This fairy has some tea

Chapter 29 Buy Buy Buy

Chapter 29 Buy Buy Buy

Yinghui put away the magic weapon and said to the two of them, "I hope you can keep the matter of Zhenjun Yuanchen a secret. If Xiaoman enters the sect in the future, with her qualifications, even if her feet are hindered, as long as she wears prosthetic limbs, it is estimated You can also worship a Jindan master, and if you are lucky, a Yuanying Zhenjun like Yuanchen Zhenjun is also possible.

In the future, if there is a chance to become the Nascent Soul True Monarch, or encounter some spiritual flowers and plants, it will be no problem to be reborn with a broken limb, and the future is bright.

I hope you don't cause extra trouble, and I will definitely not give you the entry qualification.

In the entry test of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, ordinary people have to go through several extreme desperate situations before they can get started.

It is not conducive to walking, relying on Xiaoman himself, it is impossible to get started, even if you have a prosthetic limb, as a mortal, you can't refine it, and you can't get through. "

"I know, I know this, the entry test for mortals is easier than that for monks, that's why my husband and I haven't let them practice.

Ah Hui, don't worry, Xiaoman and I place all our hopes on you now, and we absolutely dare not do anything reckless. "

Zhao Yingying quickly stated her position, and even to reassure Yinghui, the two simply swore the Heart Demon Vow, which made Yinghui very satisfied.

At this time, there are still four months before the entry test, and she doesn't want any twists and turns, and even if she enters the mountain gate, and Uncle Fu, she is worried that if the news is leaked and others know that they have the highest-grade magic weapon, some people will take it seriously. Faber is not good.

However, once such a good magic weapon is obtained, no one is willing to give it up.

Except Forber!

After Zhao Yingying's mother and daughter finished expressing their views, they went back to their room very discerningly, leaving room for Yinghui and Yinghui to talk.

"Girl, you should keep this little shield. This old slave is getting old and doesn't need it."

"Uncle Fu, sister Mingyue left me a lot of things, and with this butterfly dart, I don't lack anything for self-defense. On the contrary, you, Uncle Fu, have always been tight because of me these few years. There are no low-grade instruments.

I don't want this little shield. When I enter the sect in the future, I can feel more at ease with you having this little shield to protect me.

By the way, this is the spirit stone that Sister Mingyue specially told me to leave for you. Let's clean up and buy you a storage bag. "

Fu Bo still wanted to decline, but Yinghui persuaded him several times before finally accepting these things.

However, because Uncle Fu didn't have a storage bag, this top-grade magic weapon was so powerful that it was not safe to put it anywhere. I was afraid that this thing would attract some powerful enemies, so Ying Hui kept it first.

The only five spiritual stones on Zhao Yingying's mother and daughter were given by Ji Mingyue. Although the place where they live can be solved by taking advantage of the light, daily practice, daughter's feet, and daily expenses are very scarce. They urgently need to find a job to supplement the family. Spirit stone for refining prosthetic limbs.

She set a small goal for herself, to refine a pair of prosthetics and prosthetic feet for her daughter before He Man worshiped at the temple gate, even if it was the lowest magic weapon, she would let her daughter enter the sect on foot and meet Zong gate standing up Mr. door.

So, early the next morning, I made arrangements for my daughter, said hello to Yinghui and the other two, and hurried out the door.

Although it is pitiful for her daughter to lie at home alone, reality cannot tolerate her soft-heartedness.

She must harden her heart and fight for a future for her daughter.

Yinghui and the others also have things to do, they need to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment first, purchase some daily necessities, and finally, buy a storage bag.

The place they rented was a bit remote, and it was okay to buy some daily necessities, but the storage bags were not sold, so they had to go to the commercial street in the lower city to find them.

Uncle Fu hesitated all the way, "The storage bag is quite expensive, and it is not particularly necessary. I heard that after entering the sect, the sect will issue a storage bag, and the girl will have two , when you can go out of the mountain gate, just send me one.

Why waste this money. "

"There are still four months left for the entry test. I want to practice with peace of mind. Without a storage bag, there is nowhere to put the magic weapon. I don't worry about you coming in and out empty-handed."

Uncle Fu still felt sorry for the money, but he couldn't resist Ying Hui's insistence, so he reluctantly agreed.

Looking at his uncontrollably curled lips, Ying Hui knew that he was actually happy in his heart.

I couldn't help complaining about this duplicity old man, the two of them were walking fast, the commercial street was bustling with people coming and going, and there were even loud monks' cries, which seemed to have nothing to do with the secular market s difference.

However, if you look closely, there are still some differences. For example, some shops that look very grand do not have real doors and windows. Go through the light.

On the open space not far from the door, there is also a streamer phantom formation engraved, like a real person, sometimes opening a furnace to make alchemy, sometimes spreading paper to make talismans, flowing clouds and flowing water.

Even if you can't see what items are placed inside, you can tell what kind of shop it is when you look at the phantom.

This is a bustling scene that Yinghui has never seen before, with the grandeur of a fairy family.

However, it is not timid to live a new life. In Yinghui's opinion, the more grand the shop is, the more reasonable the price is. The two of them are not familiar with the place, and they are likely to be cheated if they go to the small stall rashly. I specifically looked for a store with a big appearance and looked like a regular store.

However, the items in the shop are pretty good, but they are a bit expensive. Yinghui's original storage bag only cost [-] spirit stones, and Uncle Fu's price is similar, but the ones here sell for [-] spirit stones each.

"Is your storage bag the size of a stone?"

Seeing that the two of them looked at each other and there was no rebuttal, the clerk smiled, "So that the two honored customers know that although the storage bags in our store are expensive, they are worth the money. Two bags are bigger, but only twenty spirit stones are more expensive, so it’s cheaper, isn’t it?”

The guy spoke with reason and evidence, and he didn't look down on them just because they didn't understand. People listened to them and they were very convinced.

However, Uncle Fu loves Lingshi very much. For him, it is enough to have a storage bag that can be used. There is really no need to buy such a good one.

"Thank you, little brother, for clarifying the confusion. Let's think about it again. You go and do your work first. We will trouble you after we have discussed it."

After hearing Uncle Fu's words, the guy understood very well and walked away to do his own business, leaving time for the two of them to think about it.

"Fu Bo, I think what this little brother said is very polite, and, didn't you always say that the storage bags are not enough and can't hold everything?

Let's just buy a big one, and we don't have to worry about not being enough for many years. "

"I'm a bad old man, I don't need such a good one, the girl has been practicing for a long time, and there are too many places to use spirit stones, and there is also the madam..."

(End of this chapter)

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