Chapter 135
Ying Run arrived at the White Pagoda early, and as soon as he arrived, he discovered that there was a formation here. At first, he only thought that some family member was injured, but he didn't take it seriously when he adjusted his breath here.

He threw the monsters he had hunted into the White Tower and got points, so he couldn't bear his instinct to join in the fun, so he wanted to come over and see which unlucky guy was here.

Who knew that the formation was withdrawn suddenly, revealing an immature face.

His pupils shrank suddenly. Every family member should know this face, especially the family members who are going out.

Even this group of people was forced to revisit Ying Hui's portrait before setting off.

Although they were all making complaints at the time, even if Ying Hui was living outside, he should still be a casual cultivator, working hard, haha, how could he appear in the secret realm of Tongda.

But the monk's memory is already strong, and Ying Run is even more photographic. As soon as Ying Hui showed his face, he knew that this was the spirit stone delivered to his door.

"What's your name, little girl? My name is Ying Run. I'm Ying Run from the Ying family in Jiangbei. My family is ten, but you look a bit like my eleventh sister."

"Ying Lao Shi, what do you want to do?"

As soon as He Shiyi entered the barrier, he saw his enemy Ying Laoshi smiling at Ying Hui, and immediately thought that he was holding back some bad water.

Ying Run's bright smile froze immediately, pointing at Ying Hui and said, "Why, is this sister from your family?"

His sloppy, friendly appearance with his brothers made He Shishi even more angry.

"It's not from our He family, so it could be from your Ying family!"

As he spoke, he pulled Yinghui behind him, and protected him like a hen protecting its chicks.

Ying Hui: You may not believe me if I tell you, but I really deserve it...

Ying Run leaned forward with a playful smile.

"I don't believe it. Your He family will let such a child compete for the rookie list. She is only a little old. There is no one in your He family, right?"

He Shiyi fell on his back angrily, and Ying Hui exited just right to make a rescue.

"I am the companion cultivator of Gu Ruixiang, the direct branch of the Gu family in Qingcheng. She is going to marry his cousin He Jiasi Nian in a few days. The qualification to enter the secret realm is a dowry gift from the He family. Ah Xiang won a spot for me and let me in. To relax, I feel itchy for a moment, so I ran to the White Tower to take a stroll."

"What do you say to him, he is full of bad water, and he doesn't do anything when he talks about people."

After finishing speaking, he took Yinghui's arm and headed towards He's house.

Let her hide by the He family's side, and glared at Ying Run angrily.

Ying Run digested the information Ying Hui just said, and felt a little admiration for this eleventh younger sister. Could it be that if she finds her later, she will really go to the He family in an open and honest manner?
It's still the main branch of the direct branch, and it's really courageous.

He couldn't laugh or cry at He Shishi's efforts to protect the chicks, and thought that if He Shishi knew Yinghui's true identity in the future, would he scratch the wall angrily for what he did today.

Thinking about it this way, he looked at He Shiyi and smiled even more happily, making He Xishi feel like facing a big enemy.

The movement on their side also attracted other people, and Ying Hui's face was also seen by other Ying family members present.

They glanced at each other indiscriminately, and then looked away, for fear that they might miss the point and complicate the simple situation.

Every time a family member came, everyone immediately sent a voice transmission to explain, for fear that the newcomer would miss the truth.

As a result, the other three families were wondering what the Ying family was holding back, so they sent messages frequently and became vigilant.

Now that Ying Hui has received hints from Ying Run, she knows in her heart that Ying Jia has not given up looking for herself, and she feels at ease.

The Ying family will naturally know about her current situation when the secret realm ends. If no one comes to pick her up like this, then she simply doesn't have to go back. In the He family, she can work hard to create a bright future.

After I figured it out, I also relaxed. Although my body was still weak and my head still hurt, I was able to think normally.

He Shixi frowned, and asked in a low voice, "How did you make yourself look like this?"

Ying Hui sighed quietly: "I have no strength, but I'm still greedy, it's good to survive..."

What he said was ingenious. Ying Hui didn't even throw out the blame, so He Shixi stopped asking, let alone reprimanded, "You can do it yourself. Anything outside of your body is not as important as your own cultivation. That's the truth." fundamental."

It's rare for him to be so caring about someone, and the He family looked at it strangely, Ying Hui was about to admit his mistake again, when another person came in from the barrier.

It was Gu Ruinan.

When Gu Ruinan saw her, he felt anger welling up, and told her to play around in peace and contentment, but she was so good, she actually ran to the White Tower, and even made herself half dead.

If it wasn't for He Shiyi who was standing beside her, he would have asked her on the spot if her brain was flooded, or if she felt that her life was too long.

Ying Hui suddenly felt bad, and immediately pretended to be dizzy. Of course, she was really uncomfortable, so she pretended to be very realistic and natural.

He Shishi set up an enchantment for her, and fed her a calming pill, and asked her to meditate and refine the pill by herself.

The Anshen Dan was given to Ji Mingyue before Yinghui, and it was an apology from Chunyu's family, but He Shiyi gave it to her just like that.

She felt a little uncomfortable, and always felt that her words of deception were not inappropriate.

But she is definitely not an emotional person, she only suppresses this bit of guilt and absorbs the power of the medicine bit by bit.

As soon as she took the Anshen Pill, she felt a burst of freshness and coolness in her head, and the pain was relieved immediately.

With a livid face, Gu Ruinan threw the monster he had hunted into the White Tower, looked at the third-to-last name, and clenched his fists.

Time passed little by little while Yinghui was meditating, and when she was woken up by He Shiyi, she found that the positioning compass on her body was emitting bursts of light, and then, she felt empty under her body, and fell down.

Then, he was lifted by the shoulders and slowly fell back onto the sand.

Ying Hui turned around and saw that it was indeed He Shishi.

The silent companion who sent them here reappeared and drove the two of them back home in a flying boat.

In the five days since returning, every time Gu Ruinan wanted to ask something, Yinghui would pretend to be dizzy and sell miserably. Gu Ruinan didn't want to care about her anymore and let her fend for herself.

As soon as Feizhou arrived at the gate of Gu's house, he flicked his sleeves and left.

Yinghui was taken back to Xiaoxiangyuan by Ziyuan and Lvyi. Gu Ruixiang waited at the gate, looking forward to it, and even prepared a banquet to welcome her.

But as soon as he saw someone, he was shocked: "I asked you to play, how did you make it look like this?

But what danger?
Is it all my fault? I only heard that peripheral monsters are low-level. Even if you encounter them, you can use them as experience. Maybe you can get some extra money and subsidies. ..."

The words of concern revealed self-blame, which made Yinghui feel even more uncomfortable. She shook her head and was about to explain, but someone rushed over from outside the hospital.

It was the new aunt herself.

(End of this chapter)

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