Chapter 155

Among this group of people, the three girls in their generation are about the same age, the youngest Ying Lu is already nine years old, her spirit root is eight inches and three thick, her cultivation is not bad, she has already practiced qi for four levels, and the Muzi generation The two of them and Ying Hui of Huo's generation are slightly bigger than the three of them.

Ying Mian is fourteen, with eight inches and seven spiritual roots, and seven levels of Qi training; Yingji is thirteen, with seven inches and five spiritual roots, and six levels of Qi training; Mian is a bit worse, but his cultivation is the highest. Now he has practiced the eighth level of Qi training, and the gap between the seventh level of Qi training and the eighth level of Qi training is not something that can be caught up by a one-year age difference. Very hard work.

Ying Lu is the youngest of their lineage in their generation, but behind Ying Ji, who is younger than them, there are still several younger ones, and the same is true behind Ying Hui of Huo's generation, who are about the same age as them There are not a few.

These days Yinghui is studying ethnology, and he also knows something about the people of the corresponding family lineage. The wood-character generation and the fire-character generation are younger, and there are also people who are about the same age as Yinghui, and their qualifications are relatively ordinary. He reached the standard of remaining in the direct line, but he didn't make much progress. At the age of ten years old, he only had the third level of Qi training.

The younger ones in the back have good aptitude, and they seem to be motivated, but unfortunately, the training time is too short. At the age of six or seven, even if they have good looks, they can only practice qi at the first or second level.

But if it's just for viewing flowers, there's no need to place so much emphasis on cultivation. After all, they are only two or three years younger, and those few young talents are better than Miss Twelve Ying Ningke. Six-and-a-half-inch spiritual root aptitude, half a year older than Ying Lu, but her cultivation is only at the peak of the third level of Qi training, and her cultivation is even weaker than this little sister.

These junior nephews may surpass her at any time.

There was really no need to exclude people at this time, she knew a little about this twelfth sister, and she was not such a short-sighted person.

Ying Hui has long been used to seeing people first by qualifications and cultivation bases, so after hearing what Fu Xu said about the people who should be invited by Ning, he first went through the cultivation bases, ages and qualifications of these people in his mind.

This twelfth younger sister's criteria for recruiting people are really strict, they must be better than her qualifications, and they must be higher than her cultivation base.

"What's going on in the clan recently, do you want us young heirs to participate?"

Fuxu was just trying to take advantage of Ying Hui's response to her family, how unfamiliar with family affairs, her grandmother's retreat, and her parents' estrangement, to make a deal with Ying Hui. Unexpectedly, her master was too sensitive, and she guessed the key all at once. .

"Miss, you are really smart. One month later, the Spirit Pool will be opened. Miss Ning must take this opportunity to ask Miss for help."

"Spirit washing pool?"

This Yinghui probably had some impressions. Grandma mentioned it earlier, but her attitude was casual at the time, and Yinghui didn't care. Looking at Ying Ning's battle now, it seems that the spirit washing pool is not that simple.

"It is said that all Ying family bloodlines have the opportunity to awaken a kind of spirit body, but this spirit body is different from other family spirit bodies. It needs to be washed in the spirit pool before it can be officially awakened.

It is said that almost every ten-year spiritual cleansing event will awaken one or two semi-spiritual bodies. If you are lucky, a complete spiritual body may appear.

If it is a descendant of a non-direct branch, and the spiritual root aptitude is more than six inches and less than seven inches, as long as the half-spiritual body is awakened, it can be incorporated into the direct branch. Enter the direct branch.

And all the descendants of the Ying family, no matter the direct branch or the side branch, as long as their spiritual root aptitude is above four inches and under the age of 15, they will have the opportunity to enter the spirit washing pool.

If you want to enter the Xiling Lake, you need to go through a purple bamboo forest, get bamboo fruits in the purple bamboo forest, and use the bamboo fruit as a key to enter the Xiling Lake. But because the bamboo is inherently precious, even if there is one as a key, most people will be able to take as much as they want. It is to draw you as an alliance in advance. "

Ying Hui frowned, "No matter what, she also has the peak of the third level of Qi training. In a month, she might not be able to reach the fourth level of Qi training. Her cultivation is not low. No matter how little bamboo is, she can't lack her share. Why do you want to form a clique, but those little guys who have just started to practice need more help."

Fuxu shook his head, "Miss, I don't know, the direct branch is the direct branch, even the young masters and young ladies who have just practiced, there is no need to worry, there are a few phoenix birds in the clan, specially for those The heirs of the direct line who have just practiced are using it, and they are looking for one in real time, because they are worried that the competition will be too fierce, which will delay these young masters and young ladies from entering the spirit washing pool.

In the clan, it is even more strictly forbidden to snatch the bamboo fruits found by the heirs below the second level of Qi training.

Therefore, although they will also participate in the battle of bamboo and fruit, they are free from the competition, which is the safest, and they have almost reserved the places for the washing spirit pool. "

Yinghui Mingwu, although it seems that he has protected all the heirs below the second level of Qi training, but these people in the side branch do not have Zhifengniao's help, and it is not so easy to get the bamboo under the eyes of other high-level monks.

But, this is another problem.

"Then what if a greedy little fellow robbed a lot of bamboo fruits through Zhifengniao?"

"The clan naturally has considerations, so these Zhifeng birds have been trained. Once they enter the purple bamboo forest, they can only pick one bamboo fruit."

That's really out of the question.

"Is this zhifengniao very powerful? Has no one thought of snatching the bamboo from the zhifengniao's beak when it finds it?"

Fuxu looked at the light in her young lady's eyes, and couldn't help but want to complain about her lack of morals, she must not have thought of doing good things.

"Miss, how many people can reach the late stage of Qi training if Fengniao is all at the late stage of the first order, under the age of 15?
Such a person must be a descendant, so how can he compete with a child who has just cultivated? ugly. "

It makes sense, Ying Hui snuffed out the little Jiujiu in his heart, and finally found that the topic between the two was wrong.

"You haven't said yet, what should Ying Lu do to win us over?
The direct branch of her is either immobile or unable to fight, but the branch of her can always bully and bully, so it's not like she can't get a bamboo fruit. "

"Of course it's not for her own sake. Miss Twelfth's wealth is tight, even if she uses talismans to open the way, she can still smash a few bamboo stumps. She came here for the heirs who followed her."

This obviously has something inside that Yinghui doesn't know about.

 Thank you for your kind reward.

(End of this chapter)

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