Chapter 26
It's the mother and daughter!
The woman carried her daughter with a broken leg on her back, and quickly stopped in front of Yinghui and the three of them.

She didn't dare to provoke the pair of disciples of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, it was Sanxiu's natural fear of the disciples of the Great Sect.

Another point is that the three of Yinghui are old, young and young, and there are two young girls. No matter how you look at it, they are easier to talk to than those two.

Ying Hui was impatient, although grandma had left, but who knew if she would come back, she wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

"Fellow Daoist, our mother and daughter have no storage bags, my daughter has no feet and needs me to carry them, and now the hearse is gone. I really can't let them expose the dead bodies of my husband and son to the wilderness like this."

"You want my storage bag?"

Ying Hui's eyes sharpened, and he thought to himself, you are the ones who caused your pity, and I didn't snatch your storage bag or kill your son and husband, why do you want my things?
Seeing that Yinghui was angry, Uncle Fu also took a step forward, and the woman hurriedly explained, "No, fellow Taoist is quick-witted, drove away grandma, and saved a carload of lives. It's only natural to take a storage bag. Don't dare to dream."

When Ying Hui heard this, he knew that he had misunderstood, but he still didn't relax his vigilance. He went to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and the other party stopped him, so he must ask for something.

The female cultivator continued to explain: "I want to ask fellow Taoists to help me collect the body of my husband and son in a storage bag. We are in a car, and our destinations are all Taiwei Mountains. We are on the way. Help me, I don't want this spirit stone anymore, please help me with this."

This will not lose anything, but, if they collect their bodies, it is inevitable that they will be involved with the mother and daughter. She has Ji Mingyue on her side, and she doesn't want to cause trouble.

And just as they were talking, the two disciples of the Taiwei Immortal Sect had already left first.

Yinghui was anxious and didn't want to get involved any longer, but he heard Ji Mingyue say: "Ahui, if it's not so difficult, please help them."

Ying Hui paused, Ji Mingyue leaned on Uncle Fu's back, looked at Ying Hui's hesitation, and called out again in a low voice: "A Hui."

Yinghui came to his senses, quickly put the bodies of the two into the storage bag, and said: "If you get separated on the road, I will put these two bodies near the entrance of the square market. If you can walk to the place alive Taiwei Mountain, let’s find it by ourselves.”

After speaking, he took Forbe and left the place quickly.

Without the hearse, there were only a few of them left, and they were much more careful when driving.

I also encountered robbery twice on the road, but they were all accidental.

Along the way, Yinghui finally knew the names of the mother and daughter. The mother's name was Zhao Yingying, and the daughter's name was He Man.

Zhao Yingying's fifth level of Qi refining is slightly higher than Yinghui's. He Man is young and can carry it very easily, so she didn't fall behind along the way, and even carried her daughter and the robber on her back when she was robbed. They were evenly matched.

Originally, the robbers thought they were easy to bully when they saw the elderly, weak, sick and disabled, but who knew that the fight seemed to be desperate, and they retreated in a hurry without getting any benefits.

He Man was originally a very lively little girl, but because of her, the family of four suffered a catastrophe. The little girl was silent all the way, and she didn't even say a word when her broken feet ooze blood again due to strenuous activities. One sound.

Zhao Yingying lost her husband and son, and she never spoke to Yinghui except for begging Yinghui to go with them.

Ying Hui had a keen sense of smell, frowned, looked at the dazed mother and daughter, and secretly cursed for trouble.

He took a step forward and hugged the little girl off her mother's back.

Zhao Yingying's whole body was tense at first, and she was about to make a desperate move, but fortunately she reacted in time.

It was also at this time that she finally noticed the change in her daughter.

He hugged his daughter tightly, tears streaming down his face, but he didn't make a sound.

Because Ji Mingyue was injured, Ying Hui and the others prepared a lot of wound medicine, which happened to re-bandage He Man.

"It is estimated that we will arrive at Taiwei Mountain in two days. Did you originally plan to take the two children to Taiwei Immortal Sect to learn from them?"

Yinghui suddenly mentioned Taiwei Xianzong, which made Zhao Yingying stunned for a moment, and let out a muffled "hmm".

He Man remained silent.

Seeing the two of them like this, Ying Hui lost the desire to persuade him. After bandaging He Man, when he got up and wanted to leave, He Man suddenly spoke.

"Senior, tell me, can a disabled person enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect?"

Ying Hui turned around, looked at the little girl's stubborn and hopeful eyes, and asked instead, "What qualifications do you have?"

The little girl seemed to be enlightened by her simple question, and she couldn't wait to tell her aptitude.

"Golden and water dual spiritual roots, the golden spiritual root is eight inches and nine inches, and the water spiritual root is nine inches."

Ying Hui nodded, according to the standards of the Langhuan world, the other party's spiritual root is a serious and superior spiritual root, much better than her aptitude.

"It's a pity if you don't practice with such a good talent. If you want to practice, it's not impossible to enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect."

As soon as she finished speaking, not only He Man's eyes lit up, but Zhao Yingying, who had been a little dazed all along, came back to her senses, and knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

"Fellow Daoist, please, help my daughter, help my daughter, she is still so young, she has such good aptitude, she can't just be ruined like this, as long as fellow Daoist is willing to show us a clear way, great kindness and great virtue , I will be a cow and a horse for fellow daoist all my life, and Xiaoman will be grateful to fellow daoist for the rest of my life."

His mind is still clear, and he didn't let He Man treat her like a cow or a horse. Somehow, Yinghui still had the heart to complain.

It may be that she is getting closer and closer to the Taiwei Immortal Sect, but Ji Mingyue is not as alienated from her as she thought. Instead, she is the same as before. She has benefited a lot, and it also makes her feel happy.

Ji Mingyue is not a deep-minded person. Her behavior like this shows that she was not dissatisfied with her because of her choice in the car, but recognized her. If it was before, she would only think of Ji Mingyue as a Long-term big fish, after this incident, she really recognized her as a friend, saw her dark side, and still recognized herself, and that was enough.

"Xiaoman's legs are complete, but his feet are missing. In fact, it doesn't delay his cultivation, but his movement is limited. But monks can't work behind closed doors. They have to study, practice, and even run for their lives often. They can't move around freely. It’s also limited, with such good qualifications, I’m afraid it’s even difficult to build a foundation.”

Zhao Yingying nodded again and again. If his family is a rich family, it would be fine if they could afford their children to practice. She is a Qi-refining casual cultivator, and she will be like this for the rest of her life. The children can only fight and grab on their own, and cannot act. How to fight?
 Thank you Xingyun Lifang for the reward, my little cutie.

(End of this chapter)

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