This fairy has some tea

Chapter 132 What's the matter with Dao Xin?

Chapter 132 What's the matter with Dao Xin?
"This puppet is a kind of puppet, which also incorporates mechanical techniques, so it is different from ordinary puppets, but a growth-type puppet. His cultivation is the same as that of a monk, and he can grow and advance.

However, there are still many restrictions. Doll cultivation cannot meditate like ordinary people to refine the aura of heaven and earth and absorb it into oneself.

What is going on is a secret and I cannot tell you. "

Yinghui's heart was pounding following He Shiyi's words. A growing doll can be advanced, so how far can it be advanced?Foundation building?Formation?Or Nascent Soul...

Ying Hui swallowed his saliva, not daring to think about it.

"It's harsh to recognize the master? Eleventh brother, can you tell me, I haven't seen such an amazing treasure, if I run into it one day, I will lose a lot if I miss it."

Ying Huijiao Didi's tricks are close, and she speaks childish language again. Thinking that she just rescued him and turned defeat into victory, and took down these peak monsters in the late stage of the first order, his heart softened.

This method of identifying the master is not a great secret, almost every direct descendant of the He family knows it, even those of the other three major families who have paid attention to this puppet know it, so they just say it.

"This puppet of the He family has been altered by the ancestors after it was obtained. When recognizing the master, the first thing is to have the blood of the He family.

Secondly, you need to use the essence and blood to recognize the master. When you recognize the master, you should not be more than ten years old, otherwise, the older you get, the more impurities will accumulate in your body, which will also pollute the essence and blood to a certain extent..."

"Then if it's physical training, if all the impurities in the body are removed, can the age be relaxed?"

He Shixi shook his head.

"The ten-year-old age is already the age after the body's impurities have been continuously purged by elixirs such as Qingti Pill, and the physical body has been tempered.

For ordinary people, over the age of five or six, it is almost impossible. "

"Five or six years old? For five or six-year-old children, some of them may not have started to practice. It would be good if they can condense a drop of blood essence in total.

Acknowledging the Lord with essence and blood, wouldn't he be killed instantly? "

"That's my third point.

As soon as this puppet recognizes its master, it will absorb all of its master's spiritual power. Therefore, when it recognizes its master, it must have at least six levels of Qi training and above, in order to barely meet the spiritual power requirements for recognizing its master.


"Otherwise what would happen?"

Ying Hui couldn't help asking.

"Otherwise, the meridian will break, the cultivation base will regress, and the severe one will die directly."

Ying Hui couldn't help being stunned, he got a baby, recognized the master, and recognized human life.

Fortunately, I didn't act rashly, otherwise wouldn't I be risking my life if I didn't have enough cultivation?
It's not that I haven't thought about whether this thing needs blood essence to recognize its owner, but blood essence is no small matter after all, after damage, the cultivation base will be slowed down a bit, and a lot of pills are needed to nourish it.

Therefore, I dare not try it lightly.

Now that he got the exact news, Ying Hui feels at ease.

She is still a few months away from ten years old, and her cultivation base has also stayed at the peak of the fifth level of Qi training for a long time, and she can break through at any time.

Except for the He family bloodline, she seemed to be satisfied with everything.

However, He Shiyi also said that his doll was modified by the ancestors of the He family, so if the doll she got had never been to the He family...

Ying Hui thought to himself, just as he was about to ask a question, he saw He Shiyi said the fourth one.

"The last point is also the most crucial point.

Although the He family does not have many Qi-training sixth-level monks under the age of ten, there can be a few in each generation.

The reason why there are few people who succeed in recognizing the Lord is that there is still a requirement of Taoism. "

Ying Hui was startled, Dao Xin?Who among the monks in the Qi refining period can achieve Dao Xin?
This is no longer a genius to describe, this is a monster.

If such a character appears, first of all, it must be suspected whether the old monster has been reborn.

If it is someone who seizes the house, his own family will have to kill him, if not, people from other families will kill him.

Seeing that He Shixi was alive and kicking, he probably had a Dao heart.

"It's related to some secrets. In fact, it can't be said to be the mind of the Tao. To be precise, it should be the understanding of the Tao by the person who recognizes the master, which cannot be contrary to the previous master.

The puppet's own understanding of the Tao also needs to complement the master.

Only in this way can we recognize the Lord smoothly,
There will be no problems in the cultivation of dolls. "

But everyone's understanding of Tao is completely different, especially for young children, who are even more vague and do not have a definite concept. Therefore, even if you know exactly what the previous master's understanding of Tao is, , I don’t know the difference between my own understanding and the other’s understanding.

So much so that those who took their chances to recognize their master as a puppet failed again and again, not to mention not getting the treasure, but also delaying their cultivation, spending a lot of spirit stones to buy blood-enriching pills, losing their wives and losing their soldiers.

He Shishi himself didn't know how he succeeded in recognizing the Lord.

In fact, He Shiyi still has something to say, this puppet is not suitable as a family heirloom.

This puppet is good, and it is indeed a great treasure.

But every time after the recognition of the master, with the death of the master, the puppet primordial spirit body dissipates, and after turning into an ownerless thing again, the Dao that the previous spirit body has comprehended remains in the puppet puppet.

Therefore, if you want to successfully recognize the master puppet, you need to be similar to its comprehension.

And the puppet needs to have the same comprehension as the master, so that it can continue to advance with the master.

There is also a saying that the next master must have the same Taoism as the previous master.

This Dao Heart is really just an adjective, not a Dao Heart that can only be cultivated by Jindan monks.

After the next master recognizes the master, it is another problem to find a spirit body similar to his own Dao Xin and inject it into a puppet.

Passed down from generation to generation like this, who knows what the original Dao Xin comprehension will become?

If there is a problem with the perception of Dao heart in any generation, then it will only be a knot in the inheritance, and this puppet is by no means a treasure.

Ying Hui listened to his description, although the words were vague, but he grasped a very crucial point.

"Then what if this puppet has never been recognized by anyone?"

She didn't know why she was so sure, but she had seen her puppet, it was completely natural, it didn't look like it had been refined and polished, and the possibility of being trained and recognized as the master was extremely low.

He Shixi also wanted someone who had never recognized the Lord.

Withdrawing his slight melancholy, he had some doubts, was Ying Hui really just curious?
He promised to do her a favor, but she kept asking about the puppet, on the premise that he had already stated that the He family knew about it.

(End of this chapter)

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