This fairy has some tea

Chapter 131 The Secret of the Doll

Chapter 131 The Secret of the Doll

The crimson flames are as dazzling as the fire dragons of the hawks.

However, the target of the flame was not He Shishi, but the long-armed silver iron ape standing on the top of the tree.

This long-armed silver iron ape is a metallic monster with extremely strong defense and natural supernatural power. If you confront it head-on, there is no chance of winning. It will have no effect.

Sure enough, the menacing silver iron ape was spitting wildly at He Shiyi in the sky, and without checking for a while, he was burned by the red fire talisman.

The blazing red fire was sticking to its body like a gangrene, burning its body. The shrill cry of ape resounded through the sky, and even He Shiyi, who was in the midst of a fierce battle, looked down with a little attention.

Seeing that Ying Hui took advantage of the silver iron ape howling in pain, he threw out another red fire talisman.

The silver iron ape's eyes were about to burst, although it was burned by the red fire, and its body became much clumsy due to the pain, it still escaped most of the attacks of the red fire talisman, only one fell on it again.

The rest of the missing talismans were scattered all over the place, and the blazing flames instantly dried up the water in the forest, igniting a large area of ​​trees.

Ying Hui hurriedly added another water accumulation talisman on her body, and the ferocious fire burned to her front in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, she was submerged in the flames.

At this time, He Shishi finally killed the Huoming Eagle, and he saw this scene when he lowered his head.

The bright yellow flag was put back into the storage bag by him, and the downpour fell again in an instant, but the fire was still not extinguished. He Shixi frowned, took out a clear jade bottle, opened the bottle mouth, and dumped the bottle body. Blue water vapor surged out and fell into the burning forest below.

Seeing that the fire had subsided and Yinghui's figure was standing in it, He Shishi drove Yu Ruyi again and returned to the bearded place.

The battle over there was even more stalemate. Although the bearded man still had strength, he was under the pressure of three monsters, and none of the monsters could be eliminated.

The stamina of monks is not as good as that of monsters, and the longer it is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be for monks.

But this bearded man was obviously not an ordinary monk, so Ying Hui couldn't see whether this situation was a good or a bad.

However, He Shiyi had already freed his hand, and the two teamed up, and the situation suddenly reversed, Yinghui's stone beads flashed one after another, and the three monsters were obviously killed by the two of them.

From the beginning to the end, He Shishi and Lu Huhu didn't use any of the talismans.

Ying Hui doesn't think that He Shishi really doesn't use it on purpose simply to improve his combat ability, let alone think that the dignified He family's direct descendants can't come up with a few usable talismans.

So, that is to say, in this secret realm of access, talismans cannot be used.

No, no one has asked herself and Gu Ruinan so much, so the talisman can be used in the secret realm, at least, she and Gu Ruinan can use it.

So, is this a requirement for the rookie list?
Ying Hui looked at the two people in front of her and suppressed these speculations.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here before, and I didn't intend to drag you into danger."

Facing Yinghui who repays grievances with virtue, He Shixi finally could no longer keep a cold face, revealing a trace of apology.

"Thank you for your shot just now. You were able to get here alone. Even if you used a talisman, it is rare with your cultivation base. You must have a purpose to take such a risk. I will not ask you. What do you want to do, just to express your gratitude, I can help you once."

He Shishi didn't want to owe favors, let alone a little girl.

Therefore, he thought that at this moment, in this secret realm, he understood the cause and effect.

He Shishi's proposal really moved Ying Hui so much, and this was also her original intention of making the move.

If he were to take him to the White Tower, he would probably be able to arrive in one day for the next nine days.

Ying Hui had a slight heartbeat, but only took a breath, and then extinguished the idea.

For the latter part of the journey, it may be harder to walk by yourself, but you can always get there.

She must not allow herself to miss this opportunity to get the doll's secret.

Ying Hui shook hands nervously. This is a secret that involves other people's chances. Once he asks it out, he will bear the consequences of He Shiyi's sudden turn against him.

If it is light, it will walk away with the hand, and if it is heavy, it will be a lesson.

Perrin seemed to sense her nervousness on his wrist, and rubbed his head against her wrist, and Ying Hui could imagine its cute appearance through the cover of his sleeve.

I also feel more at ease in my heart.

A naive smile leaked out, making himself look even more harmless.

"No, no, I don't need any help. It's just that I'm very curious, and I have a question I want to ask my friend."

He Shiyi raised her eyebrows urgently, and didn't say yes, just let her talk about it.

Ying Hui glanced at the side and wiped his beard with a big knife in boredom, pretending to be innocent, and asked curiously.

"I just saw him as a puppet, but suddenly he turned into a real person. I really can't see any difference between him and a monk. I want to ask fellow Taoists to clarify my doubts."

After Ying Hui said this, he fixed his eyes on He Shishi, trying to decide what to say and what to do next by his expression.

I saw that He Shiyi's eyebrows were clustered even tighter.

Ying Hui clenched his hands tightly, wanting to strike first before the other party made a move.

"Are you sure this is what you want to ask?"

Win nods.

Seeing Yinghui's insistence, He Shixi suddenly smiled.

This smile is like the evening star and the dew, the breeze and the moon, even if Ying Huilang's heart is hard, he can't help but look at it twice, and his heart beats faster for a moment.

If He Shiyi is willing to practice spells such as charm, he will definitely achieve great success.

He Xishi didn't know what Ying Hui was thinking, if he knew, he would just give her a kick and let her go to heaven.

"Then you will be at a loss. The He family knows about this puppet. You will come to the He family in a few days, so you can ask anyone. It would be a waste of this opportunity to ask me."

Ying Hui retracted her divergent thoughts. This matter is of great importance. She doesn't want to hear any hearsay rumors. If she has the opportunity, she must ask He Shiyi, the right lord.

As long as she can know the secret of the doll, it will be a big reward for her.

Seeing that he was still waiting for his next words, He Shixi didn't intend to change his mind at all, so he didn't try to keep it up, and continued: "My puppet was obtained by chance by the ancestors of the He family. At the same time, he also got a complete inheritance of mechanism puppet art.

After the research of the ancestors of the He family, the current He family's puppet art came into being.

As for this puppet, because of the harsh conditions for recognizing the master, although there were a few in the He family who recognized him as the master, they all gave up halfway. In the end, it was passed down to our generation, and I succeeded in recognizing him as the master. "

 Thanks to book friend 20210824094041700 for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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