Chapter 134
Instead, he went back to Gu's house to recognize the master again, lost blood for no reason, and had too many worries.

If Yinghui had to wait until she returned to Ying's house, she was worried that the night would be full of dreams, something would happen, and the baby would be taken away.

After all, she is no longer sure what the Ying family's attitude is towards her. Could it be that Bai Lian'er is really so capable that she can even give up such a talented heir worth cultivating?
Ying Hui shook his head, stopped thinking about it, settled down, and meditated to adjust his breath.

The spiritual power was running crazily in the body, and the middle part of the top of the thick spiritual root kept bulging, as if a sprout was about to break through the ground.

The spiritual power continued to wash away, and the bulge became thinner and thinner. Finally, a thin shoot broke through the ground, and it grew like a bamboo shoot in the wind.

Practicing Qi on the sixth floor, it's done.

Ying Hui opened his eyes, it was already three days later.

Ying Hui counted the time, closed his eyes again, and guided the aura into the body over and over again to circulate around the sky, stabilizing his cultivation.

When she opened her eyes again, another two days passed.

A thunderous cry sounded in his stomach, Ying Hui swallowed a bigu pill, um, this one is fresh fruity.

I have to say that the taste of the bigu pill I refined is exactly what I want.

There are only three days left before the closure of the secret realm, and the members of the four great families will gather here soon, so she doesn't have much time left.

Putting away the fragments of spirit stones on the ground, and scattered all traces of himself, Ying Hui once again set up the spirit-gathering formation, and took a spirit-replenishing pill that quickly replenished spirit energy in his mouth.

The little puppet with lotus fragrance appeared in her palm, Ying Hui forced out one drop of the five drops of blood condensed in her heart, and poured it on the puppet's chest.

The essence and blood left the body, and the color on Ying Hui's face faded instantly, making her weak and unable to take care of herself.

When the blood essence fell on the puppet, the impenetrable body turned into a cotton cloth that absorbs water, sucking all the blood essence into the chest in an instant.

Ying Hui only felt that his consciousness seemed to be connected to the empty space, a piece of pure white, and then the spiritual power of his whole body was drained as quickly as a floodgate was opened.

She quickly swallowed the spirit-replenishing pill in her mouth, and the spiritual power in her dantian was finally replenished. When the spiritual power was rapidly drained, the huge spiritual power washed over the meridians over and over again, causing Ying Hui to suffer from bulging pain.

Fortunately, as a monk with five spiritual roots, her own spiritual power is much stronger than others, and she can still hold on.

When the spiritual power was about to bottom out, the dam was built again, the lost spiritual power was suddenly intercepted, and a huge amount of information poured into Ying Hui's mind.

The information was so huge that Ying Hui couldn't help covering his head as if it would burst at any moment.

The body is weak, the head is dizzy, she is really weak now.

Ying Hui leaned against a tree, managed to clean up the surrounding area, and pressed his sore brows, feeling bitter in his heart.

Now she finally knew the secret of the puppet. This puppet is indeed a good thing, but good things are usually not so easy to get.

For example, the puppet that I just collected into stone beads.

The puppet is indeed a growth type, not to mention meditating and practicing like a monk. If it is placed in a place with plenty of spiritual energy, it will automatically absorb spiritual energy, and eating spiritual stones can increase its cultivation.

However, there are buts here.

The puppet must be poured into the spirit body of the primordial spirit to become a complete puppet. Before that, it was a body without a soul.

Moreover, this primordial spirit body is not available to just anyone, and the realm of cultivation in life has a great influence on it.

If the Nascent Soul was alive, before the Nascent Soul, as long as the aura is sufficient, it will not be restricted by the master, and the cultivation base will grow all the way. Only when it exceeds the previous cultivation base, will it be restricted by the master.

Only when the realm of the master is raised to be higher than that of the puppet, can the opponent improve his cultivation level again.

Therefore, even if she recognizes the owner of this thing, she must not reveal it at will until she finds a suitable primordial spirit body and completely obeys her orders.

Otherwise, this puppet might not be purely my own puppet.

In case a Nascent Soul boss of the Ying family falls and is unwilling to escape into reincarnation, and wants to get her puppet's idea, even if she is the master, she dare not drive it as she pleases.

What's more, if any big brother's Dao heart perception is different from his own, it's not certain whether he will kill him for the puppet.

The more Ying Hui thinks about it, the more dangerous he feels.

Now when I think about He Shishi's relationship with that puppet, I feel that everything is wrong.

The puppet was too casual, and He Shiyi's attitude towards him seemed a little helpless. Could it be that the primordial spirit body of this puppet is their He family member?
Thinking carefully, Ying Hui swears that his life was in danger just now, he used the method of blood escape, and lost his essence and blood to get into such a mess.

By the way, I seem to have seen a golden tiger on the way here, and the pot is on its head.

Jin Jinghu didn't know that there was a cauldron on his head, and he was swinging his tail leisurely, basking in the sun, licking a white catkin growing near his feet from time to time.

Ying Hui threw a bigu pill into the mouth again, and fell asleep drowsily.

She was really tired, dizzy with a headache, and just wanted to sleep to relieve it.

She thought she had just fallen asleep, and covered her swollen head in a daze, even the smile that had always been on her face subsided.

After the doll puppet recognized its master, the method of using the doll puppet came out, and there was a whole set of systematic puppet tricks that needed to be digested and absorbed by her a little bit. Her soul strength could not bear this huge flow of information at all. She made a move to seal the too large amount of information first, but it still made her dazzled and unable to think for a while.

Even when she was asleep, her mind was full of fragmentary dreams about puppetry, making her unable to distinguish between illusory reality in a trance.

Unintentionally looking up, she saw someone squatting in front of her, which made her tremble.

This person is wearing a moon-white cassock, which is embroidered with cloud patterns of the same color, and the edge of the robe has purple piping, embroidered with dark gold water and fire patterns.

There is also a purple dark gold belt around the waist, but this belt is not integrated with the cassock, but a separate magic weapon, which seems to be a storage belt.

A jade pendant decorated with cranes and auspicious clouds hung on the belt, which was similar to what Ying Rong was wearing.

Ying Hui's spirit was shaken, and he was secretly annoyed that he was so busy sleeping that he almost missed the important event.

When the eyes moved to the other party's face, he saw that the other party looked handsome, with a smile on his face, looking like a naughty young man.

Ying Hui was originally lying in the formation, even if someone outside found out, they would not be able to see the face of the person inside.

Although she didn't know what the other party's original purpose was, but at this moment, she almost immediately withdrew the formation, revealing her true face.

In the past three years, although her stature has grown a lot, her face has not changed much. As long as Ying Jia is willing to find someone carefully, there is a great possibility that the other party knows her!
(End of this chapter)

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