This fairy has some tea

Chapter 165 Death of the Red-tailed Hornet

Chapter 165 Death of the Red-tailed Hornet
In the end, you have to live more than half of your lifespan, have no hope of advancing, have given up cultivation, have a lot of time to deal with family affairs, and have no heirs. The greatest possibility is to ensure impartiality and good character. After many inspections by all the elders of the family, you can choose Certainly.

In short, in Yinghui's view.The position of head of the family is really not a good job.

As for the head of the clan, it needs to be held by the elders of the Taishang, the great monks of the Yuan Dynasty, and they do not need to participate in the management of specific affairs in the clan on weekdays. Only the head of the family can not decide, or someone has an opinion on the head of the family, causing conflicts, or the head of the family is divided. The patriarch will come forward to mediate the major events involved.

The patriarch's job is quite good. If you have money and power, you don't need to work hard. Unfortunately, if you don't have the strength, no one can do it. If you really have the cultivation base of the Yuan Dynasty, even if you don't have the position of patriarch, in the family, it is the same. There are a few who dare to object.

The patriarch didn't talk nonsense at length, after the Hongqiao fell, he explained the details of the spirit washing, and also talked about the dangers that Zizhu Forest might encounter, so that those children who didn't have elders in their families who had participated in the spirit washing immediately felt relieved. The previous confusion was gone.

Then, the Hongqiao quickly crossed over Ying's house, bringing the group of people to a mountain depression.

The Hongqiao disappeared under the feet of everyone, and the mountain depression in front of them was covered by a thick purple mist, making it hard to see clearly.

And just as everyone landed, in the sky in the other three directions of the col, three people suddenly appeared standing out of thin air,

It is the three elders of the Taishang clan in the clan.One of them is Ying Zhuo, the great-uncle who gave Yinghui Linglong's Illusory Heart Chessboard.

After the three elders of the Taishang clan appeared, the head of the family also rose out of thin air. The four of them looked at each other and threw out a bright yellow flag one after another. It's so hanging that the person taking the photo can't open their eyes.

And in the dazzling yellow light, the four small flags spun rapidly, and the light became brighter and brighter.

A faint tremor came from under their feet, and everyone realized that a hole had been opened in the misty purple bamboo forest in front of them at some point.


The Patriarch let out a loud shout, and a group of people rushed into the purple bamboo forest quickly.

As the direct branch of the main family, Ying Hui was the first to come in with a few followers.

Inside the purple bamboo forest, there is a light purple mist, as far as the eyes can see, it is only five feet away, and further away, there are hazy shadows, as if some evil beasts will suddenly rush out of the thick fog, making a few young people Unconsciously, he moved closer to Yinghui.

And in this square inch of land as far as their eyes can see, there are high and low purple bamboos, so dense that it is even impossible to get down.

Ying Hui glanced at Ying Huaicheng's large physique, and immediately assigned him the task of clearing the way.

As for Ying Huaizhen, she left her at the end and became the queen.

Keep a few small ones in the middle.

As for Yinghui, he followed closely beside Ying Huaicheng, watching his surroundings vigilantly.

The purple bamboos in the periphery are obviously thinner, and the possibility of bearing bamboo fruit is too low, so a team of people chose a direction and went all the way in.

Apart from the slightly weirder color and stronger shielding of the line of sight, the purple mist is not harmful to the body, so it doesn't need special protection.

Ying Huaicheng held a big machete in one hand, when he encountered a place where he couldn't walk, he slashed at the tiny purple bamboo.

Where the purple bamboo was broken, lavender bamboo sap overflowed, Ying Hui saw it, and quickly put it into the storage bag.

Then, he said to everyone: "Stop here for a moment, let me check if there is any bamboo fruit nearby. Although this purple bamboo liquid is not as strong and pure as the bamboo fruit, it is still a rare good thing. There will be time here. You can Cut down a few purple bamboos and collect some.

But the purple bamboo liquid is extremely delicious to the purple bamboo insects and bamboo snakes. When you see the purple bamboo liquid, you must put it away immediately to avoid attracting these things.

Huai Zhen Huai Cheng, you two have higher levels of cultivation and are older, please watch them for me. "

Seeing the two nodding, Ying Hui opened the spirit beast bag and released the red-tailed hornet.

I saw the red-tailed wasp hovering in front of Ying Hui for a long time, as if trying to determine the direction.

Then, just when Yinghui was about to give up taking the red-tailed hornet back, the hornet suddenly became excited and flew towards one direction.

Ying Hui's heart moved, and he controlled the red-tailed hornet to be calm and let everyone follow quickly.

The little ones were quite obedient, and they were not greedy to stay, especially Ying Zhouyu, a purple bamboo tree in her hand would be cut down by her two times, but when she heard Ying Hui's words, she stopped her hand almost immediately, Like Yinghui moving closer, Yinghui couldn't help but nod secretly.

After gathering everyone, let go of the control on the red-tailed hornet, and it immediately rushed out impatiently.

Everyone hurriedly followed behind, running and stopping after the red-tailed hornet.

In addition to being distracted by sensing the red-tailed wasps, Yinghui also needs to pay attention to whether there are any sneak attacks by snakes and insects. Not only that, she is also carefully distinguishing the smell in this direction, and how it is different from other directions.

Originally, all she smelled was the earthy smell of soil, the bamboo fragrance of purple bamboo, the excrement of snakes, insects, rats and ants, and the various smells carried by them, but she didn't find any difference in the smells coming from all directions.

But following the direction chosen by the red-tailed hornet, Ying Hui realized that among the various smells coming from this direction, there was indeed a hint of sweetness mixed in.

Moreover, this trace of sweetness became more and more obvious as they kept approaching.

This smell is completely different from other smells, if you pay attention, even if it is faint, it is relatively easy to detect.

Of course, this is only for Yinghui, other people didn't notice any difference.

By virtue of his taste, Yinghui had almost locked on the specific location of the purple-haired bamboo nongdie, so he wanted to recall the red-tailed hornet.

Unexpectedly, the red-tailed wasp, which has always been quite normal, suddenly lost control, completely disregarding the orders of its master, Yinghui, and flew out with a sharp end, and its target was the purple-haired bamboo butterfly.

Yinghui Meifeng frowned slightly, Dang even released a green aura, trying to trap the red-tailed hornet that suddenly went mad.

Unexpectedly, this action seems to have enraged the red-tailed wasp, it suddenly launched a attack, and even wanted to fight Yinghuiyu to the death.

I saw that it shot its three tail thorns at its owner without reservation.

Ying Hui casually summoned a small shield to block the three tail thorns.

Although no one was injured, the red-tailed hornet could not survive without its stinger.

Everyone behind him was silent, and they also roughly knew the role of the red-tailed hornet, and they all looked pale at the moment.

Without the red-tailed wasp, how would they find bamboo fruit?

Their family used all their strength to shelter them in Yinghui so that they could go to the Spirit Washing Pool and change their lives against the sky.

But now, what should I do?

(End of this chapter)

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