Chapter 164

Bai Lian'er was even more hesitant about the situation at this moment, and couldn't think of what to do in the future. Could it be that she wanted to please others for the rest of her life?
She is not reconciled, what is wrong with her, why should she live such a precarious life?

Bai Lian'er suddenly remembered what Ying Shu had said unintentionally.

"Lian'er, you have such good aptitude and such good looks. To put it mildly, you are several times stronger than Madam. Haven't you thought about your life?
If you can marry someone who is as affectionate as our master, how can you be like madam and have such an unpleasant fight with the master, you will not be pampered to heaven. "

The speaker seems to have no intention, but the listener remembers it in his heart.

That's right, with such poor qualifications as my aunt, she can marry my uncle, so why can't she!

Bai Lian'er's confusion and hesitation seemed to have finally found a direction.

And Yinghui finally successfully completed the identification of the red-tailed hornet, counting the supplies Ying Duo prepared for her, the gifts given to her by the major branches, and their respective sound transmission symbols.

And in the midst of his busy schedule, he sent Fuxu to send these people one by one his sound transmission talisman, expressing his determination to watch and help everyone.

When everything was ready, the grand event of washing the spirit finally officially began.

"Bai Lian'er's matter, I think I'd better think about it again, I'll deal with it myself, let's forget about our previous plan."

Standing on the flying boat, Yinghui finally had a serious discussion with Yingshu when he was heading to the gathering place.

"What's going on here?"

"I've thought about it for the past few days, Dad is sincerely kind to me, I shouldn't use him.

Moreover, once things go according to the original plan, there will definitely be a rift in the relationship between him and my mother. Although this relationship may drag him down, it is his own business and I should not intervene.

I do it myself, as long as I do it cleanly, who would really trouble me for an outsider? "

Ying Shu was silent for a while, "Since you have already made up your mind, then the previous plan is over, and you don't have to do it yourself. I have had such a long relationship with Bai Lian'er, so it would be a pity not to use it. When the washing is over, I'll just create an accident for her."

Yinghui nodded in agreement, she turned back and said indecisively, she thought that Yingshu would laugh at herself, but who would have thought that Yingshu would just make a new plan without complaining, and she was very grateful.

"It's about close relatives. Unless you cut off love and love, there are a few who can do it neatly."

Ying Shu comforted him, telling Ying Hui not to take it to heart.

During the conversation between the two, the meeting place has arrived.

Four to five hundred scattered people stood on the Hongqiao, whispering to each other, looking up, or running around, forming small groups with people they knew well.

Like Ying Ning, there are already many people around at this moment, even Ying Lu's side, there are also a few people following.

The few people around Ying Lu include those from the main family and those from the branch family.

They are not the only direct descendants who can live in the main house, there are also a large number of ordinary Ying family members.

If a child born in the head of the Ying family does not have any spiritual root aptitude, after reaching adulthood, or when he is just born, he will be sent to the family land of the Ying family to house mortals.

If Ling has spiritual root aptitude but cannot be incorporated into the direct branch, the monthly share will be greatly reduced after reaching adulthood. I can only rely on myself to get some errands and earn some spiritual stones for my family's cultivation event.

For example, there are some errands sent abroad, the income is rich, but it takes a long time, and they need to be stationed abroad for many years. Slowly, they can multiply and thrive in the local area, or they can make a little foundation by themselves, start a family and start a business, and form a family. A small family, this is the origin of the separation.

Of course, in addition to these options, you can also eat at home, and all the expenses for cultivation can be asked for by your parents and elders.

As soon as Yinghui landed on the Hongqiao, he was noticed by several people who had been paying attention, and quickly moved towards Yinghui.

Besides Ying Huaizhen whom Ying Hui had met, there were five other people.

The oldest one is a young man, estimated to be almost fifteen years old, but his cultivation is only at the third level of Qi training. Obviously his aptitude is not very good, and he also looks like a tall and simple-minded man.

Ying Hui recalled what Ying Shu had described to her, and immediately matched the name of this person. This person came from the same family as Ying Huaizhen, and was Ying Huaizhen's first cousin, named Ying Huaicheng.

The youngest one is a little girl, only five or six years old, it seems that she has just started to practice, she has already entered the first level of Qi training, her cultivation base is solid, and she looks like she will break through soon.

This little girl is very clever at first glance. I heard that her spiritual root is six inches seven, and she was almost able to enter the master's house and be incorporated into the direct branch. The standard of the direct branch is a pity and a pity.

The little girl's name is Ying Zhouyu, and Zhou Yushan's Ying family has not produced a spiritual root of more than four inches for many years. She is the only one in the family who meets the requirements, and she is exceptionally outstanding. He couldn't make ends meet, but he still sent a large number of expensive gifts, asking Yinghui to take good care of this little girl.

With Ying Zhouyu's aptitude, if she can awaken her spirit body, she will definitely be included in the direct branch, which will completely change the fate of her and the entire Ying family of Zhou Yushan.

The other three people, one eight-year-old and two seven-year-old, are all at the second level of Qi training with one level of water.

It's no wonder that if you are really old and have a high level of cultivation, if you want to find a bamboo fruit in the Purple Bamboo Forest within three days, although it is a bit difficult, it is not hopeless, and there is really no need to ask for help.

Only these little guys, the family members can't help but worry, will be willing to give up money.

The exception of Ying Huaicheng is probably because of Ying Huaizhen's buy one get one free, or it may be that he is really too naive.

Ying Hui greeted them one by one, and asked them to follow him closely after entering the purple bamboo forest. After a few words of explanation, the Patriarch appeared and floated down on the Hongqiao.

The head of the Ying family, Ying Pei, is 480 years old. At the early stage of Jindan, because his lifespan is over half, he has a long beard, and he looks more solemn and mature.

The position of the Patriarch is to take on the responsibility of guarding the entire Patriarch Ying's family. The task is arduous and there are more chores. Therefore, the person who is the Patriarch must not be someone who is outstanding in appearance and has the hope of being promoted to Nascent Soul.

The family will never allow the children of the family with a bright future to be troubled by these mundane affairs and waste their precious time.

Of course, the head of the family must come from the direct branch, so the worst is the six-inch spiritual root.

In addition to these requirements, if you want to be the head of the family, you must have a cultivation level above Jindan, otherwise, it would be embarrassing to say that the head of the family does not even have a Jindan cultivation base.

(End of this chapter)

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