This fairy has some tea

Chapter 156 Ying Duo's Confusion

Chapter 156 Ying Duo's Confusion

Just listen to Fuxu's eloquence, "Ms. Ning's mother is Miss's tenth aunt, Ying Chi (zhen), who is now in charge of a shop in the Huainan side of the family. They all come from several branch families in Huainan, and they have a close relationship with Master Ying Chi, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they follow. Naturally, Miss Ning also considers those branch families in Huainan and fights for them.

Her own cultivation is not enough, so she can only ask for foreign aid. "

Ying Hui finally understood the purpose of this banquet, but he didn't know what bargaining chips this twelfth sister would offer in exchange.

Only those who will know later, now, she is even more curious, how did Fuxu know so clearly.

"I had the best friendship with Guan Yue from Miss Ning's family when I was in Shaomeng Institute. Before I came to serve Miss, I heard that Guan Yue boasted a few times about Miss Twelve's luxurious life. The Huainan branch often sent a large number of treasures. She is her." I also got a lot.

The matter of washing the spirit, because every time it is opened, even if the spirit body cannot be awakened, the body will be washed and the meridians will be broadened. It is a grand event for the younger generation of the Ying family. The servant also listened.

However, how to purify the spirit, except how to find and pick the bamboo fruits except Zhifengniao, the servants don't know these details.

Miss, do you want to ask the master?The master was born in the first line, so he must have experienced spiritual washing. "

The Shaomeng Institute is the place where the Ying family specially trains servants and servants. The relationship inside is intricate, and they live close to each other, so the news spreads really quickly.

Yinghui nodded to Fuxu, seeing that the time agreed on the invitation was still three days away, and then went to Zifeng again.

Rarely, Ying Duo did not stick together with his beloved wife, but stood alone on the viewing platform behind the peak, overlooking the magnificent sea of ​​clouds.


Ying Hui called softly.

It interrupted Ying Duo's thinking about life.

"Ahui, come here and stay with Dad for a while."

Ying Hui leaped across, jumped to Ying Duo's side, stood beside him, stretched out his head and looked down.

Then, like a naive little girl, she said to Duo: "This sea of ​​clouds is like this every day, isn't Daddy tired of seeing it?"

"Nature is not greasy, the sea of ​​clouds is churning, it seems to be the same, but in fact it changes thousands of times and never repeats.

It is even more beautiful under the rays of the sun.

Occasionally, when the clouds and mists are pushed away, you can see the flowers and forests under the mountain, which is refreshing. "

"Daddy wants to see the beautiful scenery at the bottom of the mountain, so just fly down a little bit, why stand on the viewing platform and wait."

Ying Duo was speechless for a moment.

He didn't like this sea of ​​clouds much before, only Su Mengwan liked the magnificence of this sea of ​​clouds, not only the corresponding rays of light, but also the romance of the overwhelmingly cold heights, the dark willows and bright flowers that push through the clouds and mist.

So, when Ying Hui asked, he casually said Su Mengwan's remarks.

Ying Hui's childish words at this moment made him suddenly wake up. He was already a foundation-building monk, and the world had already been allowed to roam. If you want to see the beautiful scenery below the mountain, why wait for the breeze to blow away the clouds occasionally, and just fly down to see it. .

If you want to see the rays of the sun, fly to the sky, no matter it is cloudy or rainy, passing through the clouds, it will be as brilliant as it is, why wait for the sky to clear up.

Has he been so tired of being with his beloved wife for so long that he even forgot that he is a foundation cultivator?

Ying Duo suppressed the strangeness in his heart, forced a smile and said, "Ah Hui is free to come here today, is he looking for daddy for something?"

Ying Hui felt a little embarrassed, and said coquettishly, "Can't Ah Hui play with daddy if he's fine?"

"Of course it is possible. It's just that we, Ah Hui, have always worked hard and are more successful than Daddy, so Daddy asked this question."

Ying Duo coaxed them patiently, and the laughing and laughing after the question and answer made the two get closer.

Ying Duo pulled Yinghui to sit down together, and even called a gust of breeze, blowing away the sea of ​​clouds, brushing Yinghui's hair that was blown by the wind, and said softly: "Your cousin comes back to live, you don't care about it." Don't be sad, you and Huahua are the most important thing in Dad's and your mother's hearts.

Your mother is soft-hearted, Lian'er's practice has indeed been delayed because of your disappearance..."

Speaking of this, Ying Duo was even more speechless. When Yinghui came back, he also damaged his essence and blood. It is said that he had damaged his blood once before.

In the past few years, Bai Lian'er has frequently damaged her essence and blood, which does have an impact on her cultivation, but it's not like she hasn't made any progress in three years.

She also has a six-inch spiritual root, her aptitude is fair, and he and Su Mengwan devoted all her efforts to nurturing her, so if she puts in a little bit of effort, she won't be at the level of qi training.

Ying Duo couldn't even remember the last time Bai Lian'er practiced, or, had she practiced in the past three years?

Thinking about it, Ying Duo thought of himself, how long has it been since he practiced well?
His aptitude is not as good as Yinghui, but he is also a six-inch-nine middle and upper spiritual root, and the golden core can be expected, and it is not impossible to go further.

But these years, especially after he officially got married with Meng Wan, his cultivation has not improved a bit.

He even once thought that Mengwan only has a lifespan of one hundred years old, and his lifespan is three hundred years old, which is far more than his beloved wife. If he can't let his beloved wife build a foundation and stay with him, he won't be able to live alone. What's the meaning.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that these years have become more and more slack.

But now, because of Bai Lian'er, although he still loves his wife, he is not as obsessed as before.

Could it be that he really gave up on forming the alchemy and giving up on the Dao?I spent the rest of my life arguing with my wife over which yard a niece lived in. After my wife had lived for a hundred years, he would be left alone, wasting the years.

Is he really willing to live like this forever?

Ying Duo hesitated.

In other words, since Ying Duo avoided Su Mengwan with an excuse and came to the viewing platform alone, he has already started to regret it.

"Dad, don't worry. I know in my heart that mother needs someone to accompany me. My nature, father, has also seen it. My whole heart is only cultivation. With my cousin around, even if there is someone to love me, mother will not be alone."

Ying Hui didn't know the turmoil in Ying Duo's heart, so he replied very understandingly.

Ying Duo forced a smile, "You are a good boy, father is not as good as you, and I am even more sorry for you."

"If Daddy feels sorry for me, why don't you do me a favor?"

Ying Duo was really amused this time, and patted the back of her head lightly, "Didn't you just say you're fine?"

Ying Hui just smiled, playful and cute.

"Say it, Dad will help you."

Without any preconditions, Ying Duo made a promise without even listening to anything, which made Yinghui a little sad, and only asked some questions if he was losing money.

Ying Duo, on the other hand, felt even more guilty after hearing that Yinghui asked about the baptism pool. These days, he got into these trifles and quarrels, and even ignored such a major issue. .

(End of this chapter)

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