and even Yinghui's six senses were keen, so he almost missed it.

The short monk did the same thing, answered grandma's question, got a ring from grandma, paid the price of breaking off his little finger, and escaped the catastrophe without any danger.

But in the end it is considered disabled.

Therefore, when asked about the two merchants, the merchant who answered first had an idea and thought of the story about the shadow monk.

Ying Hui has always paid attention to the shadow monk. He hides in the shadows. No matter what others answer, he is indifferent. Only when the merchant asked "What does your grandson look like?" reacted.

So, had he been waiting for this answer?And then, what happens?
Grandma's next reaction was like that in the story of the shadow monk. She described the image of her grandson, and then, the merchant gradually changed into the image of the little grandson that grandma said. , and even the original fitting clothes were loosely covered on this new body.

Everyone gasped, even after hearing the story, even if they had just experienced the bloody massacre, they were all shocked by the scene before them.

The merchant was already in his forties, but under the description of his grandmother, he rejuvenated and turned into a child. Even though he knew it was a bit weird, but for the 40 years of life, some people were moved.

For example, another older merchant.

After he answered, he turned into a little boy exactly like the previous merchant.

Therefore, the next question was the three of Ying Hui.

Ji Mingyue was woken up by Yinghui a long time ago, leaning on Yinghui's arms at this moment, her eyebrows were tightly pressed together, as a former foundation cultivator, she couldn't estimate the old woman's cultivation level.

Therefore, she at least has a golden core.

For a carload of qi refining monks, there is no chance of resistance, and they can only outsmart them.

 Thank you Xingyun Lifang for the reward, my little cutie.

(End of this chapter)

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