This fairy has some tea

Chapter 146 Tea talk and tea talk

Chapter 146 Tea talk and tea talk
Seeing her come back with a smile on her face, she just thought the trip was going well, and chirped: "Miss, you can be counted as coming back, just now Zifeng sent a letter saying that he wants to have a reunion dinner with the family, miss, do you want to go? "

"reunion dinner?"

How many days has it been since she came back here, why did she suddenly think of having a reunion dinner at this time?
Ying Hui was puzzled, but said with surprise on his lips: "Go, I can get close to my parents, of course I want to go."

The two of Fuxu were a little confused. My young lady had always treated Zifeng's parents indifferently, so why did she suddenly become eager?

After all, it was his own. Fortunately, the two of us didn't say anything about Miss's parents, otherwise, it wouldn't be a complaint.

Yinghui went back to her room and changed into a lotus robe with some decorations. As she walked, the fragrance of lotus burst out. The Lingnan robe was complicated and exquisite, which made Yinghui's neutral face even more beautiful.

Only then was Ying Hui satisfied, and found another exquisite box, and picked two of the remaining lotus robes and put them in.

Only then did he bring the two maidservants along the stone bridge to Zifeng.

"Sister Ahui, you are finally here. I thought you were still angry with your aunt, so you won't come?"

Standing at the bridgehead, Bai Lian'er said in surprise when she saw Ying Hui's money coming.

Ying Hui listened to the relentless yelling that was very different from her usual hypocritical choking voice, and then looked at the wide open courtyard door not far away, and suddenly understood.

Pretending to be confused, he said, "Angry? Why are you so angry?
Cousin Lian Er, why would you say that?Who chewed something to you?
That's right, I just came back, but I'm busy with schoolwork, I don't stay with my mother every day, and I'm so close to my mother, it's normal for people to misunderstand.

Fortunately, my cousin is here. "

In the end, Yinghui's eyes were even more tearful, as if he felt so guilty.

But Bai Lian'er became a little embarrassed. She originally wanted to use the fact that Ying Hui lived in the main peak but did not come to Zifeng to live with her parents to provoke her and Su Mengwan's mother-daughter relationship, which was not strong at all.

After all, she was the one who lived in the Chaoxi Courtyard, and her savings for many years, once it was cut down, her savings for many years would go to waste, and she would lose even a place to stay.

As for the Xisha Courtyard where she planned to let Ying Hui live, she didn't get it either.

But when she was crying, she was given to Huahua by her uncle Ying Duo.

It is said that Zhaohui personally came to pass the words.

My aunt didn't even say a few words for herself, but when she was wronged, she lightly advised her that Huahua was getting bigger and she couldn't live without a yard of her own. She let Ying Mo find out, and when she got angry, she cut down the Xixuan courtyard, and the loss outweighed the gain.

Finally, in order to compensate her, a small courtyard was built for her at the foot of the peak.

From the original high above, she fell into the mortal world in an instant like sitting on a cloud.

Every day, just climbing up from the foot of the mountain requires a talisman, so as not to be too embarrassing.

It made Bai Lian'er secretly hate her.

It was only then that she realized that besides Yinghui, there was also a little girl named Huahua, who had also grown up gradually and began to compete for her favor. Now she was under the enemy.

Therefore, in order to ensure her status and live comfortably in Ying's family, she must completely remove these two obstacles.

Huahua is still young, so it is uncertain whether she will have spiritual root aptitude in the future, plus Bai Lian'er intends to divorce her, Su Mengwan doesn't care much about Huahua, she was almost taken care of by the maids since childhood.

Fortunately, Ying Duo still cared more about this shy little daughter, and often asked about her daily life, so the little girl didn't suffer much.

Bai Lian'er thought that when Huahua grew up, Su Mengwan didn't care about her, and her sister didn't get along very much, and only her cousin would always give her a smiling face and tease her. When she grows up, she will definitely get close to her. of.

If Huahua is like Yinghui, who is against her everywhere, with her being so many years older, her cultivation must be far beyond her, and it is not easy to control her.

As for Ying Hui, the other party has a high level of cultivation, she is not an opponent, so she can only play tricks.

Every day when Ying Hui came over, she would say some sour words for Su Mengwan, no matter whether Ying Hui answered or not, she would only benefit her.

But Ying Hui always smiled and said nothing, sat for a while, then shirked going to ethnology class, and left lightly, which made the mother and daughter more and more alienated.

Occasionally, when she gets too tight, Ying Hui stabs her a few words, and she makes a big fuss, either pretending to be dizzy or sick, making Su Mengwan watch over her day and night, and won't see Ying again for several days. whirl.

She came here early today and waited, of course, not because she really wanted to welcome Ying Hui, but because of the dispute in the courtyard, she implied that Ying Hui held a grudge.

Who knew that Ying Hui would fight against the generals, but said that he could not accompany his mother by his side.

The reason why Yinghui and Su Mengwan are so estranged now is because everyone knows it well, and Bai Lianer has to wonder if this cousin is hinting at something to her.

However, Bai Lian'er reacted quickly, froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "The future will be bright, sister Ahui is talented, she must not be immersed in the love of her children, I am an older sister, so I should be filial together with your share." of."

"Sister is really caring and filial. It's a pity that my aunt is an old man, she can't enjoy it, and my mother took advantage of it."

Bai Lian'er was stunned and speechless. She never thought that Ying Hui would say such a sharp word. Just this one sentence has overcome her hard work for so many days, making the relationship between her and Su Mengwan seem unbreakable. Cracks appeared in the intimacy.

Thinking that the conversation between the two must be heard by Su Mengwan and the other two, she was anxious and angry at the moment, wondering why Ying Hui, who had been quiet a few days ago, suddenly became fierce.

She didn't know that before Ying Hui deliberately gave her a chance to provoke her, she didn't want to have too much negotiation with the parents.

Now that I want to change something, I naturally have to use all my firepower.

"Cousin, we've been talking here for a long time, why don't you let me go in first, and have a good time with your mother?

I heard that my cousin has been injured and sick over the years, why don't you ask the doctor at home to take a look, it's not a problem if you keep procrastinating, don't you think?

Not to mention tiring my body, if my mother is too tired to practice, my cousin's filial painstaking efforts will be in vain. "

Every sentence with a gun and a stick, beat Bai Lian'er almost fled, and her plan to pretend to be dizzy was also stopped because of Ying Hui's threat to ask for a doctor.

With a dry laugh, he took Yinghui to see Su Mengwan and his wife.

Naturally, the people in the room could hear their conversation clearly, and their expressions were somewhat subtle.

Su Mengwan is an emotional person, her attitude towards the two of them is different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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