Chapter 27
A person with a disability has no cultivation resources, and it is difficult to even study and ask for advice, so how should he continue to cultivate.

"I once read a travelogue. The book was written by a lame monk. After he broke his leg, his family made a prosthetic for him with the method of forging and put it on his body. Later, the prosthetic was continuously refined by him. It turned out to be more usable than the original body, with great strength, invulnerable to water and fire, if it wasn't for his family members to stop him, he would have cut off his other leg and replaced it with a prosthetic limb on impulse."

He Man was very moved when he heard this, and his eyes became brighter. Obviously, he was very yearning for the prosthetic limb Yinghui mentioned, but Zhao Yingying was a little worried, and asked, "This prosthetic limb should be regarded as a magic weapon. I'm afraid I won't be able to get it for a while." Out of the spirit stone."

As he spoke, he kept his daughter distressed and sobbed softly.

But the little girl said: "Mother, it doesn't matter if we can't get all the spirit stones together for a while. Let's save slowly, and we will always save enough. If we can't afford a good one, let's buy a mediocre one. Besides, I don't have a whole leg." It’s all gone, it’s just a missing foot. It’s much cheaper than customizing the whole leg. It’s really not good. When my wound heals, I will tie a wooden board to my ankle as a foot. I think, I can walk when I get used to it. "

Ying Hui clapped his hands: "That's right, Xiao Man is right, the little girl has ambition."

"Sister Ahui, you said just now that I have a way to let me enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect, can you tell me what it is?"

"I came to the Taiwei Immortal Sect this time, and I also came here to apprentice. However, I am different from you. I have already obtained the entry qualification of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, and I can worship the Taiwei Immortal Sect at any time."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yingying's mother and daughter looked envious.

"I can give this qualification to Xiaoman."

This time, the expressions of the mother and daughter immediately changed to shock and ecstasy, but both of them calmed down quickly.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, not to mention that the two parties are neither relatives nor relatives, so why should they give up their chance to enter the prestigious sect to others.

"What are the conditions for a fellow Taoist?"

Ying Hui smiled, "Of course there are conditions, I must enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect, so my qualification to enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect can only be given to Xiaoman after I successfully enter the entrance.

There are still four months before Taiwei Immortal Sect opens the mountain gate. I will take the entrance examination. If I fail the examination, then just pretend I didn't say that. I will use up this qualification myself. "

He Man's mother and daughter nodded to express their understanding. Although they are a little regretful, this is normal.

"If I am lucky enough to pass the entry test and become an inner disciple of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, then I can give this entry qualification to Xiaoman.

Xiaoman has just entered the sect, and his body is a bit inconvenient. Although his aptitude is good, it must be difficult at the beginning.

I don't make things difficult for you, that's all right, after Xiaoman builds the foundation, if I need it, Xiaoman needs to do me a favor, and I can't shirk it.

Of course, if I ask Xiaoman for help, it must not be something outrageous, contrary to righteousness, nor something that would send me to death. Do you agree? "

The mother and daughter looked at each other, and agreed quickly.

Only by entering the Taiwei Immortal Sect, can their days and He Man's future be hopeful.

Not to mention one promise, ten, they are all willing, Ying Hui is really a rare kind person.

The mother and daughter who have hope are no longer as lifeless as before. Although they are still immersed in the sadness of the loss of their family members, they gradually smile a little.

Ji Mingyue lay on Uncle Fu's back, looked at Ying Hui who was walking by her side, and smiled softly.

"Sister Mingyue, what are you laughing at?"

Ji Mingyue was not embarrassed by being caught, and said jokingly: "I laughed at my family, Ah Hui, and looked at her teeth and claws, very fierce, but actually the most soft-hearted."

Ying Hui curled his lips, and said: "People with soft hearts will not end well, Sister Mingyue, you should stop cursing me."

After being exposed, she no longer pretended to be innocent and cute, and she had a venomous and difficult tongue.

Ji Mingyue was bullied by her, but she didn't get angry, she just looked at her with a smile and said, "What my family Ah Hui said makes sense, my sister has been taught."

Ji Mingyue spoke softly and gently, which made Yinghui feel embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject, saying: "Sister Mingyue, you are going back to the sect soon, are you nervous?"

Ji Mingyue's voice was still soft and indifferent, "Of course I'm nervous. In my storage bag, there is actually a sound transmission talisman that my master gave me. If I'm not nervous, I don't have to work so hard with Fu Bo and A Hui. I'm sorry. Ah Hui, I still need time to make some mental preparations."

Yinghui nodded nonchalantly, "I'm fine, but Uncle Fu has been tired all the way. Sister Mingyue sees Master, don't forget to ask for some elixir for Uncle Fu to strengthen his body."

Ji Mingyue's melancholy mood was immediately washed away by her rambunctious manner.

Knocked on her head, said: "I remember all the hard work of Uncle Fu. How can you ask for credit for yourself? If you make a fuss, half of your gains will be lost. You look shrewd, how can you be stupid?" .”

"If you know it's stupid, don't knock it, and it will be even more stupid if you knock it again."

Ying Hui played foolishly, and Ji Mingyue fell on his back in anger.

Talking and laughing, they soon arrived at Taiwei Mountain.

There were too many twists and turns along the way, and several times he narrowly escaped death. Looking at the square city in front of him, it was full of voices and bustling, and everyone was a little emotional.

"Sister Mingyue, should I send you back to the mountain gate, or should Senior Yuan Chen come and pick you up?"

Ji Mingyue looked at the familiar scene in front of him, and rejected these two options.

"Let's settle down with you first. If I have time to come out, it's convenient to find you. However, after I return to the sect, I'm afraid I will be detained by the master and will not go down the mountain for a long time."

Ji Mingyue felt a little melancholy, not just because of the separation, but more because of uncertainty about the future.

However, she soon put this melancholy behind her. They were all unfamiliar with their places, and it was all up to her, a local, to arrange them. In the end, after picking and choosing, they finally found themselves at the edge of Fangshi. I rented a small yard and spent [-] spirit stones for half a year.

Originally, there were only four months left before it was time to open the mountain gate, but the owner of this yard is also very shrewd. He opened his mouth with a minimum rent of half a year, and Baikeng you for two months' rent. The key is that they asked many people in this city , It's all a face.

He had no choice but to accept that Fu Bo and Zhao Yingying couldn't enter the sect anyway, so if they stayed longer, they would have more days.

Although the two of them planned to find a shop directly to do odd jobs to earn some spiritual stones, and they could take care of food and lodging, but there is nothing wrong with having a little more buffer time.

When everything is in order, Ji Mingyue has no reason to procrastinate, and bids farewell to Ying Hui.

"Sister Mingyue, the gate will be opened soon. I will visit you when I enter the sect. I hope you have already started to practice by then. Otherwise, you will be ashamed if you are compared too much by me."

 I ran to the hospital for half a day in the morning and had an MRI. I was a little scared and refused to swallow my saliva, but I still swallowed uncontrollably. The result just came out. It was a disorder of the jaw joint. I don’t know if it’s serious or not. I’m going to ask the doctor in the afternoon. .

  I went to the doctor. During the examination, the doctor found that there were bleeding spots on the gums. He asked me how my immunity is and whether I like to get sick. At that time, I replied that I have not been sick recently. It is a bit scary to rule out whether it may be caused by systemic diseases.

(End of this chapter)

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