This fairy has some tea

Chapter 130 Fierce Battle

Chapter 130 Fierce Battle

Simply, Liuxian's skirt was not intruded by water and fire, so she got wet from head to foot and the outermost layer of clothes, but the inside of her body was dry and comfortable, and she didn't feel that uncomfortable.

After tidying up, the sound of fighting got closer and closer, and Ying Hui could hear it clearly without the blue-eared rabbit.

His legs were covered with amulets, and he picked a direction that diverged from the fight, and ran away.

But bad luck followed like a shadow, and the direction of the battlefield behind suddenly changed its direction and came towards her again.

After doing this several times, not only did they not get rid of each other, but they got closer.

At this moment, if she didn't know that she was being targeted, her mind would really be flooded.

Ying Hui stopped running wildly, and the sunny umbrella was propped above his head again.

The rainwater on his body dissipated immediately.

Pei Lan swam out of the spirit beast bag, her body shrank continuously, and finally turned into the size of a little finger, wrapped around Ying Hui's wrist, like a jasper bracelet.

Yinghui took out a five-flavored pill and fed it to Peilan. Peilan grinned and swallowed it instantly. His expression froze for a moment. It seemed that the taste of this pill was not very good.

Annoyed, she raised her neck and kept spitting out letters at Ying Hui.

Ying Hui had no choice but to take another one and throw it at it. This time, Peilan clicked his mouth, obviously, he was very satisfied with the taste of this five-flavored pill.

Coupled with the heavy rain outside, the aura of the water here is much stronger, not only did it not make it uncomfortable, but let out a comfortable moan.

Just for a while, the other party got closer, and in this dark rainy night, the aura kept flickering, visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, a fire dragon spewed out from the monster's mouth, and the heavy rain did not affect the fire in the slightest, and it went straight to the opposite cultivator.

With the light of the fire, Ying Hui finally saw clearly the person who wanted to cheat him.

It was He Family Eleven.

At this time, He Shiyi, who was originally cold and beautiful, was in a mess. Facing the scorching fire dragon, he blocked the long bow in his hand in front of him, and a golden shield of light spread from the long bow, blocking the fire dragon in front of him.

Just when the two were at a stalemate, another thunderbolt suddenly struck at He Shiyi.

The sound of "click, click" thunder continued, and the monsters in the distance were so restless that they rushed away from their own territory and fled towards the distance.

He Xixi suddenly released a hand, and when he stretched out his hand, a palm-sized puppet grew in the wind. Before the thunder light arrived, it had become the size of an adult man.

Holding a machete, with a wide face, a wide mouth, and a beard, he is full of masculinity.

He held the machete in front of him just like He Shishi did, easily blocking the thunder.

Even when he did it, he was much more relaxed and comfortable than He Shixi.

Even after the thunder faded away, he jumped and slashed at the monster in front of him.

He Xishi's condensed expression became even more stern. He didn't jump into the battle circle like the puppet monk, but urged Yu Ruyi under his feet to keep approaching Ying Hui.

At this moment, there are two monsters, following closely behind, chasing after him.

Ying Hui's mind is full of that beard.

Just now with the light of thunder and fire, Ying Hui could clearly see that the puppet before the beard grew up was exactly the same as the one he got from the red meat ball.

It's just that she has no face, but the beard has face.

Ying Hui's heart was agitated, this puppet seemed to be able to fight independently, and his brows and eyes were agile, as if he had his own thoughts. If his own puppet could do the same, it could also be like this...

Ying Hui withdrew his thoughts, looked at He Shiyi who kept approaching, and changed his original plan in his heart.

Not far away, the bearded man is one against three, not to lose the wind, Ying Hui looked carefully this time, the two sides in this fierce fight, the bearded man is practicing Qi Dao, not to mention, the five monsters are all first-order If the peak monsters in the later period were not suppressed by the law of the secret realm here, they might have already broken through to the second level.

This is to stab the demon beast's den.

Ying Huiya's teeth were almost broken, if it wasn't for the secret of the puppet, she would have let Pei Lan lead her away.

He Shishi's eyes were obviously not as good as Ying Hui's, only getting closer, Ying Hui felt a sense of consciousness sweeping over his body, and He Shishi's body trembled.

Ying Hui was still trying to suppress his hatred of being treated as a backstop, but at this moment, he suddenly had the illusion that the other party might not want to harm him.

This illusion, when He Shixi asked coldly: "Why are you?", it was no longer an illusion.

"Who else can I be?"

He Shiyi froze, and growled a little irritably, "Get lost!"

And at the moment when he paused slightly, the two monsters chasing after him had already approached.

Of the two monsters, one was the Huoming Eagle, which was the one that spewed fire at He Shiyi just now.

The other is a long-armed silver iron ape, standing on the top of a tree, flying at a speed no slower than He Shiyi's.

The fire eagle hovered above He Shishi's head, spewing out fire dragons from time to time, or swooping down suddenly, nagging at He Shishi with its sharp beak that shone coldly, forcing He Shishi to keep lowering his height.

And the long-armed silver iron ape standing on the top of the tree jumped up instantly when its height dropped, and its thick and long silver arms almost knocked He Shishi's Yu Ruyi over.

But the long-armed iron silver ape was not discouraged. He rose and fell from the tree again and again, and from time to time, he spit out a silver air blade and stabbed at He Shishi.

Seeing that he couldn't ask for help, He Shixi simply became ruthless, scolded Ying Hui, and left her alone.

As soon as the longbow in his hand was put on, there were two sounds of piercing the sky and shot towards the fire eagle in the sky.

Another fire dragon spewed out from the fire eagle's mouth, and one of the arrow worms flew out, and even flew swiftly, narrowly dodging the other arrow.

He Shishi took this opportunity to quickly raise his body with Yu Ruyi.

Soon it exceeded the jumping limit of the long-armed silver iron ape, and even flew above the fire eagle.

The pressure on his body suddenly became much easier, and He Shiyi immediately threw out a bright yellow flag, and saw the flag rising in the wind, and instantly felt like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The cloud and rain all over the sky were blocked out of the sky by this flag.

And at the moment when the rain disappeared, Huomingying seemed to have lost its senses, running around in the sky like a headless fly.

Fiery fire dragons were sprayed out one after another.

Ying Hui's eyes were sharp, and he saw the bright yellow flag startled, obviously, he couldn't last long under this fire dragon.

The Huoming Eagle fell to the wind, and the iron ape stood on the treetop and jumped anxiously, and the silver air blades shot out one after another, which annoyed He Shiyi who was flying high in the sky, and couldn't free his hand for a while. Kill the Huoming Eagle.

Seeing that the bright yellow flag was crumbling, Yinghui didn't delay any longer. He first put a first-grade high-grade earth amulet on his body. .

(End of this chapter)

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