This fairy has some tea

Chapter 25 Escape

Chapter 25 Escape
Uncle Fu should be the first to be asked, but Ying Hui took the lead and answered grandma's question.

She has an idea that needs to be verified. If it works, Uncle Fu will be safe and sound. Even if it doesn't work, it's just a gift. Sooner or later, she would rather be crippled than become someone else.

What's more, she always had a hunch that it was definitely not a safe move to change into the appearance of her grandson, and there might be follow-ups.

She was worried that Uncle Fu would also be tempted by Shouyuan, and he would choose to become like that.

"Grandma, isn't this your grandson?"

After his grandma asked, Ying Hui pointed to the two businessmen, but kept secretly staring at the shadow monk's reaction.

Sure enough, after she identified the two merchants, the shadow cultivator's eyes sharpened, and he looked at her with a bit of vicious annoyance, as if his plot had been exposed and turned into anger.

Seeing his expression, Ying Hui knew that he had made the right bet.

The grandma immediately turned her head to look at the merchant who had turned into two children.

The two peddlers were still checking their new bodies, proud of the fact that they had escaped a catastrophe and rejuvenated themselves, taking advantage of it.

After hearing the question and answer from grandma and Ying Hui suddenly, their bodies froze for an instant, and the two of them immediately understood that this advantage was not for nothing.

They didn't dare to face their grandma, they all stared at Ying Hui with hatred, but Ying Hui didn't even look at the two of them, she did everything, she didn't feel guilty, she was not a virgin, she wanted to survive, to protect For the person she wanted to protect, she would dare to do anything to get to Mount Taiwei with all her beard and tail.

From Ji Mingyue's surprise at her quick answer at the beginning, to her pensive later on, Uncle Fu's expression of being moved and complaining about her recklessness, she noticed it all.

"Ji Mingyue, who has stripped off the pure and kind-hearted disguise and seen my true face, may draw a clear line with me from now on.

I'm afraid I will give up this long line that can catch big fish, but it's not too bad to be able to exchange for entry tokens. "

Looking at the expressions of the two, Ying Hui thought a lot at this moment, but she did not regret her decision.

When she was young, she went out with her father and begged her father to save Fu Bo, who was on the front line of life and death. From then on, Fu Bo followed her wholeheartedly to take care of her, protect her, and live as a slave, but he loved her more than her father. It was her life's regret to be able to send him to die. In this life, she will do her best to protect him.

After seeing the two peddlers, grandma's expression became dazed for a moment, and then she took off her kind disguise and stretched out her hand to grab them, and the two peddlers were floated out of the car like feathers and fell into her hands.

The ear-piercing strange laughter kept echoing in the mountains, and the ears of the people in the car who were close in front of them were instantly numb from the strange laughter. After the five senses were continuously strengthened, Ying Hui immediately sealed the ear acupoints to avoid the ear acupoints. Risk of deafness.

Grandma laughed wildly and rose from the ground, carrying two merchants, and flew towards the depths of the mountain, constantly muttering, "Good grandson, grandma will take you home."

After the figure of grandma disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally escaped from the tiger's mouth.

But the shadow cultivator suddenly got into trouble, jumped off the hearse, and fled into the depths of the thick fog.

Before leaving, he also took the bearded storage bag at the door of the car.

Everyone just escaped from the tiger's mouth, just relaxed, and didn't check for a while, but he took advantage of the loophole.

Ying Hui had to protect his ears and Ji Mingyue at the same time, so he couldn't let go for a while. Although he had been paying attention to the other party, he still had enough energy to spare.

At this time, everyone noticed that the dense fog was slowly dissipating, and not far away, the figure of the casual cultivator's father appeared, who had long since died and was lying motionless on the ground.

The storage bag on his body was also gone, and the coachman was still missing.

Needless to say, this shadow cultivator and this coachman are clearly in the same group.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and quickly cleared up their mood. Those who collected the corpses cleaned up, those who cleaned up the blood stains cleaned up the blood, and put the storage bags of the dead people together.

In fact, there were only two of them, and they belonged to the two female cultivators who got on the bus together.

Of the four members of the Loose Cultivator family, only the father had a storage bag, which was snatched away, the bearded monk was robbed by the Shadow Cultivator, and the two merchants were taken away, so naturally there were no storage bags left. Down.

As for grandma's magical artifacts, after grandma left, they all turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Of the two storage bags, two monks from the Taiwei Immortal Sect took one, and the three of Ying Hui took one. As for the mother and daughter who had been staring at the storage bags and hesitated to speak, they were directly ignored by everyone.

In the Langhuan world, only strength can be recognized by others.

Pity is never exchanged for sympathy.

Besides, the people in their car, dead, disabled, missing, even if the three people of Yinghui who were not affected, the three of them only had one storage bag, dragging a seriously injured patient who had lost all his cultivation. , What qualifications do you have to sympathize with others?

Ji Mingyue looked at the mother and daughter, maybe because they didn't agree with what they did, or because they felt sorry for each other, she said to Yinghui, "Ahui, give them five spirit stones."

Ying Hui was a little unhappy, but the Lingshi belonged to Ji Mingyue after all, so he handed it over anyway.

"Have you noticed that there is something wrong with this pulling spirit beast?"

It was too quiet. From the beginning to the end, the spirit beast pulling the cart didn't make a sound.

Although the spirit beasts pulling the cart have been specially trained and are very gentle, they don't react at all to the heavy pungent blood, and they don't even breathe harder.

Ying Hui's question immediately focused everyone's attention on the spirit beast.

The tall monk took a step forward, took out his dagger, and stabbed lightly at the spirit beast.

I saw the originally motionless spirit beast shriveled up like a deflated ball after being stabbed, leaving only a piece of animal skin lying on the ground.

The body of this hearse is made of simple materials, and only an anti-shock Fufeng array is engraved on it. Stiff, everyone didn't know, this group of people shouted and shouted, they had premeditated.

But, so what if you know, everyone ran away.

Ordinary casual cultivators go all the way to the Taiwei Immortal Sect, those who are alive will definitely get the benefits, not to mention those who are dead, those who can ride the hearse will not have a high level of cultivation, and no one will go all the way back looking for trouble.

Ying Hui has always been aware of the cruelty of the Langhuan world, so she wasn't too surprised. After discussing with Fu Bo, she carried Ji Mingyue on her back and was about to leave this troubled place.

But a thin female voice suddenly came: "Fellow Daoist, wait a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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