Chapter 31
The people around who had been waiting to watch the excitement were all a little surprised. Even if this servant didn't want his own way, he was beaten to death in the street, but this person didn't even dare to collect the corpse. Everyone sneered at them, with arrogance and arrogance, and left one after another bored.

Xiao Ling'er's anger had long since calmed down because of her sensibility, seeing her groveling at this moment, not to mention how enjoyable it is, such a person, even if he entered the sect, how could he be compared with a proud girl like her, Immediately, there was no interest in continuing the conversation.

"It's up to you, otherwise it will be troublesome to throw the corpse here, it will dirty people's land and disturb their business."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Canglan Yueheng: "Brother Yueheng, you can go shopping with me again. I want to buy more talismans so that I don't have to do it myself when I take the entrance exam."

Canglan Yueheng never glanced at Ying Hui from the beginning to the end, and waited for Xiao Ling'er boredly. At this time, finally, when Xiao Ling'er was about to leave, he readily agreed.

The two gradually drifted away, and the intermittent conversation could still reach Yinghui's ears.

"Sister Ling'er talks so much to that kind of poor girl. With such a low level of cultivation, even if she is lucky enough to enter the sect, she is at best an inner sect disciple. Sister Ling'er's aptitude and cultivation base are for true disciples. There will be an intersection with such a person.”

"It's the first time I'm traveling far away, so I wanted to make more friends."

"A person like her deserves..."

Ying Hui can't hear it anymore, and she doesn't need to hear the follow-up, she just needs to firmly remember the voices, faces and appearances of these two people, and remember their names, that's enough.

She pulled out the pink storage bag from Forbe's hand as if she didn't care, put his body into the storage bag, and then even continued to go shopping, her indifferent attitude made him feel At first, I was still a little doubtful, thinking that she could distinguish the situation clearly, and those who knew how to endure had to give up guessing, this is a heartless soft bone.

Many people sneered at her, although they didn't approve of Xiao Ling'er's way of taking human life at will, but they looked down on Ying Hui even more in comparison.

How many immortal cultivators, especially those from the righteous sect, are not pure and arrogant?
Especially young people who are high-spirited, almost all of them have too much face, their heads can be broken and blood can bleed, and they can't lose face.

Although Taiwei Mountain is not small, there are only a few people who come to participate in the entrance examination. The story of Ying Hui and Xiao Ling'er quickly spread among the people. Say something, very discerning, and then look at each other with a tacit smile, and never want to mention it again, as if dirtying their ears.

Ying Hui knew how the news would spread and what reputation she would have, but she didn't care.

She has long passed the time when she was a teenager, and her face was not easy to get. Life is very important.

Uncle Fu died in front of her eyes, and the murderer stood in front of her, she couldn't show any anger.

Because she had no power to fight back in front of the opponent.

Uncle Fu is just a servant. He is different from ordinary servants when he becomes a slave. He wants to make his ears piercing. In Fubo’s ear, he stabbed a small fish in his ear since the day he became a slave of a winner. , This is also the main reason why her father agreed to save people.

And slaves, no matter how high the cultivation base is, have no human rights. Therefore, the precepts of Taiwei Shanfang City can make them unscrupulous. If they kill people, they will be killed. No matter how much she pursues, she can only get a little compensation.

She is here to participate in the entry test, and she is equal to the other party. If she is killed in the street, the other party will be expelled from Taiwei Mountain at most, never allowed to enter, let alone participate in the entrance test, so the other party will not be treated like this. Treat her like Forbe.

But if she was only shot and seriously injured, it would only be a compensation for a few spirit stones. Even with the entry token, when she recovers from her injuries and worships the sect, Xiao Ling'er may have already become a disciple of the Taiwei Immortal Sect , killing the same sect, is to be expelled from the sect.

Because revenge ruined her own future, even Uncle Fu would not agree to it, so if she wanted to take revenge, if she wanted to take revenge openly, she had to do so before joining the sect.

When she returned to the small courtyard, Zhao Yingying had already returned. She found a job very smoothly today. She found a job of making blank jade slips. Although she was a bit tired, there was a commission. For every hundred pieces she made, she could get a Lingshi , if she is quicker, she can make [-] spirit stones a day, and even more after she gets used to it. She estimated that it would not be a problem to earn ten spirit stones a month, but in this case, she would have no time to practice. up.

It's just that she doesn't care, she just wants to quickly save enough money to equip her daughter with a pair of prosthetic limbs. Today she went to the Baoqi building and asked the craftsman over there to refine a pair of the simplest feet. Lingshi, if you want to make the sole of this prosthetic foot as delicate as a real foot, so that ordinary people can't see it, you need fifty spirit stones. She works hard, and it should be similar.

Although the flexibility of walking is not as good as real feet, as long as you can walk freely, it is enough. When you enter the sect, you will have hope.

Moreover, the shopkeeper over there said that after a while, she will be proficient at making it, so she can take the materials home and make it. In this way, she can earn spirit stones and take care of her daughter again.

Zhao Yingying's heart was full of hope, and her depressed mood improved a lot.

Seeing Yinghui coming back alone, he asked a little puzzled: "How about Uncle Fu, why didn't you come back with you? I found a job today and cooked some dishes. Let's celebrate together."

Yinghui even smiled at Zhao Yingying, "Uncle Fu is dead, and he will never come back."

After speaking, she nodded to Zhao Yingying and went back to her room.

Zhao Yingying was stunned for a while before realizing what Yinghui said.

Wanting to comfort Ying Hui, he saw that the other party had already closed the door and entered the house.

A table of sumptuous dishes turned cold little by little, "Mother, why don't you ask sister Yinghui to eat, even if you are sad, you have to eat."

Zhao Yingying didn't dare, because now she recalled how she saw Ying Hui just now, although she was smiling, her eyes were cold, as if she wanted to choose someone and devour her.

After getting along these days, she knew the relationship between Uncle Fu and Yinghui, but she didn't show any sadness. It must be because she encountered something that forced her to suppress it.

At this moment, I am in the room, so I can be quiet for a while.

"No need, Xiao Man and Niang will eat first, and Niang will save some for Miss Ying."

Yinghui at this moment is not like Zhao Yingying imagined, crying alone and venting his emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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