This fairy has some tea

Chapter 30 The Death of Forbe

Chapter 30 The Death of Forbe
Ying Hui interrupted: "Uncle Fu, you don't have to worry about my mother, I've already figured it out, and I won't take care of what I shouldn't."

"Okay, okay, okay, girl, you just need to understand, there is a master on the madam's side, so you won't suffer the young masters anyway."

The two of them were talking, when there was a sudden commotion in front of a small stall not far from the door, and the yelling came from a distance, "Storage bags are on sale, second-hand storage bags, old and old, second-hand." One out of ten spirit stones."

Following the yelling, many people gradually gathered around. It seemed that there were a lot of people who wanted to take advantage of it.

"Really a storage bag that is in good condition and usable!"

Following the success of the first transaction, the customer left happily, and immediately more people surrounded him.

"Girl, I'll go and have a look too. Even if the storage bag is a little smaller, it's a good deal."

Fu Bo was still a little hesitant, but he was immediately attracted.

"What if that person was a trustee just now? If the second-hand storage bags are all broken, wouldn't it be a loss? This kind of small stall is really unreliable."

Ying Hui was reluctant, she had never given anything to Uncle Fu, and it was the first time she bought a gift, and he wanted to give him a better one.

"Whatever I'm afraid of, I'll open it up and have a look on the spot, make sure it's intact before paying the money, Uncle Fu is so old, he still has this kind of vision, don't worry, girl.

There are too many people there, it's too noisy, it's not convenient for you to go there, girl, just look at things in this store, buy what you find useful, and you need to prepare more things for the entry test.

I will go back as soon as I go. "

As he said that, he took a look at Yinghui's storage bag, and Yinghui understood what he meant. In her storage bag, there were two top-quality magic weapons. In Canglang Port, Uncle Fu saw with his own eyes that the people there were so arrogant. Stealing a storage bag is understandable to be afraid of.

She was a little helpless, and she was very resistant to Uncle Fu buying second-hand storage bags, but Uncle Fu was too persistent, worried that such cheap storage bags would be sold out in a short while, so he kept urging her.

Ying Hui finally had no choice but to agree, just taking advantage of Uncle Fu's absence for a while, buy him some warming elixir, he is getting old and his meridians are not smooth, warming up is good for Shouyuan.

Forber is here, he will definitely not agree to her buying these things.

He took [-] spirit stones from the storage bag and handed them to Uncle Fu, and the old man ran away, afraid that Ying Hui would regret it.

Ying Hui shook his head helplessly and amusedly, looking for a suitable pill.

She was watching here seriously, but she didn't notice the commotion outside, until a scream woke her up.

No one else, the screaming voice was exactly Uncle Forbe's.

When Ying Hui heard that voice, his steps froze for a moment, as if he had suddenly fallen into an ice cellar, shivering from the cold, his heart seemed to be blocked by something, and he could hardly breathe.

But after a moment, he pulled himself out of this fear, and ran towards the door.

I saw that the bustling small stall was in a mess at the moment, and the monks who were surrounded were hiding far away at this time, so that Yinghui could see the people lying on the ground at a glance.

With gray hair and a slightly hunched body, he was lying there quietly at the moment, a big hole in his chest was dripping with blood, his eyes were still open at the moment, but lost their luster, only solidified fear and disbelief.

He even held a small pink storage bag tightly in his hand, which was a bit funny, but it hurt Ying Hui's eyes.

She walked up step by step. The person she swore to protect, the person she failed to protect in the previous life, came after she was reborn, and after going through all kinds of hardships with her, after she got a great opportunity, she thought it was a very Soon he was able to soar into the sky, and when he led Uncle Fu to live a good life, he just died like this.

Her eyes were a little blurry, and she couldn't even see Fu Bo lying on the ground.

She blinked hard, finally seeing clearly.

The familiar gray gown, the familiar rough hands, the last trace of luck, all gone.

The people around were whispering, as if they were guessing when the two sides would fight, and some people even predicted whether this little girl could survive the attack of the opponent's Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Those people were afraid of being affected, so they all stayed far away, but with Ying Hui's ear power, they could still hear clearly.

She raised her head and looked at a man and a woman standing not far from Uncle Fu. The girl was about the same age as her, but her cultivation had already reached the sixth level of Qi Refining.

The older youth, who looked 23, was carelessly wiping the blood on the long sword at the moment.

"What does this old colorist have to do with you?"

The girl shouted coquettishly, with anger that had not dissipated in her voice, the voice was like a silver bell, but what she said made Ying Hui want to cut off her tongue immediately.

Ying Hui gently closed Fu Bo's eyes, and stood up again.

All the hatred in his eyes was gone, and he said casually: "He is the servant who has been taking care of me. I don't know how he offended seniors. I am here to apologize to the two seniors."

"Hmph, counting your senses, he was holding a pink storage bag, he was not serious at first glance, he bumped his head into me, luckily Brother Heng killed him in time, otherwise, he would have been hit by this kind of person.

You really have to thank me, letting such a slave take care of it will be harmful to your reputation, now Brother Heng helped you deal with it, you have to be grateful. "

Ying Hui could even hear his teeth gnashing, but forced a smile on his face, pretending to be shocked: "There is such a thing? He is always honest and kind, and he really didn't see it." Whether it is this kind of person, or the predecessors have the knowledge of people, otherwise..."

In the end, he looked even more terrified.

"I was a little bit reluctant just now, after all, this is my servant who has taken care of me for several years, now I can only feel lucky.

Senior seems to be about the same age as me, but his cultivation level is much higher than mine. I don't know if senior is here to take the entrance exam?

I don't know if I can tell my name. If I am lucky enough to be able to visit the mountain gate in the future, the junior will go to visit the senior again, so I would like to thank you. "

The sincerity of what Ying Hui said, and his calm and breezy appearance, made the other party believe it was true, and he really left his name.

"My name is Xiao Ling'er. This is Brother Yue Heng from the Canglan family. He was entrusted by my father to accompany me to take the entrance exam."

"My name is Yinghui, I was born in the south, very far away from Mount Taiwei, and it's a small place, so the two seniors must have never heard of it.

This old slave has been with me for a long time, and now that he is dead, I feel a little pity in my heart. Although I offended senior, I still want to ask senior to intervene on his behalf, let me take his body back so that he can be buried alive, and all this is over The owner and servant of the field are divided.

Seniors please complete. "

(End of this chapter)

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