This fairy has some tea

Chapter 28 The Gift of the Nascent Soul Cultivator

Chapter 28 The Gift of the Nascent Soul Cultivator

Ji Mingyue found that recently, her sadness and melancholy were always suffocated by this little girl when she just woke up.

"Understood, I must cultivate well and not be surpassed by you, a yellow-haired girl.

Ah Hui, help me open the sound transmission talisman and call Master. "

Ying Hui opened the storage bag, and while taking out the sound transmission talisman, he also took out the Zongzong token and put it into the new storage bag. Afterwards, he was about to erase the things he had left in Ji Mingyue's storage bag. The mark of divine consciousness on the bag.

"what are you doing?"

"I already have a storage bag. It's not appropriate to leave Sister Mingyue's storage bag with me. There are a lot of your personal items in it. You will need it soon after you resume your practice.

I know Yuanchen Zhenjun has no shortage of storage bags, even if I give you ten or eight, you can afford it, but your cultivation base is gone, if someone finds out that you even lost the storage bag, you will be laughed at . "

Ji Mingyue opened her mouth. People in the sect talked a lot. What Ying Hui said was not unreasonable. She is the proud child of heaven, she has always been, and now she has fallen into the altar. Whether she can bear it or not is also because of this, she has been reluctant to send a letter to Master for a long time.

For such a long time, why couldn't she see that Ying Hui's character was mercenary, but, in order to maintain her last bit of dignity, such a person who is open to money, gave up the storage bag she gave her indifferently. She was even more touched.

"Ahui, thank you, but, put away everything in the storage bag, this storage bag is enough."

"A penny is hard for a hero, so if you give it to me, it will definitely be inconvenient for you.

Well, there is nothing serious to use in the female nun's storage bag. Sister Mingyue still has a few first-level talismans in her storage bag. You probably won't be able to use them when you return to the sect, so I'll leave them by the side. I'm dead, and I have a thousand spirit stones. I'll take two hundred for the recent expenses, so that I can practice with peace of mind, prepare for the entry test, and don't have to worry about spirit stones anymore.

I see that there is a jade slip in Sister Mingyue’s storage bag. It is said to be some pill recipes. I want to make a copy. I don’t know if the prescription is inconvenient. I don’t want to use the other ones. no? "

"You can take the five hundred spirit stones, and give the three hundred spirit stones to Uncle Fu for me. He carried me all the way and worked very hard. I have nothing to repay him now.

As for the jade slip, I exchanged it from the Zongmen specially for alchemy before, and it cannot be copied.

But later I found that I didn't have much interest in these things. After I exchanged them, except for the introductions outside, I haven't read the content once. I don't lack these medicines for the refining period, so I don't have much motivation to learn them.

In the future, I will reforge Jianxin, and I don't have time to learn this, so this pill is of no use to me, so I can give it to you if you want it. "

"Hehe, that's kind. I also accepted Uncle Fu's share directly for him. I just went to buy a storage bag for Uncle Fu. It's quite inconvenient without a storage bag."

"Well, Ah Hui, thank you for this journey. And Uncle Fu, without you, I might have been buried in the belly of a fish long ago."

"Knowing that my life was picked up, I should cheer up all the more. Every day I live is earned."

Ji Mingyue was teased by her and laughed, "Yes, what A Hui said is right, if you live an extra day, you will earn it."

Zhenjun Yuanchen came very quickly, and he landed in this small courtyard in less than a cup of tea.

Zhenjun Yuanchen looked very young, with an appearance of 23, wearing a blue tunic robe, and a black jade hair crown, all of which were reduced to a foil under his immortal temperament.

Wei Wei's indifferent expression melted away the moment he saw Ji Mingyue.


"Master, this disciple is not filial, and I am ashamed of you."

Zhenjun Yuanchen sighed, "Just come back."

Ji Mingyue knelt on the ground, crying so hard, Ying Hui and the others stood in the yard, motionless.

In her past and present lives, she had never had such close contact with Zhenjun Yuanying, so she was a little nervous.

Zhenjun Yuanchen looked at the people in the courtyard and asked, "Are these your saviors?"

Mother and daughter Zhao Yingying was so frightened that she took a step back and expressed her position.

Ji Mingyue turned around and beckoned to Yinghui, "Ahui, come here, master, this is Yinghui, a winner from the Red Leaf Valley in the south, who saved me on the way to Taiwei Immortal Sect to take the entrance exam. This is Uncle Fu, who has been taking care of me." Ah Hui's elder."

Although Fu Bo has always called himself a slave, and even though the little fish above Fu Bo's earlobe can't escape the eyes of his master, Ji Mingyue knows that Ying Hui never regarded him as a slave, but really regarded him as his own elder, so, When I introduced it to Master, I specially reminded Master tactfully.

Ying Hui was moved by Ji Mingyue's carefulness, and hurried forward to salute, "Senior Yuan Chen is well, Fubo and I, together with Sister Mingyue, supported me all the way, and benefited a lot from Sister Mingyue's guidance, so I dare not take credit for it.

After Sister Mingyue goes back, just rest in peace and don't worry about us. I will visit you after Ah Hui enters the sect. "

In front of monk Yuan Ying, Ying Hui didn't dare to play any tricks, and just tried his best to show his intimacy with Ji Mingyue, which was enough.

As for whether Zhenjun Yuanchen will give some extra rewards, if the other party is really willing to give it, it doesn't mean that she can be humble with a few words of modesty.

The fact is just as she thought, Zhenjun Yuanchen had seen through Ji Mingyue's idea of ​​asking for rewards for the two early on, and he did follow his apprentice's wish and gave Yinghui and Uncle Fu a magic weapon.

The magic weapons used by monks are divided into magic weapons, spirit weapons, magic weapons, and spirit treasures. Magic weapons are generally used by Qi-refining monks. However, the resources in the Langhuan world are exhausted, and many foundation-building monks only have one or two magic weapons to use. , I haven't even touched the edge of the spirit weapon.

As for the Lingbao, it's hard to say whether it exists in the Langhuan Realm, anyway, based on Yinghui's superficial knowledge, she has never heard of it.

Cultivator Nascent Soul has a lot of money, so he must have better things, but, good things can't be used, and it's useless to give them.

The magic weapon he gave to Yinghui and Yinghui is the most suitable for them to use at this stage.

Both magic weapons are top-grade magic weapons, very rare, not to mention ordinary Qi refining monks, even foundation building monks, it's hard to say whether they can get one in a lifetime.

Ying Hui has never seen such a good magic weapon in two lifetimes.

She took her own set of butterfly darts and couldn't put it down.

What Fu Bo got was a small shield, which is a defensive magic weapon that is even rarer than an offensive magic weapon.

The value of this small shield is comparable to a low-level spiritual weapon.

Zhao Yingying's mother and daughter looked enviously.

Zhenjun Yuanchen felt sorry for Ji Mingyue's serious injury, and gave him a magic weapon to settle the cause and effect, and took Ji Mingyue back to Taiwei Xianzong.

He has to quickly find someone to take care of Ji Mingyue's body. For him, this is the most important thing.

 Thank you Xingyun Lifang for the reward, thank you for the reward of Chunyi Huaxie, my little cutie.

(End of this chapter)

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