This fairy has some tea

Chapter 147 It's a Chance

Chapter 147 It's a Chance
"Ahui, come here, let mother take a look. It's been so many days since you came back, and mother hasn't taken a good look at you."

Bai Lian'er was shocked by Su Mengwan's transformation, she broke into a cold sweat, her feet wobbled suddenly, as if she couldn't stand steadily.

However, Su Mengwan didn't put her whole heart on her like before, her eyes showed a hint of worry at first, but she suddenly remembered something, looked up at Ying Duo who was sitting beside her, the worry was suppressed immediately, and she became cold In a tone of voice, he said: "If Lian'er is not feeling well, you can go back to rest first, if it is really difficult, then take my token and ask a doctor to take a look, there is no need to stiffen here."

Bai Lian'er was pretending to be weak, but she was frightened by these words and her legs and feet were really weak. Su Mengwan is her confidence in the Ying family. If Su Mengwan also despises her, she will really have no place to stand.

"Auntie, Lian'er is fine. On this happy day of reunion, Lian'er is happy for her aunt, uncle, and cousin."

She can't retreat, even if she is cheeky, she will always stay here to win back her aunt's heart.

Bai Lian'er suppressed her smile, and told many interesting stories about her little cousin Hua Hua, seemingly trying to adjust the atmosphere, but in fact, she tried her best to keep Ying Hui out of the relationship through the past few years of getting along with Su Mengwan and his wife.

The children of the Ying family will not be famous until they test their spiritual seeds.

Only when the results of the spiritual seed test come out and the spiritual roots are formally condensed, will they be officially named according to their qualifications and whether they can be included in the rankings.

Therefore, when I was a child, I always took a nickname.

Xiao Huahua is now two years old, and when she didn't know the blood relationship, Bai Lian'er thought she had watched her grow up, and occasionally teased her, never caring about this little girl, she was always blind Following her, in her view, is to be close to her.

But Xiao Huahua didn't follow her routine, broke away from her endless teasing, and hugged Yinghui's thigh with her short legs.

It made Bai Lian'er embarrassed again.

"Xiaohuahua has a sister, so doesn't she like her cousin?"

"I like my sister, I like my sister."

The little girl smelled the lotus fragrance on Yinghui's body, and felt that this elder sister was both fragrant and good-looking, and she didn't dominate her mother like her cousin, and never paid attention to her, only bullying her.

Ying Hui took the little girl into his arms, and casually took out a doll he made when he was at Gu's house.

This little puppet can be regarded as a kind of organ puppet, but Ying Hui has only a short time to study, and Gu's own level is limited, so the work is relatively rough, but this is rough talking about the internal mechanism, and can only understand a few simple instructions , such as forward, backward, and in circles.

However, the appearance was very beautifully trimmed by Ying Hui, like a delicate and lovely doll, which was even a section higher than Huahua when it was placed on the ground.

Ying Hui opened the doll's back and put a spirit stone in. The doll instantly opened its eyes made of blue gemstones, stood on the ground, and made a simple roundabout, as if dancing.

Then he opened his tightly closed mouth and said, "My dear master, what are your orders?"

Huahua looked at the doll that was taller than her on the ground and seemed to suddenly become a living person. She was surprised, a little scared, and a little curious, and hesitated to go forward.

Ying Hui took her hand, brought her to the doll, touched the doll together with her, the little girl's timidity dissipated immediately, only curiosity remained.

The threat doll kept flipping through the pages, and issued a few orders from time to time. Seeing the doll's clumsy execution, the little mouth never stopped laughing.

"My sister made this by herself and gave it to Huahua to play with. Does Huahua like it?"

"I like it, thank you sister!"

Huahua's round baby face is exactly the same as Ying Hui's, only more delicate and girly. At this moment, she is holding the doll, her big eyes sparkle with crystal light, and she is very excited.

"Cousin Ahui can still be a puppet? Did she learn it from the Gu family in Xisha?
It seems that the cousin has gained a lot from this trip, but it is a chance instead. "

Bai Lian'er interrupted at the right time, Ying's family said inside and out that Ying Hui had endured hardship, and still had the mind to learn these useless things, what is this hardship?
I'm afraid it's better than living in Ying's house.

"If Cousin Lian'er wants this opportunity, I have some connections. If I go to the Gu family, I can have a place to live in, which is better than I was back then."

Bai Lian'er laughed and said, "Cousin Ah Hui really knows how to joke."

"I'm not joking. Seeing how envious my cousin is of my chance, I will naturally bring my cousin along."

Bai Lian'er was forced to be speechless by Ying Hui, she looked at Ying Hui's eyes staring at her seriously, and knew that the other party might be serious.

In Ying's house, she was protected by her aunt, but she couldn't gain a firm foothold. How would she end up in Gu's house, or in that poor country full of yellow sand?

Finally knowing that she was afraid, she looked at Su Mengwan for help.

"Okay, you little sisters, stop bickering, Ah Hui, your cousin really wants to go to the Gu family, so don't scare her.

It's getting late, let's have dinner.

These few dishes today are all cooked by my mother herself. Try to see if it suits your appetite. If you like it, my mother will make it for you often in the future. "

Just now, she was aggressive and won't budge an inch, then she suddenly stopped, looked at Su Mengwan with a smile, and replied: "Thank you, mother, I was just teasing my cousin, how could my cousin really drop a person into the Xisha land, no matter what With no one to rely on, I desperately entered into a third-class family and became an accompanying cultivator. Life and death are in the hands of others as a chance."

Bai Lian'er went downhill, and said with a sneer, "It's my sister who has nothing to say. Seeing that my sister has learned a lot of skills, she can't choose what to say."

"You are real sisters, Lian'er has been wasting blood all these years in order to find you, and her cultivation has been delayed.

Now there is only one level of Qi training, you are as old as her, but you are already at the sixth level of Qi training.

She is also bitter in her heart, Ah Hui, you need to take care of Lian Er more in the future. "

Su Mengwan's heart that had hardened just now softened again when she thought of Bai Lian'er's hardships these years.

It is true that Bai Lian'er has suffered a lot, and she is used to putting on a show, Su Mengwan watched it for several years, and almost imprinted the fact of Bai Lian'er's suffering in her heart.

For Yinghui's suffering and danger, there are only a few words from other people to describe it. She has not seen it with her own eyes, so she has no deep understanding.

What's more, Yinghui's cultivation base is so advanced, she also somewhat agrees with Bai Lian'er's statement, these years away, it is even more a chance for Yinghui.

Gradually, I felt that when others mentioned Ying Hui, they said she had suffered, which was a bit hypocritical, and they were deliberately targeting Lian Er and her.

"Got it, mother. It's a pity that I lost my memory. I don't remember what it was like at my aunt's house before. I must have been closest to my cousin when I was at my aunt's house."

(End of this chapter)

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