Chapter 163

"Okay, okay, okay, the escape technique is good, with such a strong escape technique, it will not be a problem for my son to survive in the future.

My son Tianzi is really outstanding, not only has good aptitude, but also has excellent understanding. Dad doesn't have to worry about you.

Just remember, you are still young and your cultivation base is still low, so you must not be brave and ruthless, keep the green hills, don’t be afraid of running out of firewood, and don’t worry about temporary wins and losses, who can go for a long time , live in the long run, that is the real winner. "

Ying Hui nodded again and again, Ying Duo's teaching was heart-to-heart, Ying Hui was grateful, Ying Duo also wanted to get close to Ying Duo from the bottom of his heart.

Even thinking of his plan with Ying Shu, he felt a little ashamed.

If they really did that, it would be a kind of harm to Ying Duo, and it would be fine if they had no feelings, she would use it without any psychological burden.

But she could feel that Ying Duo loved her sincerely, and she still went according to the original plan, so she felt a little sorry.

Ying Duo didn't know what she was thinking, and continued:
"I'm going to attend the spiritual baptism the day after tomorrow. You take both of these two storage bags. One of them contains some things that I prepared for you for the spiritual baptism. I will record how to use them in the jade slip. Yes, you go back and get acquainted with it slowly.

The other storage bag is the things sent by people from the family these days. They are all asking for your help. Dad has copied them for you. If the character is not good enough, the aptitude is too dull, or it is sloppy, I directly rejected it.

Those who have collected things are worth using, you can see if you want to help, if you find it troublesome, father will help you find a reason to return these things.

Anyway, you don't have to worry about it.

However, father thought that the road of cultivation would be very costly, and when people are always useful, it would be useful to make some contacts, which is better than cramming temporarily. "

Ying Duo was afraid that Ying Hui would blame him for making troubles for her, so he broke up and explained to her the pros and cons of it.

Ying Hui is such a person who doesn't know good and bad, he immediately took away two storage bags, being coquettish and sycophant, Kua Yingduo is thoughtful.

This is the first time for Ying Duo to experience the sense of accomplishment in raising a child.

He used to love Wu and Wu, and he was very kind to Bai Lian'er, and he tried to persuade her to focus more on cultivation.

As a result, Bai Lian'er immediately shed tears, saying that she was deficient in essence and blood, how could she cultivate if she didn't maintain her body well?

As a result, he was blamed by his wife.

After that, he didn't care much.

Even he himself has already put the matter of cultivation to the end, so how can he be qualified to judge others.

Ying Duo shook his head, retracted his emotion, and said: "In the purple bamboo forest, not every purple bamboo will bear bamboo fruit.

Even if the bamboo fruit is produced, the bamboo fruit is very small and hidden between the leaves, and the color is either purple or green, and the stems of the purple bamboo are all purple, and the leaves are tender green, so the bamboo fruit is even more difficult to find .

The purple bamboos in the purple bamboo forest cover the sky and the sun, and are also covered by the thick purple mist produced by the purple bamboos. Almost all the bamboos grow on the tops of the purple bamboos. With your current cultivation level, it is impossible to release the divine sense that is so far away, and even if The distance of spiritual consciousness is enough, and it can't last long. If you want to find one by one among the many purple bamboos with the naked eye, only if you are lucky enough can you find one before the opening of the spirit washing pool.

The purple bamboos that can bear fruit must be more than a hundred years old, and most of the purple bamboos in the purple bamboo forest can satisfy this point.

The key lies in the second point, the bamboo fruit can only be produced if the yew bamboo nong butterfly inhabits. "

"Why is this?"

"Because if the purple bamboo wants to produce bamboo fruit, it needs the purple bamboo sand expelled by the purple bamboo nong butterfly as a guide, so that it can bloom bamboo flowers, and thus may bear bamboo fruit.

Therefore, if you want to find the bamboo, the easiest way is to look for the Zishan bamboo Nongdie. As long as you find the Zishan bamboo Nongdie, there is a high probability that you will find the bamboo.

Because Zishanzhu Nongdie is also purple and green in color, there is a kind of scale powder on the wings, which can innately insulate spiritual detection, it seems that it is more difficult to find than bamboo, but Zishan Zhunongdie It has a special honey fragrance on its body, no matter how far away it is, it can be found by the red-tailed wasp, so when the time comes, you only need to follow the red-tailed wasp to find the Zishan Nongzhu butterfly, as long as you find it, Nine out of ten times you will be able to find bamboo. "

As he said that, he pointed to the spirit animal bag on the table, and said to Yinghui: "Time is a little tight, dad is a little late, daddy only got one red-tailed hornet, and it was bought from someone else. You make do with it.

If there is no accident with this one, it should be no problem to persist until the baptism begins. "

"The purple-haired bamboo butterfly is the key to the condensation of bamboo. Unless it is a last resort, don't hurt them. You must restrain the red-tailed wasp. If you find a purple-haired bamboo butterfly, give it a drop of spiritual honey as a reward. Do not change your mind.

Otherwise, at least one will be disqualified for spiritual baptism, and at worst one will be imprisoned in the sea of ​​repentance.

Also, the Purple Bamboo Forest is not without danger, on the contrary, it is full of dangers..."

The two chatted for a long time, and Ying Duo told him everything he could think of about washing the spirit, and then urged Ying Hui to go back and make preparations.

Bai Lian'er and Su Mengwan waited in the living room stretching their necks for a long time, when the maid came and said they had already left.

Su Mengwan's expression suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Ying Hui retreated for a month, and after leaving the retreat, she didn't even say hello to her biological mother.

In his eyes and heart, there is only money and treasures, and he just rushes into her father's study, where is she as a mother?
What Lian Er said was indeed true, this child, A Hui, is too utilitarian, except for the time when she needed Yan Fenglu, how could she have given her any good looks?
It's not that she looks down on her background as a casual cultivator.

Su Mengwan's heart was sad and sad again, her heart was filled with discomfort, she called the maid to chase Ying Hui back, so she could discipline her.

Ying Duo stopped the maid before she left the hospital.

The loving couple immediately had a fierce quarrel.

Bai Lianer finally became a little worried, afraid that Ying Duo would dislike her aunt, and she would not have a good life, so she hurriedly persuaded her to fight.

In the end, during the quarrel between the two, they learned that Ying Duo didn't keep any of the gifts from the branch family, and gave all of them to Yinghui. He almost fainted immediately, and didn't try to persuade Su Mengwan to fight, but only encouraged Su Mengwan to fight hard.

Ying Duo and Su Mengwan broke up unhappy, Ying Duo simply didn't do anything, went directly to the practice room, and only said that he was going to retreat.

Su Mengwan cried all night long, and Bai Lian'er stayed with her all night long. Poor Bai Lian'er only had one level of Qi training, if she couldn't bear it, she would be haggard in a few days, and she also blamed Su Mengwan in her heart .

(End of this chapter)

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